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The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Department of Commerce, in keeping with broad international efforts to green national gross domestic product (GDP) accounts, has attempted to create satellite accounts for mineral depletion. The present paper criticizes the BEA's unit rent measure of resource depletion, which is based upon Hotelling's pure theory of exhaustion. Following a thorough criticism of Hotelling's theory as a real-world model of mineral prices, practical issues related to the treatment of recycling, exploration, definition of reserves/resources, and their valuation/exploitation are introduced. For crude oil and natural gas and the nonfuel minerals, specific application problems of joint products and residuals complicate BEA's assumptions and efforts.  相似文献   
随着我国城市化进程的快速推进,大规模的人居环境建设使我国的资源与环境面临巨大的挑战,发展绿色建筑已经成为可持续发展的重大战略问题.文章从可持续发展的角度,指出了绿色建筑的内涵与特征,并归纳了绿色建筑与一般建筑的区别.在此基础上,提出了发展绿色建筑的具体对策.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different crop sequences on water use, growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek) during 1992-93 and 1993-94 under rainfed upland condition in Indo-Gangetic plains of West Bengal. Green gram sown in the month of March as pre-rainy (summer) season crop, as and when the winter crops vacated the land, produced highest dry matter of 372 gm-2 which was significantly highest in black gram-yellow sarson sequence.The results of the field experimentation revealed that green gram gave highest grain yield to the extent of 10.80 q/ha when sown after black gram (rainy season) followed by yellow sarson (winter season) while the crop produced 10.63 q/ha under sesame-yellow sarson sequence. Highest water use of 267mm was achieved in green gram under black gram-yellow sarson sequence and the crop gave water use efficiency of 4.07 kg ha-1mm-1 under black gram-yellow sarson sequences.  相似文献   
本文提出了用NOAA气象卫星AVHRR的定量资料计算冬小麦种植面积的方法,即绿度指数法和单通道法。绿度指数法是根据冬小麦在特定生育期内绿度值基本上保持为常数的特点,用几块巳知样地的种植面积,推算整体种植面积;单通道法是只使用AVHRR第二通道的反照率来计算冬小麦种植面积。这两种方法的优点在于不需考虑大气削弱的订正处理问题,从而使计算得以简化。  相似文献   
做好土地资源数量管控,加强耕地质量管理和生态管护是当前的一项非常重要的工作。选择吉林省大安市东南区域为研究对象,进行土地质量地球化学评估,并融合污染元素进行农用地分等研究。结果表明研究区内评定为三等及以上的土壤占全区总面积的72.61%,研究区土地质量总体较好,优质和优良土地分布面积较大,主要为黑钙土,差等的土地主要为盐碱土或盐化草甸土。尝试性地将农用地分等成果中的产能评价和土地质量地球化学评估中的元素含量评价结合,开展了绿色产能评价。  相似文献   
采用构造变形筛分、同位素地球化学定年约束和构造蚀变岩的常量 微量元素地球化学研究等方法,对墨江镍金矿床中含金镍绿色蚀变带进行详细研究,探讨其形成和时 空演化规律,以及与金、镍成矿关系,提出本区含镍金绿色蚀变带形成与演化可分为三个期次:早期含镍金绿色蚀变带形成于(251 9±4 32)Ma,产于韧性剪切带中,形成含铬绢云母 绢云母(S2)组成的切层剪切面理;中期含镍金绿色蚀变岩形成于燕山早期(169 37~180 6Ma),产于高角度脆韧性剪切带中,形成铬绢云母 含铬绢云母组成的透入性剪切面理换(S3)和绿泥石拉伸线理;晚期含金绿色蚀变糜棱岩形成于燕山晚期(71 14~149 98Ma),产于左旋走滑脆韧性剪切带中,发育铬伊利石(S4)和铬绿泥石(S4)组成透入性剪切变形面理置换,与脆韧性剪切带的主体产状一致,韧性剪切构造带内发育,走滑构造带中十分发育,形成褶皱变形带(倾竖褶皱、鞘褶皱)及含金蚀变岩。  相似文献   
