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The complexity of formulations for the hydromechanical coupled mechanics of porous media is typically minimised by simplifying assumptions such as neglecting the effect of inertia terms. For example, three formulations commonly employed to model practical problems are classified as fully dynamic, simplified dynamic and quasi‐static. Thus, depending on the porous media conditions, each formulation will have advantages and limitations. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of these limitations when solving one‐dimensional fully saturated porous media problems in addition to a new solution that considers a more general loading situation. A phase diagram is developed to assist on the selection of which formulation is more appropriate and convenient regarding particular cases of porosity and hydraulic conductivity values. Non‐dimensional formulations are proposed to achieve this goal. Results using the analytical solutions are compared against numerical values obtained with the finite element method, and the effect of porosity is investigated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长期循环荷载作用下排水条件对饱和软黏土动力特性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭林  蔡袁强  王军 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):94-99
由于软黏土渗透系数很小,目前针对饱和软黏土的循环荷载试验绝大多数都是在不排水条件下进行的。但对交通荷载而言,软黏土承受经年累月的长期循环荷载作用,实际的排水条件应该是部分排水的。基于此,通过对温州原状饱和软黏土进行不同循环应力比下的不排水和部分排水大周数(50 000次)循环三轴试验,分析了长期循环荷载作用下排水条件对饱和软黏土动力特性的影响。研究结果表明与不排水条件相比,部分排水条件下软黏土试样的动力特性表现出很大的不同。随着循环次数的增加,部分排水条件下的孔压随先增加后降低,存在一个峰值;经过较大的循环次数后,回弹应变逐渐减小,应力-应变滞回圈逐渐缩短,面积也明显减小。为了准确预测交通荷载作用下的长期沉降,采用部分排水条件进行试验是十分必要的。  相似文献   
石晶  李伟 《地震工程学报》2019,41(6):1506-1513
针对在水库堤坝排水边坡混凝土裂纹的抗震性研究中,未考虑岩土体抗剪强度参数的劣化屈服效应以及混凝土裂纹的老化,存在抗震性判断结果准确率较差等问题,提出水库堤坝排水边坡混凝土考虑老化后产生裂纹的抗震性能研究方法。模拟强震下边坡混凝土的开裂破坏过程,根据D-P屈服准则,实现对闸墩混凝土材料的屈服判断。采用薄层整体单元模拟和分离式裂纹单元,实现混凝土裂纹的数值模拟,加载地震波后,获取混凝土裂纹的强震响应规律与破坏特征。实验结果可知,本文方法对坝体位移变化的研究精度高,得到的混凝土裂纹扩展范围更为准。运用本文方法对水库堤坝排水边坡混凝土的抗震性研究准确率以及可信度较高,说明本文方法具有一定的可取性。  相似文献   
A cavity expansion–based solution is proposed in this paper for the interpretation of CPTu data under a partially drained condition. Variations of the normalized cone tip resistance, cone factor, and undrained-drained resistance ratio are examined with different initial specific volume and overconsolidation ratio, based on the exact solutions of both undrained and drained cavity expansion in CASM, which is a unified state parameter model for clay and sand. A drainage index is proposed to represent the partially drained condition, and the critical state after expansion and stress paths of cavity expansion are therefore predicted by estimating a virtual plastic region and assuming a drainage-index–based mapping technique. The stress paths and distributions of stresses and specific volume are investigated for different values of drainage index, which are also related to the penetration velocity with comparisons of experimental data and numerical results. The subsequent consolidation after penetration is thus predicted with the assumption of constant deviatoric stress during dissipation of the excess pore pressure. Both spherical and cylindrical consolidations are compared for dissipation around the cone tip and the probe shaft, respectively. The effects of overconsolidation ratio on the stress paths and the distributions of excess pore pressure and specific volume are then thoroughly investigated. The proposed solution and the findings would contribute to the interpretation of CPTu tests under a random drained condition, as well as the analysis of pile installation and the subsequent consolidation.  相似文献   

