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清代陕南秦巴山地的人类行为及其与环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张力仁 《地理研究》2008,27(1):181-192
对人类行为空间特征认识的不足,是地理学人地关系理论与实践研究的主要障碍。本文以文化、风俗、政策等影响人类行为的人文因素为切入点,运用时空剖面分析法,考察了清代陕南流民空间行为选择的基本取向。结果表明,人类空间选择行为遵循风俗相近原则,而不是地理环境最优原则。追求单位时间上效果最大化是流民行为选择的普遍趋势。人类空间行为的选择性强化了自然差异的等级和水平,不同区域人类行为结果的外部关联性,指出传统的仅从区域内部或某一种人类行为来寻求简单的"人—地"因果关系的缺陷。从系统或流域的观点来考察人类环境行为的相互影响关系,是认识和把握人地关系实质与机理的重要途径。  相似文献   
利用排序多元Logit模型研究城市居民的 居住区位选择   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文将北京、上海、广州、武汉和重庆五城市的居住区位调查数据,利用排序多元Logit模型研究城市居民对居住区位的选择行为进行了实证分析。影响区位选择的因素可归纳为家庭层面和城市层面两部分,前者包括收入、工作地点、对环境的偏好等,后者则包括住房价格、城市扩张程度、郊区市政设施便利程度等,实证结果表明这些因素的影响都是显著的,且符合理论预期。收入较高的群体仍喜好选择距离城市中心偏近的居住区位,郊区基础设施和公共服务设施的不完善是制约其向郊区转移的主要因素。这些实证结论能够对城市发展布局和居住用地的规划开发起到决策支持作用。  相似文献   
生态经济战略是江西21世纪发展的必然抉择   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
根据生态经济战略的核心问题和江西省的实际情况,分析了江西实施生态经济战略的必要性与可行性,指出了江西开展生态经济建设的几个切入点。  相似文献   
Liang  Yutian  Zhou  Zhengke  Liu  Yi 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(8):1396-1410
Journal of Geographical Sciences - With the implementation of the “Going out” strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s investments have become increasingly influential...  相似文献   
Fishery policy makers would often benefit from information on how a policy might change fishermen behavior before the policy is implemented. This paper contributes to the literature by comparing simulated behavioral response with actual response to a spatial policy using a discrete choice model of fishing location choice. The results point to the inherent problem of the simulation's inability to capture the fundamental change in the nature of the choice problem that occurs with the change in policy. Addressing this problem will be important as these models continue to be used to inform policy makers.  相似文献   
地基处理方案的模糊优化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
本文首先分析了地基处理方案选择时的多层次因素关系树,然后利用模糊数学的原理对各个影响因素进行定量评价,从而使所选择的地基处理方案达到整体最优.  相似文献   
Models of spatial choice behaviour have been around in geography urban planning for decades to assess the feasibility of planning actions or to predict external (competition) effects on existing destinations. Although these models differ in terms of complexity and key concepts, they all have in common that spatial choice behaviour is predicted as a function of the attributes of the choice alternatives and distance or travel time separation only. None of these models do take into account that the attributes of choice alternatives and travel time may be highly non-stationary and that often the utility that people derive from visiting a particular location also depends on the choice behaviour of other individuals. Under these circumstances, individuals may exhibit strategic choice behaviour. That is, they will choose particular choice options taking into account their expected behaviour of others such as to maximize their own utility. The purpose of the proposed paper is to discuss possible models of strategic choice behaviour for these urban planning problems. Theory will be outlined and some critical issues in the application of such models to problems of spatial choice will be discussed.  相似文献   
地磁台建设磁性跟踪测试工作很重要,通过对跟踪磁测中发现的一个异常现象的分析,计算了不同重量、距离的铁磁性物质对磁房建筑场地磁场的影响,讨论了排除施工现场磁性干扰的一些办法,并得出各种重量铁磁性物质与磁房建筑物的安全距离,还讨论了地磁台部分建筑材料的选择问题。  相似文献   
Youths have increasingly experienced labor market problems over the last several decades. One fruitful line of explanation focuses on structural changes in the demand for labor stemming from deindustrialization, changing skill requirements for employees, and increasing supply competition from women and recent immigrants. While these explanations merit attention, they have not adequately considered facts that condition their impact. This paper considers the argument that intra-metropolitan residential location conditions the effects of metropolitan labor market structure on black and white male youths' employment probabilities. Using a sample of individual-level data drawn from the 1990 census combined with metropolitan-level indicators of economic structure, it was found that some structural effects varied between central-city and suburban male youths. The conditioning role of residential location, and the subsequent nature of the structural effects, varied considerably between black and white male youths. Interpretations of the conditioning role of residential location include a variety of social and institutional effects on individual residents and the stigmatizing effects of some neighborhoods, especially on black male youths.  相似文献   
转型时期我国城镇居民主要通过市场竞争机制和科层分配体制来获取个人住房,获取稀缺的住房资源的途径和机会的差异在一定程度上反映了住房不平等和社会分化。处于体制转型时期的中国城镇,制度、市场和家庭因素等多重因素相互交织,共同影响中国城镇居民住房选择。以覆盖全国88 个城镇的《中国综合社会调查(CGSS)》(2005 年城镇部分) 调查资料为基础,本文分析了转型背景下中国城镇居民住房类型分化及其影响因素,研究发现:改革 开放30 多年以来,中国城镇的住房自有率大幅度提高,其主要原因从1998 年前的公房房改政策向1998 年后住房市场化政策转变。家庭生命周期、家庭收入、户籍、单位性质、职业等变 量显著影响住房选择,体现市场与制度对住房资源分配的双重影响。经济发达地区由于住房资源紧缺、住房价格高,居民住房承受能力差异较大,工作单位性质、户籍和家庭生命周期变量对住房选择的影响更显著。随着住房市场化进一步发展和住房制度改革的逐步深入,地方政府应逐步放宽社会住房的享受标准,尤其是户籍限制条件;开发商应更关注社会经济快 速转型背景下的家庭结构变化及其对居住偏好的影响。  相似文献   
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