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An Antarctic sea ice identification algorithm on the HY-2A scatterometer(HSCAT) employs backscattering coefficient(σ0) and active polarization ratio(APR) for a preliminary sea ice identification.Then standard deviation(STD) filtering and space filtering are carried out.Finally,it is used to identify sea ice.A process uses a σ0,STD threshold and an APR as sea ice indicators.The sea ice identification results are verified using the sea ice distribution data of the ASMR2 released by the National Snow and Ice Data Center as a reference.The results show very good consistence of sea ice development trends,seasonal changes,area distribution,and sea ice edge distribution of the sea ice identification results obtained by this algorithm relative to the ASMR2 sea ice results.The accuracy of a sea ice coverage is 90.8% versus the ASMR2 sea ice results.This indicates that this algorithm is reliable.  相似文献   
Radar altimetry provides an important geophysical parameter, backscatter coefficient (σ0), which is useful in studying target surface characteristics. Ku-band (Oceansat-2 scatterometer- OSCAT) and Ka-band (SARAL-AltiKa altimeter) data are concurrently used to characterize polar surface features over the Antarctic region. Maximum-likelihood classification has been employed to classify combined data set (AltiKa and OSCAT) for discrimination among sea ice, open water, and ice sheet (interior and exterior). The sea ice region obtained using the current approach has been compared with sea ice boundary derived from passive microwave data.  相似文献   
利用多源卫星散射计和辐射计构建高时间分辨率的海面风遥感数据集是当前海洋遥感研究的热点。本文针对2019年同时期在轨运行的卫星散射计和辐射计,利用浮标数据和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)第五代大气再分析数据(ERA5),定量评估了不同传感器获取的海面风速数据的误差特性和标定系数,阐明不同卫星遥感海面风单位误差相对大小,为多源卫星海面风场融合、同化等定量应用提供技术支撑。与常用的中性参考风相比,微波散射计和辐射计反演的风速更适合用等效应力风解释,以便实现卫星遥感数据的优化应用。现有微波散射计和辐射计遥感的海面风速与浮标和ERA5等效应力风在总体上具有良好的一致性,但在高风速条件下(风速大于20 m/s)呈明显的偏差。本文提出的一种用于风速误差横向对比的指示因子,实现了散射计与辐射计风速相对误差估计,为多源数据同化应用中的误差设置提供重要的参考。结果表明:5种散射计风速固有误差介于0.40~0.73之间,5种微波辐射计的风速固有误差介于0.86~1.23。总体而言,在0~20 m/s风速范围内,散射计的风速精度优于辐射计。  相似文献   
林明森  郑淑卿 《台湾海峡》1996,15(3):243-254
本文给出了一种从SASS测量的后向散射强度手数据中反演出大尺度海洋风场的新方法。计算结果与Peteherych等利用SASS表面风分析的结果比较在风向上是吻合的,在风速上本文所得结果更宇海面赵实风速。上述结果说明本文所采用的多解排除对两波束散射计探测海面风场的反演是成功的。  相似文献   
QuikSCAT卫星散射计矢量风检验及南海月平均风场特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用中国科学院南海海洋研究所2008年建设的,西沙海洋观测研究站上的自动气象站实测数据,对亚太数据研究中心提供的近实时QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料(2008年4月6日—12月31日)进行了检验和统计特征分析,得出:这两者风速的相关系数为0.86,平均偏差为-1.50 m/s,均方根误差为1.71 m/s,表明QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料在南海具有很高的适用性。在此基础上,利用QuikSCAT卫星遥感的月平均风场资料分析了南海月平均风场特征。结果表明:(1)南海季风10月到次年3月盛行东北风,6—8月盛行西南风,4、5、9月为季风转换季节;(2)存在两个平均风速大值中心,一个位于南海南部(10°N,108°E)附近,另一个位于台湾海峡附近,其位置和强度会随着季节变化而变动。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Most of the conventional sea surface wind data are measurements from ships, buoys and islands, with coverage and spatial resolution far below the requirements of research and application. At present, due to limited understanding of physical processes and efficient exploitation of data, numerical prediction models have not been used as they should be, although routine procedures are able to give sea surface wind fields at the intervals of 6 hours. With the development of sp…  相似文献   
The wind system over the China seas plays an important role in climate variation there. In this paper, ERS-2 scatterometer winds covering the period of 1998 and the area of 25-41°N, 117-130°E were analyzed and compared to NCEP winds and buoy winds in the same period and location, to assess how well the ERS-2 data reflect the real wind regime, at least for this area. The results indicated that ERS-2 scatterometer winds are closer to buoy observations than NCEP winds. In addition, a new wind-wave growth relation was applied to calculate wave parameters.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于散射计风场数据的台风定强方法。该方法定义了台风所在海区的一个圆形区域上的风速平均值来对台风进行定强,并使用海洋二号卫星散射计历史数据对该方法进行了验证。验证结果表明,该台风定强方法可以克服散射计反演台风风速过低的问题。与台风强度监测的历史记录比较的结果显示,在台风强度低于"强台风"这一强度等级时,该方法能够有效估算台风强度。  相似文献   
农作物后向散射特性的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多波段极化散射计对中原地区常见的几种农作物(水稻、棉花、玉米、花生)的后向散射特性进行了测量,并从散射系数的测量结果得出了其在不同频率及不同地物参数下的散射特点  相似文献   
The first Chinese microwave ocean environment satellite HY-2A, carrying a Ku-band scatteromenter (SCAT), was successfully launched in August 2011. The first quality assessment of HY-2A SCAT wind products is presented through the comparison of the first 6 months operationally released SCAT products with in situ data. The in situ winds from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoys, R/V Polarstern, Aurora Australis, Roger Revelle and PY30-1 oil platform, were converted to the 10 m equivalent neutral winds. The temporal and spatial differences between the HY-2A SCAT and the in situ observations were limited to less than 5 min and 12.5 km. For HY-2A SCAT wind speed products, the comparison and analysis using the NDBC buoys yield a bias of-0.49 m/s, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.3 m/s and an increase negative bias with increasing wind speed observation above 3 m/s. Although less accurate of HY-2A SCAT wind direction at low winds, the RMSE of 19.19° with a bias of 0.92° is found for wind speeds higher than 3 m/s. These results are found consistent with those from R/Vs and oil platform comparisons. Moreover, the NDBC buoy comparison results also suggest that the accuracy of HY-2A SCAT winds is consistent over the first half year of 2012. The encouraging assessment results over the first 6 months show that wind products from HY-2A SCAT will be useful for scientific community.  相似文献   
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