Transfer function models of the rainfall–runoff relationship with various complexities are developed to investigate the hydrological behaviour of a tropical peat catchment that has undergone continuous drainage for a long time. The study reveals that a linear transfer function model of order one and noise term of ARIMA (1,0,0) best represents the monthly rainfall–runoff relationship of a drained peat catchment. The best-fitted transfer function model is capable of illustrating the cumulative hydrological effects of the catchment when subjected to drainage. Transfer function models of daily rainfall–runoff relationships for each year of the period 1983–1993 are also developed to decipher the changes in hydrological behaviour of the catchment due to drainage. The results show that the amount of rain water temporarily stored in the peat soil decreased and the catchment has become more responsive to rainfall over the study period.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Katimon, A., Shahid, S., Abd Wahab, A.K., and Shabri, A., 2013. Hydrological behaviour of a drained agricultural peat catchment in the tropics. 2: Time series transfer function modelling approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1310–1325.  相似文献   
塑料板排水法加固软基技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了塑料板排水法加固地基的原理,并对抗剪强度的增长计算和地基沉降的机理进行了分析,对其今后发展方向作了展望。  相似文献   
应力历史对饱和砂土力学性状影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷艺  栾茂田  许成顺  马太雷 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1257-1263
三向应力历史条件的影响是准确预测地基变形的重要参考因素之一。针对相对密度为30 %的福建标准砂,利用土工静力-动力液压-三轴扭转多功能剪切仪,进行了复杂条件下应力路径变化的应力控制式单调排水剪切试验。通过控制试验过程的平均主应力保持不变,改变应力历史条件,着重探讨应力历史对饱和砂土剪切强度和应力-应变关系的影响。试验结果表明:当平均主应力一定时,在排水条件下应力历史的改变,对砂土的剪切强度几乎没有影响,但会影响应力-应变特性。弹性轨迹随着中主应力系数和主应力方向角历史的不同而发生变化。引入考虑应力历史同剪切过程之间条件变化的参数,结合试验数据,给出了三维空间中砂土受到应力历史作用后形成的弹性边界的关系表达式。  相似文献   
单井固结模型的计算中通常将砂井周围土体简单划分为涂抹区和非涂抹区,不符合实际砂井周围土体的渗透系数分布复杂的事实。本文在Terzaghi固结理论的基础上提出了改进的单井固结模型,以一个待定参数流量系数Cq取代涂抹区和非涂抹区渗透系数来刻画砂井周围土体的横向渗透性特征,使单井固结问题得到高度简化又不失严密性。本文将改进模型用于非完整砂井单井固结的最终沉降量的数值计算,并将计算结果与谢康和改进法以及Hart法的解析解进行了比较,证明了改进模型数值解的可靠性。  相似文献   
Joshua C. Koch 《水文研究》2016,30(21):3918-3931
Arctic thaw lakes are an important source of water for aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and humans. Many recent studies have observed changes in Arctic surface waters related to climate warming and permafrost thaw; however, explaining the trends and predicting future responses to warming is difficult without a stronger fundamental understanding of Arctic lake water budgets. By measuring and simulating surface and subsurface hydrologic fluxes, this work quantified the water budgets of three lakes with varying levels of seasonal drainage, and tested the hypothesis that lateral and subsurface flows are a major component of the post‐snowmelt water budgets. A water budget focused only on post‐snowmelt surface water fluxes (stream discharge, precipitation, and evaporation) could not close the budget for two of three lakes, even when uncertainty in input parameters was rigorously considered using a Monte Carlo approach. The water budgets indicated large, positive residuals, consistent with up to 70% of mid‐summer inflows entering lakes from lateral fluxes. Lateral inflows and outflows were simulated based on three processes; supra‐permafrost subsurface inflows from basin‐edge polygonal ground, and exchange between seasonally drained lakes and their drained margins through runoff and evapotranspiration. Measurements and simulations indicate that rapid subsurface flow through highly conductive flowpaths in the polygonal ground can explain the majority of the inflow. Drained lakes were hydrologically connected to marshy areas on the lake margins, receiving water from runoff following precipitation and losing up to 38% of lake efflux to drained margin evapotranspiration. Lateral fluxes can be a major part of Arctic thaw lake water budgets and a major control on summertime lake water levels. Incorporating these dynamics into models will improve our ability to predict lake volume changes, solute fluxes, and habitat availability in the changing Arctic. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
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