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In a novel biomanipulation experiment salmonids were used as a tool to improve water quality. The manipulation was initiated in spring 2000 as a response to non-point sources of phosphorus in a drinking water reservoir in Saxony, Germany. Salmonids (brown trout, Salmo trutta forma lacustris) were chosen as predators as the reservoir has a large hypolimnic water body and surface temperatures rarely exceed 20 °C. The vertical distributions of prey fish and brown trout were analysed with a fleet of vertical gill nets set in the pelagic zone of the reservoir. Consumption of brown trout was estimated by means of a bioenergetic model and the diet analyses of the trout. While the dominant planktivore (roach, Rutilus rutilus) was caught almost exclusively in the epilimnion during the stratification period trout were caught mainly below a depth of 10 m. Diet analysis revealed that the trout performed vertical migrations to consume food in the epilimnic layer, as an important food component were adult terrestrial and aquatic insects. The amount of fish in the food increased strongly with the size of the brown trout. The consumption estimate suggested that the trout had consumed 2-3% of the total roach stock during the study period (May-November 2000) of the first year of biomanipulation. We conclude that in general salmonids are suitable for food-web manipulation in deep reservoirs, but the stocked fish should be as large as possible (> 300 mm) and the proportion of large trout (> 500 mm) should be as high as possible.  相似文献   
The British city centre has been the focus of dynamic housing development and repopulation strategies as a key dimension of the government's urban renaissance programme. Through large scale interview surveys in the provincial city centres of Bristol and Swansea, this paper explores the positive and negative features of city centre living, and how these vary amongst a range of social and physical characteristics. The findings suggest that the practical and mundane attractions of city centre living are more important than the more widely publicised lifestyle and cultural attractions of the city centre commonly emphasised in the gentrification literature. Moreover, the research points to differences in attitudes between age groups, with younger adults placing greater value on the range of social and cultural activities in the city centre, whilst older people express high levels of satisfaction with the attractiveness of the environment. A number of policy implications emerge to encourage inclusive marketing strategies within the continued urban renaissance, particularly to challenge the negative perceptions and promote the varied attractions of city centre living to a mix of social groups.  相似文献   
标度律视角的城市效能测度及中国城市多维要素效能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"城市标度律"(urban scaling laws)揭示了城市系统中城市人口和城市要素间普遍存在的非线性规模缩放关系,但目前大多数城市评价忽视了这种关系,常使用人均指标比较不同规模的城市,这会导致评价结果偏差.为此,考虑城市人口和城市要素间的非线性规模缩放关系构建了要素效能指数,用以修正城市规模的影响,度量城市要素实...  相似文献   
山地城市的分形美学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分形美学以一种新观念和方法研究城市美学,通过建立简单分形模型探讨和度量城市的不规则性和复杂性,使山地城市美学研究从定性走向定量,从模糊走向科学。山地城市与平原城市比较,在地形地貌、空间形态和景观格局等方面表现出了独特的分形美学特征。  相似文献   
张威涛  任利剑  运迎霞 《地理科学》2020,40(11):1899-1908
关注滨海城市竖向避难场所的选址可靠性问题,首先深化确立“竖向避难场所”概念;然后构建竖向避难场所选址可靠性评价模型,综合自然地理要素和建成环境要素,从与灾害直接作用相关的选址暴露性、与应急交通相关的选址敏感性、与应急服务相关的选址适应性3个维度展开,搭建3级评价指标体系;再以天津滨海新区为例、聚焦滨海城市潮洪灾害和人口安全矛盾的集核——临港城区展开实证研究,借助ArcGIS分类与可视化发现:高低可靠性选址之间具有明显的空间分异,可以分解为灾害暴露性的“近岸高?远岸低”分异、交通敏感性的“外围高?中心低”分异、服务适应性的“中心与沿河高?外围低”兼“近港高?远港低”分异。同时发现:商业设施用地选址价值较高,在高可靠性选址中占比第一;中小学和社会福利设施用地选址价值最高,在高可靠性选址中占比第二;文化科研和娱乐康体设施用地在高可靠性选址中占比最小。针对临港城区实证研究结果,提出滨海城市竖向避难场所选址及可靠性提升对策。  相似文献   
基于航空客流的中国城市层级结构分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
宋伟  李秀伟  修春亮 《地理研究》2008,27(4):917-926
基于1995、2000和2003三个年份的航空客运统计数据,分析中国城际航空客流的结构,并以优势流(dominant flow)方法为主,辅以距离平方和聚类法,分析中国主要城市在国内客运航空网络中的层级及其变化。研究表明,通过航空客运方式产生的空间联系主要集中于东部地区,中部地区在航空网络的重要性方面落后于西部,北京、上海、广-深3个顶点组成全国航空网络的主干;从主导航空客流角度观察,自1995至2003年,一个高度集中的城市层级在3个全国性中心的控制下形成和发展,航空客运网络层级体系中的顶层结构业已清晰,而以下各层次的结构尚处于分化发展之中。  相似文献   
廖友常 《贵州地质》2010,27(2):116-117
建议:一、将资源/储量核实报告中消耗的资源量不赋予资源/储量类别,用消耗二字拼音的首字母"XH"来代替;但应说明消耗的是原"报告"中什么类别的资源/储量及本次工作各类资源/储量的变化情况。二、地质报告中"矿体"的划分应根据成矿时有用矿物聚积体的赋存状态来划分,而不是以现在的存在方式来划分;三、勘查线剖面的终点应标注在倾斜方向或按左东右西的原则标注在方位角小的端点处,方位为正北时取360°。  相似文献   
我国典型资源枯竭型城市生态系统健康综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源枯竭和环境恶化影响着典型资源枯竭型城市的发展。根据"压力-状态-响应"模型,构建了一个度量典型资源枯竭型城市生态系统健康水平的含有4个层次35项具体指标的指标体系,并运用客观的改进的熵值法赋权、模糊综合评价法及划分的等级标准对我国9个典型资源枯竭型城市的生态系统健康水平进行量化分析。结果表明,阜新市的生态系统健康水平属于"较健康"级,伊春、辽源、白银、焦作属于"临界状态"级,盘锦、白山、萍乡属于"较不健康"级,而石嘴山则属于"不健康"级。典型资源枯竭型城市的生态系统健康水平总体上不容乐观。  相似文献   
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