初探绿色GDP核算方法及实证分析 --以山西省大同市为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统GDP未将资源、环境要素纳入国民经济核算体系,不能准确地表现经济发展与资源、环境之间的相互关系。因此用传统GDP衡量一个国家经济发展程度,存在明显不足。绿色GDP是指国家或地区在扣除自然资源及环境污染损耗后新创造的真实国民财富的总量,它能较准确地反映一个国家或地区国民收入水平的状况。文章依据狭义绿色GDP涵义,以山西省大同市为例,结合当地生态资源环境现状,构建资源环境账户虚数指标体系,探讨了绿色GDP的核算方法,并估算了该市2002年的绿色GDP。结果表明:2002年大同市的自然资源损耗为63.86亿元,占GDP的29.29%;环境污染损耗22.18亿元,占GDP的10.18%;绿色GDP为131.33亿元,仅占当年GDP的60.24%,说明该地区经济发展中资源与环境问题十分突出,亟待解决。建议科学、适度、合理地开发利用各类资源,树立市场经济的资源价值观;严格控制污染物排放,加强环境保护治理。  相似文献   
近期国内珠宝市场上出现一种产自巴西的绿欧泊,该类绿欧泊表现出的宝石矿物学特征与传统的欧泊有着明显差异。采用常规宝石学测试手段,并结合电子探针、X射线粉末衍射、扫描电子显微镜、红外吸收光谱、紫外吸收光谱等测试分析方法,就其化学成分、物相、微结构、谱学特征及颜色成因等问题展开初步研究。结果表明,巴西绿欧泊的主要矿物组成为蛋白石,含不等量的α-方石英和α-鳞石英等次要矿物,整体呈不规则胶柬状结构,局部微波纹理发育;该类欧泊主要由直径约10~30nm的SiO2球粒聚集而成;由H2O和M—OH倍频振动致近红外吸收谱带位于7000cm-1处,由H2O合频振动致近红外吸收谱带分别位于5200,5612cm叫处,由M—OH与[SiO4]合频振动致近红外吸收谱带位于4600-4100cm-1范围内。笔者还对巴西绿欧泊的呈色机理一并给予了探讨。  相似文献   
以LandSat多时相影像为数据源,采用基于规则的面向对象分类方法,监测会理县2000~ 2015年地表覆盖变化.结合1∶50 000 DEM数据,分析了会理县地表覆盖构成与转移、变化动态度及潜在退耕地情况.监测分析结论能为会理县加强空间管制、促进土地资源集约利用、指导生态文明建设等提供决策信息支撑.  相似文献   
Part of a broader interest in the escalating securitization of conservation practice, scholars are beginning to take note of an emerging relationship between conservation–securitization, capital accumulation, and dispossession. We develop the concept of accumulation by securitization to better grasp this trend, positioning it in the critical literatures on neoliberal conservation, green grabbing, and conservation-security. The concept captures the ways in which capital accumulation, often tied to land and resource enclosure, is enabled by practices and logics of security. Security logics, moreover, increasingly provoke the dispossession of vulnerable communities, thereby enabling accumulation. We ground the concept by turning to the Greater Lebombo Conservancy (GLC) in the Mozambican borderlands. This is a new privately-held conservancy built as a securitized buffer zone to obstruct the movement of commercial rhino poachers into South Africa’s adjacent Kruger National Park. We show how wildlife tourism-related accumulation here is enabled by, and in some ways contingent upon, the GLC’s success in curbing poaching incursions, and, relatedly, how security concerns become the grounds upon which resident communities are displaced. In terms of the latter, we suggest security provides a troubling, depoliticized alibi for dispossession. Like broader neoliberal conservation and green grabbing, we illustrate how accumulation by securitization plays out within complex new networks of state and private actors. Yet these significantly expand to include including security actors and others motivated by security concerns.  相似文献   
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