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基于GIS的北京山区优势林分生态位分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
段晓峰  许学工 《地理科学》2008,28(5):667-671
应用生态位理论,以北京山区森林资源为研究对象,分析优势林分的空间分布及其资源利用和环境适应能力的差异。基于GIS方法,建立优势林分空间分布数据库以及资源梯度信息数据库,分别采用Levins公式和Smith公式,在水分、热量、光照和土壤质量4维环境因子梯度上测定了研究区8个优势林分的生态位宽度,采用Pianka公式测定生态位重叠。结果表明:Smith公式考虑资源可利用性,得到的生态位宽度更能客观地反映优势林分资源空间利用程度;研究区各优势林分重叠度普遍较大,反映了对环境要求的相似性及资源共享的趋势性。  相似文献   
Yanchi County is located in the agro-pastoral ecotone and belongs to the ecologically fragile area of Northwest China.It is important to study the evolution of landscape pattern to curb its environmental degradation.In order to intuitively show how the landscape pattern of the study area changes over time,Landsat Thematic Mappers(TM)and Landsat Operational Land Imager(OLI)data of 1991,2000,2010 and 2017 were used.This paper attempts to apply niche theories and methods into landscape ecology,and constructs a niche model of landscape components by using"n-dimentional hypervolume niche theory"and landscape pattern indices.By evaluating the spatial and temporal evolution of niche from the perspective of two-dimensional space to reflect the changes of landscape pattern in the study area over the past 26 years,new theories and methods were introduced for the characterization of landscape pattern.The results indicate that:1)The larger the attribute and dominance value of landscape components,the higher the ecological niche and the stronger the control effect on the overall landscape.2)The ecological niche of each landscape component was significantly different,just as its control effect on the overall landscape.3)The dynamic change of the ecological niche of each landscape component was different,with grassland,unused land and arable land always in a high dominant position,although the ecological niche of construction land and water area was always low.In general,the introduction of niche theory into the landscape ecology provided a new method to study the changes in regional landscape pattern.  相似文献   
改进的模拟退火遗传算法在地下水管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于高度非线性、非凸的地下水管理模型,传统优化方法难以找到全局最优解。本文采用模拟退火遗传算法求解地下水管理模型,并从三个方面对算法进行改进:引入小生境技术,采用自适应交叉和变异概率,在选择过程中采用最优保存策略,从而提高算法的全局寻优能力和收敛速度。采用惩罚函数法处理约束条件。用Fortran 90语言编制了计算程序,并通过Schaffer测试函数验证了该算法不仅具有强大的全局寻优能力和局部搜索能力,而且具有较快的收敛速度和较高的优化精度。将该算法应用到某研究区地下水管理中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
湖北省长湖浮游植物优势种生态位分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于2012年4月至2013年1月对长湖浮游植物群落结构特征进行调查分析,使用Levins生态位宽度公式和Levins重叠公式测定长湖浮游植物优势种的生态位指数,分析浮游植物站点分布和环境因子的变化与生态位间的关系.结果显示:整个区域以蓝藻门和绿藻门的种类为主,优势种种类和密度随季节变化,表现出1~2个种类成为主要优势种,在丰度、优势度和生态位宽度上远大于其他优势种的特征.依据优势度指数和生态位宽度将优势种分为3类;小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella comta)作为4个季节优势种,占据更多的资源位点,有更大的生态位宽度,在竞争中处于优势.蓝藻门的两栖颤藻(Oscillatoria amphibia)在夏季成为主要优势种,其丰度远大于其他种类,但受到种间竞争及高等水生植物的抑制,没有在竞争中取得绝对优势.其他种在不同季节此消彼长,但仅在若干季节成为优势种.海子湖区周围的进出水口及马洪台区、圆心湖区的围网养殖会直接影响水体中总氮、总磷浓度,进而改变浮游植物优势种在各区域的分布,使用t检验证实了这种差异.环境因子与优势种的相关性分析显示,水温、N/P比是影响浮游植物优势种分布的重要因素.  相似文献   
为了解山东省战略水源地峡山水库在多水源(本地湖库水、长江水及黄河水)共存条件下,浮游植物优势种生态位季节变化和群落结构稳定性状况,于2019年对峡山水库10个代表样点进行浮游植物季度采样,并运用生态位宽度、生态位重叠值、方差比率法、卡方检验及联结系数对优势种生态位及种间关联性进行分析。结果显示,峡山水库四个季度共鉴定到浮游植物7门78属95种,其中优势种4门12属12种,除春季外,其他三季均以蓝藻类群为绝对优势,其中赖氏泽丝藻(Limnothrix redekei)、阿氏浮丝藻(Planktothrix agardhii)以及项圈假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena moniliformis)为全年优势种。多样性指数显示出较为一致的趋势,即春季浮游植物多样性较高,夏季多样性最低。优势种生态位宽度差异较大,变化范围在0.526~2.224,最大值、最小值分别为秋季的项圈假鱼腥藻和春季的小金色藻(Chromulina sp.)。项圈假鱼腥藻在多个季节具有最大的生态位宽度及较强的适应多样化生境的能力。生态位重叠显示项圈假鱼腥藻与其他多个优势蓝藻在不同季节具有最大的生态位重叠值,且其是唯一一个在春、夏和秋三季处于衰退期,而在冬季迅速发展的优势蓝藻。四个季度优势种总体关联性差异较为明显,群落结构不稳定。卡方检验显示76%的物种对为显著正联结关系,形成以项圈假鱼腥藻为主导,与其他优势蓝藻共同占有同一资源和空间的稳定演替模式。建议水库管理及调水除关注夏秋季可能的藻华外,还需密切关注低温季节藻类的异常增殖,尤其是冬季的项圈假鱼腥藻。研究可为胶东调水工程相关水库的水华预警和多水源调度提供理论依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   
