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不同类型球粒陨石母体的形成过程,可作为早期太阳星云化学演化的指示剂,它们包含原始球粒陨石中残存的前太阳颗粒,可提供太阳系外恒星演化的信息;原始球粒陨矿物-岩石学特征,可揭示早期太阳星云的凝聚和吸积作用过程;原始球粒陨石主要组分的氧同位素组成,可为了解形成不同类型球粒陨石的初始物质和形成环境提供重要的依据;原始球粒陨石中富钙-铝包体和球粒的形成年龄,可作为早期太阳星云演化的时标;原始球粒陨石的氧化-还原作用特征,可推断不同类型球粒陨石母体在太阳星云内距日心距离等,并进一步探讨早期太阳星云的化学演化。  相似文献   
王桂琴  缪秉魁  林杨挺 《岩石学报》2015,31(9):2724-2736
荷叶塘为一块我国降落的原始3型普通球粒陨石,因此具有重要研究意义。本文对荷叶塘陨石光薄片及粉末样品的岩石学、矿物学和全岩组成地球化学特征进行研究,为这块陨石的深入研究提供重要基础数据。研究表明荷叶塘陨石具L3型陨石岩石学特征,具典型的球粒陨石结构,球粒清晰,球粒结构类型多,基质重结晶程度低,组成模式为:球粒80vol%,金属和硫化物含量为5vol%,基质15vol%。矿物化学成分表明,该陨石球粒以Ⅰ型(贫铁型)球粒为主,橄榄石Fa0.41-34.1(PMD=51),低钙辉石Fs1.82-27.2(PMD=88),Wo0.18-3.13(PMD=103),铁纹石中Co含量平均0.62%(PMD=20),矿物成份不均一程度高,橄榄石矿物结晶颗粒内部化学成分变化大,呈正环带分布,与岩浆型结晶顺序一致,球粒与基质及间隙物成分明显不同,表现为不同物质来源。化学成分全岩分析结果显示,荷叶塘陨石亲石、亲铁元素含量均为L型陨石特征。依据以上岩石矿物学和化学组成特征,依照陨石亚分类参数,将其类型划分为L3.4型普通球粒陨石。冲击变质程度S2,风化程度W1。研究结果表明荷叶塘陨石为一块受后期水、热蚀变和风化影响较少的原始类型陨石。组成矿物成分极不均一,在矿物晶体内部,球粒内部及球粒与基质间均有明显变化。  相似文献   
球粒陨石金属相的 Ir、Os、Co等亲铁元素的浓度随氧化程度的升高而显著增大 ,其浓度以及铁纹石 Co含量和橄榄石 Fa值均反映了球粒陨石的氧化 -还原程度具有连续变化的特征。根据铁纹石 Co含量、橄榄石 Fa值、低 Ca辉石 Fs值、金属相的 Ir、Os、Co浓度以及其他球粒陨石分类参数 ,可能存在介于 E与 H、H与 L、L与 L L以及 L L与 C之间的球粒陨石过渡型 ,即E/H、H/L、L/L L和 LL/C化学群 ,从而将原有的 9个球粒陨石化学群增加到 1 3个。球粒陨石氧化 -还原程度的变化特征以及球粒陨石过渡型的发现都表明早期太阳星云的化学分馏作用具有连续变化的特点。  相似文献   
The Varre-Sai meteorite fell along the border of the states of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; on 19 June 2010 at 5:40 pm. Petrography and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) indicate that the rock is an L5 S4 chondrite, with blastoporphyritic texture that has not been previously described. Geochemical data based on major and rare-earth elements (REEs) show that Varre-Sai is highly similar to the other L chondrites. In Harker diagrams, Varre-Sai, L, and LL chondrites form a single group, suggesting no significant chemical differences between them and contributing to the long-standing debate of whether LL chondrites form a distinct group or whether they are a subset of the L group. Harker diagrams also define a trend from E to H and L/LL chondrites, similar to the cosmochemical trends suggested by other authors. The behaviour of Fe2O3t and NiO indicates a relationship with Fe-Ni alloys, and their trend in the diagram suggests some chemical differentiation in the ordinary chondrite parental bodies. The REE content in Varre-Sai, normalized to C chondrites, falls in the field of L chondrites and others, but with slight REE enrichment. The chemical differences in chondrites, mainly in REEs, Fe2O3t and NiO could be alternatively interpreted as variations in the inherited agglutinated materials as chondrules, Ca–Al-rich inclusions and Fe–Ni nodules.  相似文献   
Since 1994, the Rumuruti (R) chondrites have been recognized as a new, well-established chondrite group differing from carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites. The first R chondrite, Carlisle Lakes, was found in Australia in 1977. Meanwhile, the number has increased to 107 (December, 2010). This group is named after the Rumuruti meteorite, the first and so far the only R chondrite fall. Most of the R chondrites are breccias containing a variety of different clasts embedded in a clastic matrix. Some textural and mineralogical characteristics can be summarized as follows: (a) the chondrule abundance in large fragments and in unbrecciated rocks