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We have examined wind-induced circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk using a barotropic model that contains realistic topography with a resolution of 9.25 km. The monthly wind stress field calculated from daily European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Re-Analysis data is used as the forcing, and the integration is carried out for 20 days until the circulation attains an almost steady state. In the case of November (a representative for the winter season from October to March), southward currents of velocity 0.1–0.3 m s−1 occur along the bottom contours off the east of Sakhalin Island. The currents are mostly confined to the shelf (shallower than 200 m) and extend as far south as the Hokkaido coast. In the July case (a representative for the summer season from April to September), significant currents do not occur, even in the shallow shelves. The simulated southward current over the east Sakhalin shelf appears to correspond to the near-shore branch of the East Sakhalin Current (ESC), which was observed with the surface drifters. These seasonal variations simulated in our experiments are consistent with the observations of the ESC. Dynamically, the simulated ESC is interpreted as the arrested topographic wave (ATW), which is the coastally trapped flow driven by steady alongshore wind stress. The volume transport of the simulated ESC over the shelf reaches about 1.0 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3s−1) in the winter season, which is determined by the integrated onshore Ekman transport in the direction from which shelf waves propagate. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
东海海底地形分区特征和成因研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
东海一直以其特殊的大地构造地位受到国内外地学界的关注,但作为主要受构造控制的东海海底地形的研究,以往简单趋势性描述居多,专门深入系统的研究尚不多见。不久前完成的高精度、全覆盖多波束海底地形勘测覆盖了东海部分外陆架、大陆坡全部、冲绳海槽和东部岛坡的一部分,取得了海量的测深数据。据此编绘的勘测多波束水深图和结合测区外的传统资料编绘的海底地形图使我们有机会可以重新审视和系统研究东海的海底地形特征。在定量确定了陆架坡折线、陆坡坡脚线和东部槽坡坡脚线的基础上划分出了大陆架、大陆坡、冲绳海槽平原和东部岛坡4大地形区,继之对各区的海底地形特征进行了研究和描述,并在区内选取了有代表性的5条剖面进行了剖析。另外,从地球内营力和外营力两方面分析了影响东海海底地形发育的因素。调查分析表明:整个东海地形分带明显,地形类型多样:大陆架十分宽阔,总体北宽南窄,从大陆向海平缓倾斜,发育了广泛的NW-SE向沙脊群,自大陆向东南呈扇形发散;大陆坡呈NE-SW向条带展布,海底地形陡峻,呈阶梯状下掉,总体北缓南陡,其上峡谷密布,上穿切外陆架,下直达海槽,同时坡麓上海台沟谷伴生发育;冲绳海槽北浅南深,其内在平坦的背景上发育了众多的海山和海丘,其中心又有槽中槽地形;东槽坡地形复杂,发育了  相似文献   
我国西部部分地区1∶5万地形图数据尚未完成,给区域和国家经济发展带来极大不便。空间技术、计算机技术和信息技术的高速发展为遥感技术应用提供了技术支持,高分辨率影像获取能力的提高为大比例尺地物特征的提取提供了数据可能。本文采用SPOT5遥感影像,以1∶5万地形图图式标准为依据,进行青藏高原其香错地区地物判读,结果表明SPOT5能基本满足1∶5万地形图制图要求。为进一步提高判读结果,可采用多时相、多分辨率影像进行1∶5万地形图地物判读。  相似文献   
To improve the simulating ability of a model,this paper presents a scheme of calculating direct radiation at land surface with topography in the model.A numerical study is conducted for the topographic effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the direct radiation using NCEP terrain data.Results show that,after taking account into the topographic radiation effect,the regional average of the radiation over the Plateau obviously increases in the local early morning and late afternoon,but changes less around noon.The effect is stronger in winter than that in summer.And heterogeneous topography has also affected the distribution of the radiation in this area.A simple numerical experiment shows that considering the effect will lead ground temperature to increase on the slope having more sunshine,and vice versa.  相似文献   
GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生的地形分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
草地蝗虫发生的地形分析是建立草地蝗虫发生预报模型的基础,以青海湖地区为实验区,在Arc/Info和ArcView地理信息系统的支持下,进行草地蝗虫发生与各地形变量(包括海拔高度、坡度与坡向)的叠置分析,提取草地蝗虫发生的地形信息数据库,然后,分别采用T-检验(对连续变量-海拔高度和坡度)和卡方(Chisquare)检验(对类变量-坡向类型)进行各地形变量对草地蝗虫发生的差异显著性检验,结果表明,海拔高度和坡度对草地蝗虫发生的影响极为显著(显著性水平p=0.000),而坡向地草地蝗虫发生的影响不是特别明显(显著性水平p=0.039)。  相似文献   
云南省金沙江流域土壤流失方程研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
云南金沙江流域是长江中上游水土流失最严重的区域。本项研究以“通用土壤流失方程”(USLE)为蓝本,运用小区实验等手段,综合分析了各个侵蚀因子,建立了云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程A=R·K·LS·c·P,并确定了方程中诸因子的求算方法和数值,以及该流域土壤允许流失量,为方程的应用提供了基本的技术数据。同时,还进行了方程的检验,方程计算值与小区实测值的相对误差在6.3%以下,表明该方程在实际应用中是可靠的。该方程的建立,可为云南金沙江流域预测预报土壤侵蚀,制定土地合理利用规划方案、水土保持措施和土地生态安全格局提供了一套可靠的科学方法和依据。  相似文献   