The larvae of two carangid fishes, silver trevally (Pseudocaranx dentex) and yellowtail scad (Trachurus novaezelandiae), were compared among coastal water masses and the East Australian Current (EAC). Samples followed a north to south gradient including a southern region of upwelling, generated as the EAC separated from the coast. Mean larval carangid densities were greater in the mixed layer (10-30 m) than the surface, but there was no difference between inshore and offshore stations or along latitudinal gradients. Overall, P. dentex recent larval growth over two days pre-capture was faster than T. novaezelandiae, and faster at inshore, coastal stations than in the EAC. Integrated larval growth rate (mm d−1) was usually faster at inshore stations for both species. T. novaezelandiae were enriched in both nitrogen (??15N) and carbon (??13C) stable isotopes relative to P. dentex. Larvae of both species captured within the upwelling region were enriched in ??15N and depleted in ??13C relative to other sites. Recent larval growth had a significant positive relationship with fluorescence (as a proxy of chlorophyll a biomass), and integrated larval growth rate had a significant positive relationship with fluorescence and larval isotope (??15N) composition. Recent and integrated growth of larval T. novaezelandiae and P. dentex was enhanced by EAC separation and upwelling, and also in coastal water; stimulated by food availability, and potentially through exploitation of a different trophic niche.  相似文献   
B. Lavm  E. Nevo 《Marine Ecology》1981,2(4):335-342
Abstract. A test of the niche width variation hypothesis was conducted in the three Mediterranean littoral species of the family Trochidae: Monodonta turbinata, M. turbiformis and Gibbula richardi. Allozymic variation encoded by 26 gene loci was analyzed, and the levels of polymorphism (P), heterozygosity (H) and allele diversity per locus (A) were estimated and appear to support the niche-width variation hypothesis. The broad-niche species, M. turbiformis and G. richardi are more polymorphic and heterozygous than the relatively narrow-niche M. turbinata (P = 0.571; 0.731 and 0.417; H = 0.108; 0.116 and 0.078; A = 2.025; 2.489 and 1.965, respectively).  相似文献   
对塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘策勒绿洲外围地下水埋深与主要优势植物分布和群落特点的研究结果表明,植物的分布和群落特征受地下水埋深变化的影响。但群落的组成成分和生物多样性受到地貌特征和地下水埋深的双重影响。群落的差异性和间断性大于群落的连续性和相似性。群落分布随地下水埋深的变化与其他荒漠地区在大的空间演替规律上相一致,但在群落类型、特别是低水位地段群落演替序列上有明显不同。随着地下水埋深的变化,植物群落依次为:低水位的骆驼刺群落,较低水位的柽柳群落,中低水位的柽柳、胡杨群落,较高水位的芦苇群落,高水位的苦豆子群落,其中地下水埋深6.0 m以上地段是植物群落类型、种类组成和生物多样性都较为丰富的地区。绿洲外围植物中柽柳具有最大的环境资源利用比率,对环境的适应性最强。  相似文献   
“Coastal squeeze” refers to the process in which coastal ecosystems are threatened by the combination of sea level rise (SLR) and the presence of a physical barrier, such as human infrastructure. This situation prevents the landward migration of ecosystems and species, as the coastline moves inland, and they are thus exposed to local extinction. Our objective was to explore coastal squeeze in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, through the study of urban expansion on the coast, an analysis of coastline geodynamics, and a projection of the potential effect of SLR on the distribution of two focal plant species which are endemic to the coastal dunes of Mexico. Urbanization of the coast, parallel to the shoreline, has been taking place increasingly rapidly, displacing ecosystems, both natural (mangroves, beaches and coastal dunes) and transformed (cultivated fields and pastures). Taking into consideration the geodynamic trends of the coastline and an analysis of its historical evolution, it can be seen that the coastal strip is eroding at rates that vary from slow to very rapid. Finally, the results of ecological niche modeling indicate that, under scenarios of SLR, the potential distribution of the two focal species would diminish: Chamaecrista chamaecristoides by 6–28%, and Palafoxia lindenii by 2–15%. These results indicate that “coastal squeeze” is likely in the study area, and that measures to limit or mitigate this process are required. Such measures could include urbanization programs which limit development to appropriate zones, the restoration and rehabilitation of deteriorated ecosystems and the conservation of those ecosystems which are still healthy.  相似文献   
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