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Late Albian (Early Cretaceous) ammonites from the Provincial Formation of central Cuba
Authors:Ricardo Barragá  n,Reinaldo Rojas-ConsuegraOttilia Szives
Affiliation:a Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Departamento de Paleontología, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 04510, México, D.F., Mexico
b Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Obispo 61, Plaza de Armas, Habana Vieja, CP 10100, C. Habana, Cuba
c Department of Paleontology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest 1431 Pf. 137, Hungary
Abstract:A late Albian ammonite assemblage from the Provincial Formation of Villa Clara Province, Cuba is described. The Provincial Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of Albian-Cenomanian age extensively exposed in central Cuba and formed within a part of the Caribbean Tethys that was volcanic during the Cretaceous. The formation is mainly composed of calcareous, terrigenous marine, and volcano-sedimentary deposits characterized by a series of micritic limestones intercalated with marls, sandstones, calcareous conglomerates, ash, and tuffaceous material. A rich assemblage of ammonites recovered from the calcareous biomicrites and marls is of late Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar Zone, Mortoniceras rostratum Subzone) age. The ammonite fauna shows a strong Tethyan affinity, and only a single hoplitid ammonite species was recorded. Although scarce, the first Cuban report of this and other boreal ammonite species now allows precise correlations to be made between Cuba and Albian sediments elsewhere in the world.
Keywords:Early Cretaceous   Late Albian   Ammonites   Cuba   Stratigraphy   Tethys
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