With the development of computer graphics, the three-dimensional (3D) visualization brings new technological revolution to the traditional cartography. Therefore, the topographic 3D-map emerges to adapt to this technological revolution, and the applications of topographic 3D-map are spread rapidly to other relevant fields due to its incomparable advantage. The researches on digital map and the construction of map database offer strong technical support and abundant data source for this new technology, so the research and development of topographic 3D-map will receive greater concern. The basic data of the topographic 3D-map are rooted mainly in digital map and its basic model is derived from digital elevation model (DEM) and 3D-models of other DEM-based geographic features. In view of the potential enormous data and the complexity of geographic features, the dynamic representation of geographic information becomes the focus of the research of topographic 3D-map and also the prerequisite condition of 3D query and analysis. In addition to the equipment of hardware that are restraining, to a certain extent, the 3D representation, the data organization structure of geographic information will be the core problem of research on 3D-map. Level of detail (LOD). space partitioning, dynamic object loading (DOL) and object culling are core technologies of the dynamic 3D representation. The objectselection, attribute-query and model-editing are important functions and interaction tools for users with 3D-maps provided by topographic 3D-map system, all of which are based on the data structure of the 3D-model. This paper discusses the basic theories, concepts and cardinal principles of topographic 3I)-map,expounds the basic way to organize the scene hierarchy of topographic 3D-map based on the node mechanism and studies the dynamic representation technologies of topographic 3D-map based on LOD, space partitioning, DOL and object culling. Moreover. such interactive operation functions are explored, in this paper, as spatial query, scene editing and management of topographic 3D-map. Finally, this paper describes briefly the applications of topographic 3D-map in its related fields.  相似文献   
Denudation mechanisms differ fundamentally between limestone and silicate rock types, which are subject to very different rate thresholds and enhancers/inhibitors. Silicates are removed largely by erosion, the mechanical entrainment and transport of particles. This is a relatively high energy, and highly episodic, process which occurs only when a minimum threshold ?ow velocity is exceeded; it is inhibited by vegetation cover and favoured by strongly seasonal runoff. Limestone is removed largely by chemical dissolution at a rate directly proportional to runoff. Dissolution is a relatively low energy process that can occur at any ?ow velocity or in static water; in general it is enhanced by vegetation cover and non‐seasonality of runoff. These contrasting factors in the denudation of silicates versus limestone can produce strikingly uneven rates of surface lowering across a landscape, sometimes akin to the well known ‘tortoise and hare race’, where the slow and steady denudation of limestones may in the long term exceed the sometimes rapid, but often localized and episodic, erosion of silicates. Prolonged exposure of limestone to a humid temperate climate in a tectonically stable environment produces low‐relief corrosion plains in which limestone uplands are anomalous and, in most instances, due to recent unroo?ng from beneath a siliciclastic cover. In a highly seasonal or semi‐arid climate almost the exact inverse may develop, with ‘?ashy’ runoff and sparse vegetation favouring erosion rather than dissolution. Even under a constant humid climate progressive unroo?ng of a thick limestone unit within folded siliciclastics may lead to a topographic inversion over time, with the limestone outcrop always forming a topographic low ?anked by siliciclastic uplands. Valleys will be initiated on anticlinal crests, where the limestone is ?rst unroofed, but progressive lowering of the limestone causes these valleys to migrate to their ?nal position in the synclinal troughs. In humid climates isostatic compensation in response to slow, but continuous, denudation of extensive limestone outcrops may be a signi?cant factor in the development of relief on adjacent, more slowly eroding, silicate outcrops. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
常州市数字化测绘工程及GIS建库概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字化地形图和地籍图是城市规划、建设和管理及国土资源管理的重要基础资料.也是开展数字城市和信息化建设的最基础平台。通过对系统总体结构的设计和应用成果介绍,分析了目前基础地理数据生产、管理和应用的现状,介绍了基于GIS的常州市数字化地形图、地籍图测绘工程总体目标及基础地理信息系统总体设计.并概述了整个数字化测绘工程的实施过程和特点。  相似文献   
2015年3月"海马"号遥控无人潜水器(ROV)在南海北部陆坡西部海域首次发现活动冷泉,并命名为"海马"冷泉,此后中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局先后组织了3个航次,对"海马"冷泉开展进一步勘查和研究。本次研究在综合分析4个航次调查数据的基础上,初步阐述"海马"冷泉的分布范围、地形地貌、生物群落、自生碳酸盐岩和流体活动等特征。总体而言,"海马"冷泉区地势平缓,气体渗漏现象非常发育,是以CH4为主要气体渗漏形成的活动冷泉区,且气体渗漏活动具有时空迁移性。气体碳同位素组成表明,海马冷泉区的CH4为混合成因气,且以微生物成因为主;"海马"冷泉区发育有多种类型的化能自养冷泉生物群落,冷泉区种类丰富,目前已报道了多个冷泉生物新种。这些发现为研究南海北部陆坡西部海域天然气水合物分解及其环境效应、冷泉生物生命起源与演化和南海与印度洋及太平洋物种迁移贯通等科学问题提供重要依据。  相似文献   
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