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中国新疆博斯腾湖全新世沉积环境年代学特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
通过对博斯腾湖沉积物湖芯样品进行137Cs,14C-AMS测年分析,湖芯剖面上有明显的1986年的切尔诺贝利核事故蓄积峰,以及1975年和1963年次蓄积峰,这些137Cs蓄积峰对博斯腾湖现代沉积有明显的时标意义。通过质量深度与年代分析,博斯腾湖的沉积速率相对稳定,平均沉积速率为0.13±0.01g/cm2.a。与14C年代获得的中全新世以来的平均沉积速率0.13±0.03cm/a和0.12±0.05cm/a相似,表明博斯腾湖中全新世以来的沉积环境较稳定,并且也说明14C-AMS测年分析所得的结果较为可靠,可以利用博斯腾湖沉积物样品测定的14C年代进行线性回归作年代校正,由于湖泊沉积物中老碳效应的影响,博斯腾湖沉积物有机质14C测年偏老约650a左右。  相似文献   
Sedimentation rates in the Wanggang salt marshes, Jiangsu   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 IntroductionLand-ocean interaction in coastalzone is one of the key m atters of the International G eosphereand Biosphere Program (IG BP). The key problem s of the second phase in the next decadeinclude the m aterial cycle, the system evolution process …  相似文献   
This paper attempts to determine the impact of former Pb-Zn-Ba mining activities in Slovenian drainage basin on overbank sediments of the Sava river (West Croatia). Among the four studied sequences (S7, S8, S9, S10), the most upstream profile S7 showed the most pronounced impact of ore mining. Mercury was enriched more than 100-fold; Pb and Zn had a strong positive correlation (r > 0.99). Two factor models clearly revealed the Pb-Ba-Hg association in the lower-lying carbonate (CA) population of all four profiles, but only in the overlying silicate (SI) population of profile S7. Factor analysis confirmed this association in the total sediment (90 samples) as well as separately in the CA (33 samples) and SI (57 samples) populations. Based on a comparison with an undisturbed soil profile, the vertical distribution of 137Cs in profile S7 was interpreted to be the combination of caesium deposition caused by a flood in 1964 and by post-depositional redistribution.  相似文献   
137Cs示踪技术在土壤侵蚀估算中的应用研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
137Cs示踪技术目前已被广泛用于长期的土壤侵蚀(水蚀)估算。该技术要解决的两个关键问题是土壤137Cs基准值的确定,以及土壤的137Cs损失量与土壤侵蚀量之间的定量模型的建立。对现有的主要的定量模型进行了简述,并提出了各自的局限性。这些模型可分为经验模型和理论模型两大类,其中以理论模型中的质量平衡模型较为成熟,综合考虑了较多的侵蚀因子,如137Cs年沉降分量、土壤颗粒粒径分布差异、地表富集作用、耕作土壤在耕作活动前新沉降137Cs的侵蚀损失等。对现有模型的改进也进行了探讨,并提出了今后的一些研究重点。  相似文献   
河口港湾沉积物中的 ̄(137)Cs剖面及其沉积学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对采自海南岛洋浦港、福建厦门外港、浙江象山港三个河口港湾的六个沉积柱样的137Cs分析,分别用137Cs剖面的最大峰值层及137Cs剖面的起始值层位估算了该六个站位的现代沉积速率,结果表明:在河口港湾沉积环境条件下,用137Cs剖面来估算沉积物的平均沉积速率是可行的,由137Cs最大值法,这六个站位的平均沉积速率分别为1.14cm/a、1.56cm/a、0.82cm/a、0.75cm/a、1.26cm/a、1.66cm/a,由137Cs最大值法得出的平均沉积速率其精确度与可信度要好于137Cs起始值得出的平均沉积速率。与210Pb法所得的结果符合的很好。137Cs起始值层位与预期值偏离的大小可以为我们提供有关该站位沉积环境、扰动作用强弱的信息。在应用137Cs剖面估算沉积速率时,还要注意沉积结构变化的影响。  相似文献   
贵州茂兰峰丛草地洼地小流域侵蚀产沙的137Cs法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在贵州茂兰峰丛洼地区的工程碑草地洼地典型小流域进行了洼地沉积泥沙^137Cs示踪分析研究。研究结果表明:(1)草地洼地土壤剖面属于堆积土壤剖面,土壤剖面中^137Cs浓度分布特征反映了泥沙堆积与表层土壤侵蚀的信息。受岩土分布、微地形的影响,^137Cs初始沉降后出现不均匀再分布,面积活度的空间变化较大,变异系数为1.35,不能表征土壤侵蚀状况。(2)根据草地洼地典型堆积农耕地土壤剖面A-1的^137Cs浓度分布特征,1963年以来的流域平均堆积泥沙数量是16.6t/km^2.a,流域平均土壤侵蚀速率为45.95t/km^2.a,约占侵蚀产沙数量63.88%的泥沙以地下流失的形式散失;(3)草地洼地小流域内地面土壤流失与地下土壤流失的相对贡献率分别是70.13%和29.87%;(4)以茂兰地区最大成土速率为依据推算出的允许土壤侵蚀量是13.51t/km^2.a,草地洼地的土壤侵蚀危险程度极高。  相似文献   
