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对贵州省清镇市站街镇林歹铝土矿第二矿区的油菜种植区、矿土上部树林区、废石堆积区、矿土堆积恢复区4类环境进行苔藓植物采集,并对具芽胞苔藓种类进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)经鉴定发现苔藓植物10科22属37种,优势种(频度大于10%)为日本大丛藓Molendoa japonica Broth.(18.72%)和银叶真藓Bryum argenteum Hedw.(11.06%);(2)发现8种具芽胞苔藓,占总种数的21.62%,隶属于丛藓科Pottiaceae和真藓科Bryaceae,其中日本大丛藓和芽胞银藓Anomobryum gemmigerum Broth.为常见具芽胞苔藓;(3)油菜种植区中具芽胞苔藓种类最多(6种),但出现频度不高,非该类环境中的优势种,日本大丛藓在4类环境中均有发现;(4)在4类环境中,相对恶劣条件下具芽胞苔藓出现的几率更大;(5)瘤根真藓Bryum bornholmenseWinkelm.& Ruthe.和毛状真藓Bryum apiculatum Schwagr.的芽胞长于假根上,其余种类芽胞均见于叶腋处,呈扫帚状,芽胞形态上呈现多样性,有球形、棒形、棒槌形、芽形、纺锤状和火炬状。   相似文献   
琵琶潭瀑布岩溶沉积物生物多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探索瀑布岩溶沉积物中生物多样特征, 2006年12月对贵阳市琵琶潭瀑布岩溶沉积环境进行了野外生态学调查,采集样品和标本25份。经室内初步分析和鉴定, 该瀑布岩溶沉积物中含有5大生物多样性类群共33个物种,它们是蓝细菌( Cya no bacteria) 2个种,原生动物( Pr oto zoan) 12个种,绿藻( Green algae ) 1个种,硅藻( Dia toms) 10个种和苔藓植物( Bry ophy tes) 8个种。生物多样性在琵琶潭岩溶沉积形成中的地质生态学贡献主要表现在: ( 1)生物表面为淡水碳酸钙晶体提供了附着基础; ( 2) 绿色植物光合作用转移了二氧化碳,有助于碳酸钙沉积;( 3)生物群落为瀑布岩溶沉积提供了骨架; ( 4) 生物群落在一定程度上控制和影响了岩溶沉积形态。   相似文献   
张朝晖  陈家宽 《沉积学报》2007,25(4):603-611
作者于2005年11月赴桂西南野外考察了14个喀斯特瀑布,共采集245份水生苔藓植物标本和沉积样品。经室内分析研究,该地苔藓植物具有下列生物多样性特征:(1) 苔藓(Bryophytes) 种类多样性由11科19 属36 种 (含变种亚种) 组成, 其中含广西新记录25 种;藓类(Mosses)含8科15属30种,苔类(Liverworts)3科4属6种。(2)生活型多样性含高丛集型(38.89%)、矮丛集型(19.44%)、交织型(27.78%)和平埔型( 13.89%) 4种类型。(3)地理成分多样性含世界分布 ( 13.89%), 北温带分布( 36.11%),热带亚洲分布s( 16.67%),东亚分布 (19.44.11%) 和中国特有(13.89% )等5种成分。(4)苔藓生殖系统多样性由3种类型组成, 其中雌雄异株(Dioecious) 占总数的83.33%, 雌雄同株异苞(Autoecious) 占总数的2.78%, 雌雄同株同苞(Synoecious)的种类仅占总数的13.89%。根据桂西南喀斯特瀑布沉积的环境和生物组成特征, 可把生态沉积类型划分为:溪流瀑华, 河流瀑华, 石灰华坝和洞穴钙华4种沉积类型及12种生物沉积亚类型。  相似文献   
Several models explaining species composition of aquatic bryophytes are available for specific regions. However, a more general, conceptual model applicable to a broader range of regions is lacking.We present a conceptual model ranking environmental factors determining submerged bryophyte communities in small mountain streams. It was tested on a dataset of 54 stream sections after removing the effect of stream size and altitude. Species responses were modeled with pH as predictor variable based on 97 stream sites covering six mountain regions all over Germany. Multiple regressions revealed the importance of primary growth factors (light, Ep(CO2)) and substrate for the total submerged bryophyte coverage.The known distinction of hard- and softwater bryoflora was clearly supported. The floristic composition of headwaters was predominantly determined by the bicarbonate/ionic strength complex. Species response to pH values supported this result and thus our conceptual model. The primary growth resources light, Ep(CO2) and availability of coarse streambed material explained one third (Radjusted2 = 0.34) of total submerged bryophyte cover. Disturbances, predominantly spates, reduce biomass but do not affect the basic floristic structure.In conclusion, conceptual models and monitoring methods focusing on aquatic bryophytes need to clearly distinguish “aquatic” from “submersed by chance”. All “aquatic bryophytes” found in Germany can also occur at least temporarily at non-submerged sites. Therefore, a distinction between primary growth factors and additional resources is recommended to disentangle factors determining aquatic bryophyte communities.  相似文献   
A study of the reproductive cycle was made on Galaxias fasciatus Gray from streams on Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. There was no spawning migration; adults remained in the usual adult habitat to breed. The course of gonad maturation showed that spawning occurred in the autumn, from the end of April to mid‐June. Most males matured at 2 years of age and most females at 4 years old. Egg numbers in the females varied from 3800 to 23 600. Males were predominant in age groups 1–4, females in the older age groups. Amongst fish of potential breeding age there was an excess of males. Circumstantial evidence suggested that eggs were laid among piles of water‐logged debris lodged in pools and backwaters. The larvae, which are briefly described, probably hatch during floods to be swept quickly downstream to the sea.  相似文献   
