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Martin W. Doyle   《Geomorphology》2006,77(3-4):235
Whereas certain linkages between stream channel morphology and stream ecology are fairly well-understood, how geomorphology influences trophic interactions remains largely unknown. As a first step, a simple, heuristic model is developed that couples reach-scale geomorphic morphology with trophic dynamics between vegetation, detritus, herbivores, and predators. Predation is assumed to increase with depth beyond a threshold depth, and herbivory is assumed to decrease with velocity beyond a threshold velocity. Results show that the modeled food chain is sensitive to channel geometry, particularly around the threshold conditions for predators and herbivores. Importantly, geomorphic influences are not isolated to a particular trophic level, but rather are transferred through the food chain via top-down and bottom-up effects. The modeled system is particularly sensitive to changes in the end-members of the food chain: vegetation and predators. Results illustrate that geomorphic disturbances, known to affect a single trophic level (e.g., fish), likely impact multiple trophic levels in the stream ecosystem via trophic interactions. Such impacts at the multiple trophic level are poorly understood. While limited by the lack of empirical long-term data for testing and calibration, this simple model provides a structure for generating hypotheses, collecting targeted data, and assessing the potential impacts of stream disturbance or restoration on entire stream ecosystems. Further, the model illustrates the potential for future coupled stream models to explore spatial and temporal linkages.  相似文献   
Two apparently distinct, sub-parallel, paleo-subduction zonescan be recognized along the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:the North Qilian Suture Zone (oceanic-type) with ophioliticmélanges and high-pressure eclogites and blueschistsin the north, and the North Qaidam Belt (continental-type) inthe south, an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane comprisingpelitic and granitic gneisses, eclogites and garnet peridotites.Eclogites from both belts have protoliths broadly similar tomid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or oceanic island basalts (OIB)in composition with overlapping metamorphic ages (480–440Ma, with weighted mean ages of 464 ± 6 Ma for North Qilianand 457 ± 7 Ma for North Qaidam), determined by zirconU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating.Coesite-bearing zircon grains in pelitic gneisses from the NorthQaidam UHP Belt yield a peak metamorphic age of 423 ±6 Ma, 40 Myr younger than the age of eclogite formation, anda retrograde age of 403 ± 9 Ma. These data, combinedwith regional relationships, allow us to infer that these twoparallel belts may represent an evolutionary sequence from oceanicsubduction to continental collision, and continental underthrusting,to final exhumation. The Qilian–Qaidam Craton was probablya fragment of the Rodinia supercontinent with a passive marginand extended oceanic lithosphere in the north, which was subductedbeneath the North China Craton to depths >100 km at c. 423Ma and exhumed at c. 403 Ma (zircon rim ages in pelitic gneiss). KEY WORDS: HP and UHP rocks; subduction belts; zircon SHRIMP ages; Northern Tibetan Plateau  相似文献   
利用频谱解混叠方法实现超分辨率影像重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钦桂勤  耿则勋  徐青 《测绘学报》2003,32(2):143-147