环境演变研究时间序列的建立方法评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对环境演变时间序列建立的几种主要方法的纪年原理、应用状况及应用的优点、范围、局限性进行了阐述和比较,包括长寿命宇宙成因核素在内的同位素纪年方法主要判别第四纪以来大时间尺主的沉积物的地质年龄,且能很好地应用于全球变化的研究,但百余年来沉积物的年龄及侵蚀历史变化的研究只能通过^210Pbex、^137Cs等半衰期相对较短的核素来进行;指出^210Pbex可望在现代流域侵蚀环境演变以及其效应评价的研究中获得新的突破。  相似文献   
近百年来东平湖沉积通量变化与环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据210Pb、137Cs法建立的东平湖现代沉积年代序列,结合沉积物粒度与烧失量变化特征以及黄河变迁与流域人类活动的特点,分析探讨了1889年以来东平湖沉积通量的变化。研究表明,百年来东平湖沉积环境不稳定,沉积通量变化较大:1889~1938年,沉积通量较高且基本稳定,1938~1965年,沉积通量逐年下降,1965~2000年,沉积通量整体较低且基本稳定,2000年以来,沉积通量呈逐年上升趋势。早期的高沉积通量与东平湖作为黄河自然滞蓄洪区有关,后期由于人类活动(湖区治理、黄河水利工程建设等)控制了黄河水的自然倒灌,导致了沉积通量的下降并趋于稳定,近期沉积通量的上升是湖区经济活动增强的反映。  相似文献   
This study uses evidence for the long-term (35 years) pattern of soil redistribution within two agricultural fields in the UK to identify the relative importance of tillage and overland flow erosion. Spatially distributed long-term total soil redistribution data for the fields (Dalicott Farm and Rufford Forest Farm) were obtained using the caesium-137 (137Cs) technique. These data were compared with predicted patterns of soil redistribution. Recent studies have demonstrated that the redistribution of soil by tillage may be described as a diffusive process. A two-component model was, therefore, developed which accounts for soil redistribution by both overland flow and diffusive processes. Comparison of the predicted patterns of overland flow erosion alone with the observed (137Cs-derived) data indicated a poor agreement (r2 = 0.17 and 0.11). In contrast, a good agreement exists between the predicted pattern of diffusive redistribution and the observed data (r2 = 0.43 and 0.41). These results give a clear indication that diffusive processes are dominant in soil redistribution within these fields. Possible diffusive processes include splash erosion, soil creep and tillage. However, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficients for the optimum predicted pattern (c. 350–400 kg m−1 a−1) demonstrates that tillage is the only process capable of explaining the very significant soil redistribution which is indicated by the 137Cs data. Consideration is given to the implications of these results for both soil erosion prediction and landscape interpretation.  相似文献   
A137Cs-balance for the catchment of the River Öre in central northern Sweden which received about 30 kBq m–2 of radiocesium from the Chernobyl accident was calculated for the period 1986–1991. Altogether, slightly less than 10% of the total deposition in the catchment was estimated to be exported from the terrestrial parts during this period of time. More than 90% of this loss is transported with the River Öre to the outer sea of the Gulf of Bothnia. The retention in Lake Örträsket which is the only lake along the river course and the Öre Estuary outside the river mouth was thus slightly less than 10%. Nearly all of the radiocesium deposited in the lake is permanently retained in the sediments and successively covered with less radioactive sediment. A considerable export of radiocesium from the estuary to the outer sea takes place due to resuspension and subsequent transport by wind and wave generated currents.  相似文献   
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