Meiofauna associated with bryophyte and gravel habitats in two small alpine streams was investigated to determine its potential importance to stream communities. These invertebrates are traditionally neglected in stream surveys and their ecological roles poorly understood. Twenty‐one operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were found during the study, of which at least six were undescribed (two Copepoda and four Acarina). Meiofaunal densities were higher at the unshaded site than the shaded site, and higher within bryophyte than gravel habitats. Stepwise multiple regression analyses illustrated the importance of bryophytes to members of the meiofauna in each stream, and different meiofaunal communities were found associated with aquatic bryophytes and gravels. The high densities of Chironomidae, Nematoda, Copepoda, Tardigrada, and Rotifera associated with bryophytes may reflect the food value of the high periphyton biomass associated with these plants, and the shelter they offer from fast water currents. Although hyporheic meiofaunal taxa are known to move into interstices of mineral substratum for shelter, meiofauna associated with bryophytes dwell among stems and in leaf axils where they also find shelter. Because bryophyte‐dwelling meiofauna occur in very high densities, they probably play an important, if as yet unknown, role in energy transfer in streams.  相似文献   
The submerged vegetation of Lakes Sumner, Marion, Katrine, Taylor, and Sheppard was surveyed in May 1987. These high‐altitude lakes lie at c. 600 m a.s.l., within the largely unmodified upper Hurunui catchment. Submerged vegetation was diverse and included numerous short shallow‐water species, dense swards of Isoetes alpinus, low covers of taller native vascular plants, and charophyte meadows beyond the depth limit of vascular plants to a maximum of 15 m. A sparse deepwater bryophyte community was observed from 11 to 32 m depth in Lake Sumner. Displacement of native vegetation by dense growths of the adventive oxygen weed Elodea canadensis over mid‐depths of 3–6 m was noted in all lakes, except Lake Marion.  相似文献   
小五台山自然保护区苔藓植物研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据对小五台山国家级自然保护区苔藓植物资源的实地调查和室内鉴定,该文分析了保护区内苔藓植物区系的基本组成,统计了科、属、种的数目及其优势科、属;讨论了苔藓植物的10种区系成分及其区系特征,其中北温带成分居主导地位,针对苔藓植物资源的现状,提出合理开发利用的建议。  相似文献   
张朝晖  陈家宽 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):170-177
对贵州中部18个喀斯特瀑布水生苔藓植物进行了研究。瀑布苔藓植物区系种类由14 科23 属38 种组成, 藓类( Mosses) 含8 科17 属31 种, 苔类( Liv erw o rts) 5科5属6种,而角苔类( Ho rnwo r t)仅1科1属1种。区系地理成分含世界分布( 15. 79% ) , 北温带分布( 36. 84% ) ,旧世界温带分布( 5. 26% )、泛热带分布( 2. 63% )、热带亚洲分布( 5. 267% ) , 东亚分布( 26. 32% ) 和中国特有( 7. 90% )等7种成分。根据喀斯特瀑布沉积环境和苔藓植物优势种类组成特征,可划分黔中瀑布苔藓沉积生态类型为溪流瀑布沉积、河流瀑布沉积、石灰华坝沉积和瀑布洞穴沉积4种类型及15种生物喀斯特沉积亚类型。   相似文献   
The fog meteorology, fog chemistry and fog deposition on epiphytic bryophytes were investigated from July 2000 to June 2001 in the Yuanyang Lake forest ecosystem. The elevation of the site ranges from 1650 to 2420 m, at which the high frequency of fog occurrence throughout the year has been thought to be of benefit to the establishment of the primary Taiwan yellow cypress forest [Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana (Hayata) Rehder] and to the extensive growth of the epiphytic bryophytes. A weather station including a visibility sensor and an active fog collector was installed for fog meteorological and chemical study. The fog deposition rate on epiphytic bryophytes was estimated by measuring the increase rate in plant weight when exposed to fog. Average fog duration of 4.7 and 11.0 h per day was measured in summer months (June to August) and the rest of the year, respectively. November 2000 was the foggiest month in which the average fog duration reached 14.9 h per day. The ionic composition of fog water revealed that the area was less polluted than expected from literature data. The in situ exposure experiments done with the dominant epiphytic bryophytes showed an average fog deposition rate of 0.63 g H2O g−1 d. w. h−1, which approximated 0.17 mm h−1 at the stand scale. The nutrient fluxes estimated for February 2001 showed that for all ions, more than 50% of the ecosystem input was through fog deposition. These results demonstrate the importance of epiphytic bryophytes and fog deposition in nutrient cycling of this subtropical montane forest ecosystem. The incorporation of fog study in the long-term ecosystem research projects is necessary in this area.  相似文献   
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