基于信号处理的超分辨率影像重建技术,可以消除由影像系统引起的影像模糊和退化,同时恢复出光学权限外的频谱信息。首先简要介绍了超分辨率影像重建技术的意义和基本过程;并对影像配准与运动模型估计在超分辨率影像重建中的作用给予简要介绍;接着根据连续傅里叶变换(CFT)和离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的频谱混叠关系及CFT位移性质,推导出频谱解混叠的超分辨率影像重建模型;最后采用文献中的运动模型估计方法和本文的重建算法,对几组数据进行实验,获得了空间分辨率提高近1倍的影像。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Umanotani-Shiroyama pegmatite deposits, the largest producer of K-feldspar and quartz in Japan, are of typical granitic pegmatite. Ilmenite-series biotite granite and granite porphyry, hosting the ore deposits, and biotites separated from these rocks yielded K-Ar ages ranging from 89.0 to 81.4 Ma and 95.2 to 93.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovite and K-feldspar separated from the ore zone yielded K-Ar ages with the range of 96.2 to 93.1 Ma and 87.3 to 80.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovites from quartz-muscovite veins in the ore zone and in the granite porphyry yielded K-Ar ages of 90.4 and 76.3 Ma, respectively. K-feldspar is much younger in age than coexisting muscovite. It is noted that the K-Ar ages of biotite separates and the whole-rock ages are identical to those of muscovite and K-feldspar in the ore zone, respectively. These time relations, as well as field occurrence, indicate that the formation of the pegmatite deposits at the Umanotani-Shiroyama mine is closely related in space and time to a series of granitic magmatism of ilmenite-series nature. Using closure temperatures of the K-Ar system for biotite and K-feldspar (microcline), cooling rate of the pegmatite deposits is estimated to be about 82C/m.y. at the beginning, but slowed down to about 15C/m.y. in the later period.  相似文献   
不同类型球粒陨石母体的形成过程,可作为早期太阳星云化学演化的指示剂,它们包含原始球粒陨石中残存的前太阳颗粒,可提供太阳系外恒星演化的信息;原始球粒陨矿物-岩石学特征,可揭示早期太阳星云的凝聚和吸积作用过程;原始球粒陨石主要组分的氧同位素组成,可为了解形成不同类型球粒陨石的初始物质和形成环境提供重要的依据;原始球粒陨石中富钙-铝包体和球粒的形成年龄,可作为早期太阳星云演化的时标;原始球粒陨石的氧化-还原作用特征,可推断不同类型球粒陨石母体在太阳星云内距日心距离等,并进一步探讨早期太阳星云的化学演化。  相似文献   
浅水湖泊水生植被遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浅水湖泊中,水生植物具有净化水质、抑制藻类、提供鱼类食物和栖息环境等生态功能,同时,其过度扩张也会加速湖泊淤浅和沼泽化、引起湖泊二次污染等环境负效应.实时动态地掌握湖泊水生植被类群和种群的空间分布及其面积、生物量等指标信息,对湖泊生态修复和评估、水生植被恢复和管理等具有重要现实意义.遥感技术的大面积、实时、动态等特点...  相似文献   
杨文采 《地质学报》2021,95(1):227-237
大陆动力学研究需要物质随空间和时间的变化的信息。三维密度和地震波速度扰动图像反映岩石圈物质的空间分布,要和大地构造学中的时间尺度信息综合起来,才能恢复动力学作用的过程。本文通过对比不同构造期的构造图和地壳不同深度的地球物理性质图像,研究中国大陆密度以及地震波速度扰动和构造事件的相关度。研究表明,岩石圈地幔的密度和波速扰动和现今板块构造的相关度是高的,说明岩石圈地幔的密度大黏度高,不仅地震波速快得多,物质蠕动的速度也比下地壳慢得多,板块运动产生的变形保存时间比较久。中国大陆中地壳的密度扰动和白垩纪以来的构造事件的相关度是高的,说明中地壳的密度扰动主要反映了白垩纪以来的构造事件。中国大陆上地壳结晶基底的密度扰动和侏罗纪以来的构造事件的相关度是高的,说明上地壳的密度扰动可以反映燕山期的构造事件。对于中国大陆而言,下地壳的波速变化和板块构造没有明显的相关性;不过下地壳深层的密度扰动也反映新构造期的构造事件。其原因可能是因为下地壳的物质黏度比较低,物质蠕动的速度比岩石圈地幔快得多,板块运动产生的变形不容易保存。总之,应用不同深度的密度扰动图像分别推测不同地质时期的地壳构造运动发生的地点和范围是可...  相似文献   
朱江      吕新彪  彭三国    龚银杰    邱啸飞    肖广玲 《地质通报》2015,34(08):1460-1469
通过高精度的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得北山南带小西弓金矿区石英正长斑岩的形成年龄为247.5±2.2Ma,属中三叠世。地球化学分析表明,该岩体为准铝质、钾玄岩系列,主量元素高硅(SiO2=65.8%~66.2%)、富碱(Na2O+K2O=8.99%~9.41%)、低钙(CaO=1.72%~2.19%)、贫镁(MgO=0.63%~0.70%);轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损,弱负Eu异常。大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U、K和Pb富集,同时Ba、Sr、P、Ti和Eu亏损,并具高104?Ga/Al值和高Zr+Nb+Ce+Y含量,表现出A型花岗岩的特征。北山南带三叠纪岩浆活动强烈,高分异I型-A型花岗岩大量发育,暗示区域内三叠纪处于造山后伸展环境。  相似文献   
为探讨清水泉地区堆晶岩成岩时代和区域地质构造,选择沿阿尔金南缘主断裂南侧分布的清水泉堆晶辉长岩开展完成了LA−ICP−MS 锆石定年,对堆晶纯橄岩、辉石岩和辉长岩开展了全岩地球化学研究。堆晶辉长岩年龄为(464.8±1.3)Ma,岩石地球化学结果表明:清水泉堆晶岩主量元素具低TiO2 含量,高Mg# 值的特点。纯橄岩、辉石岩和辉长岩稀土元素配分曲线呈现“平坦型”,与富集型大洋中脊玄武岩(E−MORB)配分一致。综合清水泉堆晶岩地化特征和区域地质构造背景认为:清水泉堆晶岩为同源岩浆分异演化的产物,其形成于伸展的构造背景,表明阿尔金南缘板块碰撞在中奥陶世已基本结束。  相似文献   
吴珍汉  叶培盛  吴中海  赵珍 《地质通报》2014,33(05):595-605
雅拉香波穹隆位于特提斯喜马拉雅构造带东部,出露显生宙不同时期的岩石地层,发育强烈韧性剪切变形和多期岩浆热事件,良好地记录了印度大陆俯冲导致的构造变形和岩浆热历史。对雅拉香波穹隆不同构造部位的花岗质岩石进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得4期构造岩浆事件的高精度测年数据。早期锆石年龄520.4±6.3Ma与536±12Ma指示喜马拉雅地块结晶基底泛非期岩浆侵位时代,晚期锆石年龄揭示新生代碰撞造山不同阶段构造热事件的发生时代。其中,45.6±1.2~44.16±0.88Ma反映印度大陆向北俯冲的起始时代,35.00±0.48Ma对应于始新世晚期增厚地壳深部构造热事件年龄,15.67±0.50Ma指示雅拉香波核部花岗岩侵位及穹隆的形成时代。  相似文献   
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