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Study on the Electrical Conductivity of 0.025 mol NaCl Solution at 0.25-3.75 GPa and 20-370℃
作者姓名:Zheng Haifei  Xie Hongsen  Xu Yousheng  Song Maoshuang  Guo Jie and Zhang Yueming Earth''s Interior Material Laboratory  Institute of Geochemistry  Chinese Academy of Sciences  Guiyang  Guizhou
作者单位:Zheng Haifei;Xie Hongsen;Xu Yousheng;Song Maoshuang;Guo Jie and Zhang Yueming Earth's Interior Material Laboratory,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou
基金项目:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.49573192 and 49603049)
摘    要:The electrical conductance of 0.025 mol NaCl solution was measured at0.25-3.75 GPa and 20-370℃. As shown by the results, the conductance increases with temper-ature, and there is a liner relation between the reciprocal of temperature and the logarithm ofthe conductance but their slopes are different at different pressures. The relations between theconductance and pressure is rather complex and there are some discontinuities: in the range of2.25-3.75 GPa, the conductance increases with the pressure; in the range of 1.25-2.0 GPa, theconductance is not related to the pressure; and at a pressure of 0.75 GPa, the conductance ishigher than that at the pressures nearby. This reflects that the NaCl solution has rather differentproperties of electronic chemistry at various pressures, and probably is an important cause forthe existence of the layers with high electrical conductance and low velocity in the Earth's crustand mantle.

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