is ∼35–50 vol%; (b) Ca,Al-rich inclusions are rare; (c) the olivine abundance is typically 65–78 vol%; (d) the mean chondrule diameter is ∼400 μm; (e) in unequilibrated R chondrites, low-Ca pyroxene is dominating, whereas in equilibrated R chondrites it is Ca-rich pyroxene; (f) the typical olivine in a metamorphosed lithology is ∼Fa38–40; (g) matrix olivine in unequilibrated, type 3 fragments and rocks has much higher Fa (∼45–60 mol%) compared to matrix olivines in type 4–6 lithologies (∼Fa38–41); (h) spinels have a high TiO2 of ∼5 wt%; (i) abundant different noble metal-bearing phases (metals, sulfides, tellurides, arsenides) occur. The exception is the metamorphosed, type 5/6 R chondrite La Paz Icefield 04840 which contains hornblende, phlogopite, and Ca-poor pyroxene, the latter phase typically occurring in low-grade metamorphosed R chondrites only.In bulk composition, R chondrites have some affinity to ordinary chondrites: (a) the absence of significant depletions in Mn and Na in R chondrites and ordinary chondrites is an important feature to distinguish these groups from carbonaceous chondrites; (b) total Fe (∼24 wt%) of R chondrites is between those of H and L chondrites (27.1 and 21.6 wt%, respectively); (c) the average CI/Mg-normalized lithophile element abundances are ∼0.95 × CI, which is lower than those for carbonaceous chondrites (≥1.0 × CI) and slightly higher than those for ordinary chondrites (∼0.9 × CI); (d) trace element concentrations such as Zn (∼150 ppm) and Se (∼15 ppm) are much higher than in ordinary chondrites; (e) the whole rock Δ17O of ∼2.7 for R chondrites is the highest among all meteorite groups, and the mean oxygen isotope composition is δ17O = 5.36 ± 0.43, δ18O = 5.07 ± 0.86, Δ17O = +2.72 ± 0.31; (f) noble gas cosmic ray exposure ages of R chondrites range between ∼0.1 and 70 Ma. More than half of the R chondrites analyzed for noble gases contain implanted solar wind and, thus, are regolith breccias. The 43 R chondrites from Northern Africa analyzed so far for noble gases seem to represent at least 16 falls. Although the data base is still scarce, the data hint at a major collision event on the R chondrite parent body between 15 and 25 Ma ago.  相似文献   
肇东陨石低钙辉石超微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄婉康  王岩国 《矿物学报》1992,12(2):102-110,T002
在肇东陨石低钙辉石中观察到各种堆垛缺陷,包括斜方-单斜辉石相转变、畴结构、2.7nm长周期结构以及自然界极为罕见的奇数倍八面体层堆垛缺陷——1.35nm等。高分辨像所揭示的1.35nm的新特征是可以重复两次。文中提出1.35nm的结构是“A+B+A-”型。1.35nm片晶仅见于3,4型球粒陨石,因而它可作为由原顽火辉石淬冷形成的、末遭受后期热变质的典型结构。奇数倍0.9nm宽度单斜辉石片晶在吉林陨石(H5)、安龙陨石(H5)及东台陨石(LL6)中均有出现,它表明这些陨石的辉石都曾由原顽火辉石转变而成。 肇东陨石低钙辉石中相当频繁的相变以及高能量的奇数倍0.45nm层堆垛缺陷的存在,可能表明该陨石形成于退变质过程。  相似文献   
In three polished thin sections of Yamato 791717 (CO3). fifty-five Ca, Al-rich inclusions were found, which include two hibonite-bearing, eight melilite-rich and forty-five spinel-pyroxene inclusions. Based on the petrography and mineral chemistry of the inclusions, it is proposed that the melilite-rich inclusions and spinel-pyroxene inclusions condensed in the solar nebula, and the hibonite-bearing inclusions crystallized from melts. The heavy alteration of the inclusions in Yamato 791717, which probably took place under a very oxidizing condition in the solar nebular, is also confirmed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49673200). and by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS).  相似文献   
