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介绍了通过AutoCAD二次开发绘制管线竣工图的方法,阐述如何实现数据文件导入CAD,长度统计,信息要素导入等功能.  相似文献   
石永怡  李如彬 《气象》2010,36(7):168-173
自然灾害公众教育可以提高全社会的灾害意识和忧患意识,增加公众的灾害知识,提高面对灾害的自救和互救能力,从而减少灾害的损失。为充分发挥电视在普及气象防灾减灾知识中的作用,依托已经发生或者新近发生的灾害事件,在纪实拍摄的基础上,充分利用数字媒体技术,设计了气象防灾减灾科普栏目《风云纪录》。节目采用故事化叙事手段,关注灾害事件中的受灾群体,将致灾的自然力量与社会人文因素交织在一起,把自然变化放在社会环境之中,气象专家、灾害专家和社会学者对灾害事件详细解读,使观众对灾害的认识更全面更深刻。对于抽象的知识、科学原理等,采用动画演示,以求通俗易懂。灾害纪实画面、灾害亲历者的现场采访、动画、解说、音乐、音效等表现形式经数字音视频编辑技术协调平衡,既真实生动,又具科普价值。自2003年以来,在栏目设计指导下,已经拍摄制作了200余期节目,通过各种播放,发挥了良好的科普效益,也为进一步做好气象灾害专题教育积累了经验。  相似文献   
21世纪前半叶,各种空间尺度的城市群将在我国经济社会发展中扮演重要角色,省域城市群必然成为省(区)发展战略的主要牵引板块。一方面,省域城市群的深度整合迫切需要城市群理论与方法的指导与支撑;另一方面,城市群整合理论需要通过城市群建设实践进行提炼与升华,并在实践中进一步验证。通过中原城市群初步整合,以及内聚和外联两个方面的进一步实践,探索了省域城市群整合理论的深化及其与实践相结合的问题。具体来说,内聚以营造现代都市区,构建能够带动城市群快速发展的"核心增长极",外联以营造省域现代城镇体系,构建能够承载城市群健康发展的"区域支撑体系"。对中原城市群深度整合的研究,可为其他省域城市群的发展建设提供理论支撑和实践借鉴。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):216-217

This article presents a family program that extends the materials and meeting times of the Michigan Model Family Geography Challenge, including suggestions on creating a successful family night program. The article focuses on developing positive school-community relationships by inviting local community members to participate in fun academic lessons. In addition to watching the news together nightly, families meet four times during an eight-week period to engage in hands-on geography related activities. One lesson is introduced during each session and families work together to complete assigned tasks. Following the activity, families join together to eat and socialize. The program enhances geographic knowledge (including current events), positive family interactions, and school outreach.  相似文献   
Geographers at the AAG's centennial are challenged with exceptional opportunities to create a more central place for geography in society and in the university. Realizing these opportunities requires identifying and leveraging key emerging trends in the formation and uses of geographic knowledge. Better integration of geography's profound technological innovations with its core traditions also is necessary to strengthen the discipline's research capacity, and to more effectively engage with and contribute to the needs of society. Trends toward multidisciplinary research and integrative science, and the heightened need for geographic understanding in today's world, hold further promise for advancing the discipline while sustaining its historic strengths and diversity.  相似文献   
The utility of introducing historical geography topics into pre-college American history courses is explored through surveys of social studies teachers in New England and at a meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE). Many history teachers claim to use geography in their courses, but use mostly map skills, place locations, and determinism. History teachers are interested in materials and workshops on historical geography themes, however, and sample, materials were well received by teachers in attendance at a national and a regional conference.  相似文献   
Successfully engaging target audiences represents a key challenge for environmental conservation projects. In this study, we examined 354 conservation projects implemented across the United States with the intention of systematically exploring the relationships between different forms of outreach (in particular, message content and delivery) and self-reported project outcomes. Using end-of-program retrospective surveys, we found that experiential engagement and directly demonstrating and/or communicating the ease of potential conservation actions were most consistently related to achieving desired project outcomes. Although it was thought to be largely effective by project managers, we found that focusing on equipping audiences with new knowledge was negatively related to conservation outcomes. Measured outreach variables explained between 15% and 17% of the variance in project outcomes, suggesting a wide variety of unmeasured factors at play. We discuss insights relevant to engaging target audiences in future U.S. conservation projects.  相似文献   
This article examines the implementation and impacts of a program intended to improve research-led teaching in schools. Little consideration is given to the role of research-led teaching in schools; the argument is that this is a consequence of fractures between schools and universities. A program was developed to bring contemporary geographical research of university scholars into schools. Examining this program, the finding is that being exposed to research: improves access to up-to-date knowledge; heightens student enthusiasm; and informs choices students make about their learning. This article calls for bridges to be built between universities and schools upon the nexus of teaching and research.  相似文献   
在科技部的支持下, 中国在1998年加入国际大洋钻探计划(International Ocean Drilling Program, IODP), 迄今为止已组织了4+1个航次的大洋钻探。通过IODP-CPP (complimentary proposal project)项目, 我国科学家主导完成了349、367/368/368X多个钻探航次, 实现了对南海张裂—破裂—扩张发育历史的钻探和取样, 对南海生命史的研究起到了重要的约束作用。本文系统总结了367/368/368X航次在南海北部洋陆过渡带钻探取得的最新成果, 证实南海北部陆缘不同于伊比利亚型陆缘, 具有陆洋转换迅速的特点, 洋陆过渡带地壳内有一定程度的同张裂岩浆侵入和底侵。钻探航次在科学上取得了巨大的成功, 钻探结果提升了对陆洋转换过程和机制的认识。航次期间, 广泛而深入的国际交流与合作极大提升了中国科学家对钻探平台管理、国际大团队合作管理以及人才培养和科普互动等各方面的认识, 加快了中国海洋科考国际化的步伐。  相似文献   
地震应变变化的理论量级与最大传递距离关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了与实际观测资料对比 ,用线弹性理论位错公式算出了各种断层的地震应变变化并进行了全面、系统的分析 ,归纳了一些特点 ,阐明了理论应变变化量级与其最大传递距离的关系。分析表明 :对于一定震级的地震 ,当断层出露地面、倾角为 4 5°、并且为倾滑运动时 ,一定量级的应变变化传递的距离最长 ;其中一个主应变传递得最远 ,其次为体应变 ,再其次为最大剪应变 ,另一个主应变的最大传递距离最短 ;泊松比和断层的长宽比的变化对应变传递距离的影响极小 ,可以忽略  相似文献   
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