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Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology,waste assimilation, ecosystem productivity and biodiversity. Owing to natural factors and human activities, especially excessive reclamation from lakes, the shrinking process of the lakes has been accelerated. Wetland ecosystem has shown the characteristics of vulnerability. According to the analysis of wetland ecological function in the Jianghan Plain, this paper presented an index system related to productivity, stability and environmental capacity. By using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, we computed the values of the relative weights of the indexes, and evaluated the vulnerability level of the wetland ecosystem by the method of multi-indexes. The case study showed that the fragile extent of wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is 5.6. This means that the wetland ecosystem in the Jiang-han Plain is laid to the state of middle vulnerability. Therefore, the wetland conservation and eco-rehabilitation in the JiangJaan Plain should be paid attention to.  相似文献   
彭州市立体农业气候资源的研究(二)热量资源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用彭州市境内市气象站,新兴,白果坪的日平均气温资料,进行热量资源分析。结果表明,彭州市7-8月为最热月,多年平均温度低于24.9℃,12-2月为最冷月,多年平均温度高于1.7℃。大多数年全年稳定通过0℃,可一年四季进行农业耕作,有利于作物越冬和多年生作物的种植,生长期长,积温丰富。界限温度的初,终日期及持续日数变化较大,积温际变化显著,热量资源随海拔高度增加而减少,各界限温度的初日推迟,终日提前,持续日数和积温减少,温度强度也降低,形成显著的立体农业气候。  相似文献   
彭州市立体农业气候资源的研究(一)降水资源分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了彭州市境内位于不同海拔高度的4个观测站的降水资料,结果表明,彭州市雨量充沛,但降水量的年际变化显著,雨季起、止时间和雨季长、短的年际变化很大,降水的时间分配极不均匀,因为这4个站具有相同的气候背景、,降水量的年、季、月变化呈现基本一致的规律和趋势,但因为海拔高度不同等气候背的差异,4站的降水特点又显著不同。降水量随海拔高度的升高而增加,降水变幅和雨日也阴海拔高度的升高而增加,大降水过程具有明显的局地性,不同海拔高度的旱、涝情况亦有差异,降水的空间分布表现出明显的立体性特征。  相似文献   
在实验室内, 22. 5±0. 5℃条件下以去头去骨去鳞片去皮的金色小沙丁鱼的纯肉糜为饵料饲养斜带髭鲷幼鱼,测定体重范围在 4. 6~6. 5g的斜带髭鲷的体重、体长的生长曲线及其生态转换效率和特定生长率.实验结果表明,斜带髭鲷的体重、体长在实验期间直线增长,体重、体长的生长曲线分别为Wt(w.w.湿重,下同 ) =0. 391 7t 5. 766 2(R=0. 999 6)和Lt=0. 105t 6. 265(R=0. 989 9).用胃含物法测定斜带髭鲷的胃排空率、日摄食量、日生长量、生态转换效率和特定生长率.实验得到斜带髭鲷消化道的瞬时排空率Rt= 1. 23 4×10-3 (m/m) /h,日摄食量Cd= 1. 342 9g(w.w. ),生态转换效率Eg=29. 50% ±2. 77% [m/m(w.w. ) ],特定生长率SGR=4. 71%±0. 69% [m/m(w.w. ) ].  相似文献   
海洋生态环境监测的指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在总结国内外各种海洋生态监测方法的基础上,构建生物分布指数、生物暴露指数和生物反应指数,并由此确定生态质量总指教。生态质量总指数可以综合反映特定海洋环境的生物群落特征,典型污染物在生物体内的蓄积特征以及生物体对环境污染的生理生化反应特征,因此可以应用于近岸海洋环境质量的生态监测。  相似文献   
高分辨率遥感技术在厦门海湾生态环境调查中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林桂兰  孙飒梅  曾良杰  庄世坚 《台湾海峡》2003,22(2):242-247,T003
对于局部区域研究,高分辨率卫星遥感及其影像的智能化处理技术是获取信息的新手段.本文以IKONOS遥感影像在厦门海湾的应用为例,探讨高分辨率遥感卫星影像应用于海湾生态环境调查与分析的应用技术.通过分析高分辨率影像地物特征,提出高分辨率遥感影像的重要处理技术:采用不同缩放尺度进行分类和利用空间特征及纹理结构进行专题信息提取。  相似文献   
The carrying capacity for bivalve shellfish culture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa, was analysed through the application of the well-tested EcoWin ecological model, in order to simulate key ecosystem variables. The model was set up using: (i) oceanographic and water-quality data collected from Saldanha Bay, and (ii) culture-practice information provided by local shellfish farmers. EcoWin successfully reproduced key ecological processes, simulating an annual mean phytoplankton biomass of 7.5 µg Chl a l–1 and an annual harvested shellfish biomass of about 3 000 tonnes (t) y–1, in good agreement with reported yield. The maximum annual carrying capacity of Small Bay was estimated as 20 000 t live weight (LW) of oysters Crassostrea gigas, or alternatively 5 100 t LW of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, and for Big Bay as 100 000 t LW of oysters. Two production scenarios were investigated for Small Bay: a production of 4 000 t LW y–1 of mussels, and the most profitable scenario for oysters of 19 700 t LW y–1. The main conclusions of this work are: (i) in 2015–2016, both Small Bay and Big Bay were below their maximum production capacity; (ii) the current production of shellfish potentially removes 85% of the human nitrogen inputs; (iii) a maximum-production scenario in both Big Bay and Small Bay would result in phytoplankton depletion in the farmed area; (iv) increasing the production intensity in Big Bay would probably impact the existing cultures in Small Bay; and (v) the production in Small Bay could be increased, resulting in higher income for farmers.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽西北侧大陆架向大陆坡转折处表层沉积物中微型腹足类动物群具有混合的生态特征,这与现代海洋沉积环境并不一致。腹足类动物群中除少数种类为陆坡深海分子,多数种类属内陆架区或近岸浅水分子。因此,动物群主要反映了晚更新世末次冰期低海平面的海洋环境,而少数深海种类的混入应与黑潮暖流在冲绳北端所形成的上升流有关。根据本区腹足类在其他海区的时空分布规律,本文认为在更新世末次冰期,黑潮暖流仍对本区有重要影响,并控制着腹足类的分布。本区腹足类这种混合的生态特征是晚更新世末次冰期以来各种海洋动力环境叠加影响的结果。  相似文献   
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