Platinum-group element (PGE) concentrations and the distribution of the metals in rocks serve as important tracers of mantle processes, as well as extraterrestrial input into crustal environments, but common standards regarding the gathering and presentation of PGE data have never been formalized. Effective modelling assumes that concentration data are within acceptable levels of precision, yet the practices used in some studies to determine precision do not adequately assess precision and, as a result, the uncertainties on PGE concentrations and PGE ratios are sometimes consistently underestimated. This article argues that replicate analyses of unknowns must be adopted more widely in order to overcome this problem. Related to the issue of uncertainties on PGE concentrations, is the issue of uncertainty associated with normalisation. Arguments have recently been put forward as to the significance of small positive or negative anomalies on chondrite nor-malized plots. At least four CI chondrite PGE datasets (of varying age and quality) are currently used for normalisation and significantly different patterns can be derived simply by using one dataset rather than another. This article is intended to open a debate within the PGE research community by asking whether more consistency needs to be applied in PGE analysis and in the subsequent interpretation of data. A rigorous assessment of the real uncertainties on PGE concentrations and the adoption of a standard CI chondrite PGE dataset, in order to eliminate bias from normalisation, are suggested to be central to this.  相似文献   
A comprehensive rock magnetic, magnetic anisotropy and paleomagnetic study has been undertaken in the brecciated LL6 Bensour ordinary chondrite, a few months only after its fall on Earth. Microscopic observations and electronic microprobe analyses indicate the presence of Ni-rich taenite, tetrataenite and rare Co-rich kamacite. Tetrataenite is the main carrier of remanence. Magnetization and anisotropy measurements were performed on mutually oriented 125 mm3 sub-samples. A very strong coherent susceptibility and remanence anisotropy is evidenced and interpreted as due to the large impact responsible for the post-metamorphic compaction of this brecciated material and disruption of the parent body. We show that the acquisition of remanent magnetization postdates metamorphism on the parent body and predates the entering of the meteorite in Earth’s atmosphere. Three components of magnetization could be isolated. A soft coherent component is closely related to the anisotropy of the meteorite and is interpreted as a shock remanent magnetization acquired during the same large impact on the parent body. Two harder components show random directions at a few mm scale. This randomness is attributed either to the formation mechanism of tetrataenite or to post-metamorphic brecciation. All components are likely acquired in very low (≈μT) to null ambient magnetic field, as demonstrated by comparison with demagnetization behavior of isothermal remanent magnetization. Two other LL6 meteorites, Kilabo and St-Mesmin, have also been studied for comparison with Bensour.  相似文献   
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