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Long-range sidescan sonar can be used to map sediment distributions over wide expanses of deep ocean floor. Seven acoustic facies that arise from differing sediment or rock types have been mapped over the low-relief Saharan continental rise and Madeira abyssal plain. These have been calibrated with sampling, profiling and camera studies and the facies can be traced confidently on a regional scale using the sidescan data. The mapping of the sediment distribution shows that a complex interplay of turbidity current and debris flow processes can occur at a continental rise/abysaal plain transition over 1000 km from the nearest continental slope.  相似文献   
3010皮带上 山 建成 后将 担 负着 范各 庄 矿三 水平 、四 水平 的 煤炭 运输 任 务,服务 年 限要 求 至 少 30a。 此 皮 带上山 位于 岩 溶陷 落柱 较 发育 的井 口 区域 ,范 各庄 矿 发现 的 12个 陷落 柱 全部 位于 此 区域 。由 于 陷落 柱直 接 导通 下部 奥 灰水 ,一 旦揭 露 将有 淹没 整 个矿 井的 危 险。为 保 证矿 井安 全 ,在 工程 施工 前 ,利用 地 质手 段对 设 计区 域进 行 了探 查,发现皮 带上 山 的中 上部 发 育有 岩溶 陷 落柱 ,两 次对 设 计进 行了 修 改,为 施 工提 供了 安 全保 障。  相似文献   

Sea-level allowances at 22 tide-gauge sites along the east coast of Canada are determined based on projections of regional sea-level rise for the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) from the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5) and on the statistics of historical tides and storm surges (storm tides). The allowances, which may be used for coastal infrastructure planning, increase with time during the twenty-first century through a combination of mean sea-level rise and the increased uncertainty of future projections with time. The allowances show significant spatial variation, mainly a consequence of strong regionally varying relative sea-level change as a result of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). A methodology is described for replacement of the GIA component of the AR5 projection with global positioning system (GPS) measurements of vertical crustal motion; this significantly decreases allowances in regions where the uncertainty of the GIA models is large. For RCP8.5 with GPS data incorporated and for the 1995–2100 period, the sea-level allowances range from about 0.5?m along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to more than 1?m along the coast of Nova Scotia and southern Newfoundland.  相似文献   
单个粘土体裂缝中水流规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
葛中华  范炳恒 《地质学报》1993,67(2):159-167
通过模型实验,研究粘土体裂缝中的水流规律,提出了临界水位上升速度的概念。水位上升速度大于临界值时,裂缝中水流量增加,反之则减少。裂缝水流量与水位不呈正比关系。指出粘土裂缝中最大水流量要比相同条件下基岩裂缝水流量小30—40倍。随着水流运动的延续,水流量将逐渐变小。在水流作用下,粘土裂缝宽度将变窄3.0—4.0cm,裂缝深度也大幅度变浅到裂缝水深的50%以上。  相似文献   
As sea level is projected to rise throughout the twenty-first century due to climate change, there is a need to ensure that sea level rise (SLR) models accurately and defensibly represent future flood inundation levels to allow for effective coastal zone management. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are integral to SLR modelling, but are subject to error, including in their vertical resolution. Error in DEMs leads to uncertainty in the output of SLR inundation models, which if not considered, may result in poor coastal management decisions. However, DEM error is not usually described in detail by DEM suppliers; commonly only the RMSE is reported. This research explores the impact of stated vertical error in delineating zones of inundation in two locations along the Devon, United Kingdom, coastline (Exe and Otter Estuaries). We explore the consequences of needing to make assumptions about the distribution of error in the absence of detailed error data using a 1 m, publically available composite DEM with a maximum RMSE of 0.15 m, typical of recent LiDAR-derived DEMs. We compare uncertainty using two methods (i) the NOAA inundation uncertainty mapping method which assumes a normal distribution of error and (ii) a hydrologically correct bathtub method where the DEM is uniformly perturbed between the upper and lower bounds of a 95% linear error in 500 Monte Carlo Simulations (HBM+MCS). The NOAA method produced a broader zone of uncertainty (an increase of 134.9% on the HBM+MCS method), which is particularly evident in the flatter topography of the upper estuaries. The HBM+MCS method generates a narrower band of uncertainty for these flatter areas, but very similar extents where shorelines are steeper. The differences in inundation extents produced by the methods relate to a number of underpinning assumptions, and particularly, how the stated RMSE is interpreted and used to represent error in a practical sense. Unlike the NOAA method, the HBM+MCS model is computationally intensive, depending on the areas under consideration and the number of iterations. We therefore used the HBM+ MCS method to derive a regression relationship between elevation and inundation probability for the Exe Estuary. We then apply this to the adjacent Otter Estuary and show that it can defensibly reproduce zones of inundation uncertainty, avoiding the computationally intensive step of the HBM+MCS. The equation-derived zone of uncertainty was 112.1% larger than the HBM+MCS method, compared to the NOAA method which produced an uncertain area 423.9% larger. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and requires value judgements to be made. Their use underscores the need for transparency in assumptions and communications of outputs. We urge DEM publishers to move beyond provision of a generalised RMSE and provide more detailed estimates of spatial error and complete metadata, including locations of ground control points and associated land cover.  相似文献   
本研究基于非平稳序列极值理论,定量分析极端水位事件年超越概率受海平面上升的影响;以工程设计使用年限内极端水位发生概率作为控制条件,构建考虑海平面上升的极值水位计算方法;结合平均海平面的长期变化过程,推算海平面上升下的极值水位。基于全球10个验潮站历史水位观测资料,验证历史平均海平面长期变化与高、低水位耿贝尔分布位置参数变化的一致性以及构建方法的合理性。结合政府间气候变化专门委员会对海平面上升的预测,推算和对比分析不同海平面上升情景下的极值水位,并评估相应极值水位在当前极值分布中的重现期。  相似文献   
以三峡库区凉水井滑坡为研究对象,采用理论分析与数值模拟的研究手段,构建了滑带强度弱化模型,提出了渗流驱动的滑坡启滑判据,应用Geo-studio有限元程序分析了库水不同升降速率对滑坡稳定性的影响,揭示了库水升降作用下岸坡渗流场演变规律和渗流驱动下的启滑机制。研究表明:(1)渗透压力与渗透时间的变化是滑带土强度弱化的关键因素,弱化到临界强度时,在渗流驱动下发生压剪破坏而启滑,由局部向整体以渐进模式破坏失稳;(2)库水升降过程中,坡体内孔隙水压力滞后性较明显,水位升降速率会影响坡体地下水响应时程,升降速率越大,孔隙水压力变化越大,渗流驱动力越大,滑坡稳定性变化越快,越趋近于渐进破坏;(3)库水位从175 m降到145 m,凉水井滑坡滑面法向应力最大降低了38.19%,剪应力最大降低了22.20%,有效法向应力最大落差为168.64 kPa,抗剪强度最大落差为63.45 kPa。以上分析结论与规律可为涉水滑坡启滑机制分析、库岸山体滑坡失稳研究及应急防治工程等提供科学依据和理论方法。  相似文献   
主动加热光纤布拉格光栅法(Actively Heated Fiber-Optic method based on Fiber Bragg grating method,AHFO-FBG method)因具有体积小、测温精度高、准分布式测量、抗电磁干扰、耐腐蚀等优点,近年来成为含水率测量技术的研究热点。研究该技术的率定方法对提高含水率测量的精准性和适用性是十分关键的,但现有研究中均未涉及到此内容。因此,本文采用自主研发的AHFO-FBG传感器对黄土开展了一系列率定试验,研究了ΔTmax和ΔTcum两种率定方法的含水率率定结果,对此两种方法进行了对比分析。同时,进一步探究了不同加热时长和不同加热功率对ΔTmax法和ΔTcum法率定结果的影响。研究结果表明:ΔTmax和ΔTcum法均可得到良好的含水率率定结果,ΔTmax法的RMSE比ΔTcum法高0.001 m3·m-3Tcum法的测量优势不是很显著。在相同加热功率下,ΔTmax法和ΔTcum法均在较短加热时间下的测量误差较小,且加热时间越短,ΔTcum法较ΔTmax法的优势越明显;在相同加热时间下,低功率(5~10 W·m-1)时ΔTmax法的RMSE较小,高功率(15~35 W·m-1)时ΔTcum法的RMSE较小,且适当的增加热功率有助于减少含水率率定误差。研究成果为AHFO-FBG技术实现土体含水率的精确测量和进一步应用提供了依据。  相似文献   
The transition from the last glacial and beginning of Bølling–Allerød and Pre‐Boreal periods in particular is marked by rapid increases in atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations. The CH4 concentrations reached during these intervals, ~650–750 ppb, is twice that at the last glacial maximum and is not exceeded until the onset of industrialization at the end of the Holocene. Periods of rapid sea‐level rise as the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheets retreated and associated with ‘melt‐water pulses’ appear to coincide with the onset of elevated concentrations of CH4, suggestive of a potential causative link. Here we identify and outline a mechanism involving the flooding of the continental shelves that were exposed and vegetated during the glacial sea‐level low stand and that can help account for some of these observations. Specifically, we hypothesize that waterlogging (and later, flooding) of large tracts of forest and savanna in the Tropics and Subtropics during the deglacial transition and early Holocene would have resulted in rapid anaerobic decomposition of standing biomass and emission of methane to the atmosphere. This novel mechanism, akin to the consequences of filling new hydroelectric reservoirs, provides a mechanistic explanation for the apparent synchronicity between rate of sea‐level rise and occurrence of elevated concentrations of ice core CH4. However, shelf flooding and the creation of transient wetlands are unlikely to explain more than ~60 ppb of the increase in atmospheric CH4 during the deglacial transition, requiring additional mechanisms to explain the bulk of the glacial to interglacial increase. Similarly, this mechanism has the potential also to play some role in the rapid changes in atmospheric methane associated with the Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为研究海平面上升对潮滩-潮沟系统的影响,以江苏中部粉砂淤泥质海岸为原型,建立变态物理模型,模拟研究在不同海平面潮汐过程作用下的潮沟发育和演变过程,分析了潮滩淹没历时、排水密度、潮沟断面形态等特征参数变化规律。研究表明:潮沟在发育初期伸长速率高于拓宽速率,最终趋于动态平衡;海平面上升后,潮滩淹没历时增加,露滩时间缩短,归槽水对潮沟底床的塑造作用减弱;平均归槽水流长度和Horton排水长度均随海平面上升呈现出减小趋势,潮沟的排水能力增强;潮沟断面宽深比服从对数正态分布,随着海平面上升,潮沟断面面积和宽深比均呈现出增大趋势,宽深比分布范围变广。  相似文献   
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