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At present, researches on climate change of the Heihe River basin mainly focus on the relationship between basin climate change and regional water resources, regional desertification and dynamic climatic seasons of sandstorm, but less on climate change of oasis region, where there are more intense and frequent human activities. Based on data of precipitation, temperature, strong wind and dust events frequencies obtained from the six meteorological stations of Zhangye region in Heihe River basin, the features of climate change during 1968–2005 were carefully studied. Results show that the regional temperature rise rate exceeded the average level of China. The annual precipitation changed a little, but the precipitation had a slowly increasing trend in spring and winter. Frequencies of strong wind and sandstorm days show obviously descending trends, which had a close correlation with the regional temperature rise and the precipitation increase in spring and winter. Meanwhile, further human economic activities and exploitations to the oasis in the inland valley of arid regions also affected the climate change of this region, which has a sensitive and fragile eco-environment. __________ Translated from Journal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(6): 1048–1054 [译自: 中国沙漠]  相似文献   
姬广义汪洋  夏希凡 《城市地质》2005,17(4):1-32,F0003
在燕山中段南麓的蓟县北部山区有着中国国家地质公园,中国北方中-新元古代正层型剖面标志碑就耸立在那里。对这一地区基本地质事实和地质体真实位态的研究,不仅关系着对华北地区晚前寒武纪标准剖面可靠性的评价,也关系着燕山运动命名地的基本地壳结构的合理解析和我国北方中生代以来构造一岩浆活动序列的正确建立。本文展示的基础地质调查成果可揭示:蓟县北部常州沟-杨庄一带的地质结构构造远不是我国大多数地学学者们对此描述的那样简单。调查区约200km。面积可代表燕山中段南麓的大面积中-新元古界分布区的基本地质结构构造特征。已识别出的18条断层和由其限制的21个以上构造岩片的现实位态表明,该地区地壳上部是由多个复杂地块堆叠构成的,主体构造形成于燕山晚期,在形成方式上以大规模多次不同方向运移的薄皮构造岩片叠覆为主要特征。  相似文献   
Groundwater from karst subterranean streams is among the world’s most important sources of drinking water supplies, and the hydrochemical characteristics of karst water are impacted by both natural environment and people. Therefore, the study of hydrochemistry and its solutes’ sources is very important to ensure the normal function of life support systems. In this paper, thirty?five representative karst groundwater samples were collected from different aquifers (limestone and dolomite) and various land use types in Chongqing to trace the sources of solutes and relative hydrochemical processes. Hydrogeochemical types of karst groundwater in Chongqing were mainly of the Ca?HCO3 type or Ca (Mg)?HCO3 type. However, some hydrochemical types of karst groundwater were the K+Na+Ca?SO4 type (G25 site) or Ca?HCO3+SO4 type (G26 and G14 site), indicating that the hydrochemistry of these sites might be strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities or unique geological characteristics. The dissolved Sr concentrations of the studied groundwater ranged from 0.57 to 15.06 μmmol/L, and the 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.70751 to 0.71627. The δ34S?SO42? fell into a range of ?6.8‰?21.5‰, with a mean value of 5.6‰. The variations of both 87Sr/86Sr and Sr values of the groundwater samples indicated that the Sr element was controlled by the weathering of limestone, dolomite and silicate rock. However, the figure of 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr2+/[K++Na+] showed that the anthropogenic inputs also obviously contributed to the Sr contents. For tracing the detailed anthropogenic effects, we traced the sources of solutes collected karst groundwater samples in Chongqing according to the δ34S value of potential sulfate sources. The variations of both δ34S and 1/SO42? values of the groundwater samples indicated that the atmospheric acid deposition (AAD), dissolution of gypsum (GD), oxidation of sul?de mineral (OS) or anthropogenic inputs (SF: sewage or fertilizer) have contributed to solutes in karst groundwater. The influence of oxidation of sul?de mineral, atmospheric acid deposit and anthropogenic inputs to groundwater in Chongqing karst areas was much widespread.  相似文献   
张掖盆地水文地质特征与稳定同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张徽  安永会  韩双宝  何锦  李旭峰 《地下水》2009,31(6):123-125
论述了张掖盆地地下水赋存分布特征与地下水补给、径流、排泄条件,利用水化学、同位素调查的方法,重点对张掖甘州平原区地下水水化学类型及其演化过程进行了研究。结果表明:张掖盆地由源于南部祁连山和北部龙首山的水系沉积物组成,其冲洪积平原规模、含水层富水性、导水性与地下水水化学特征等方面存在差异;同时地下水稳定同住素特征分析印证了水文地质条件的差异。祁连山前沉积物与龙首山前沉积物中地下水有着不同的补给来源和径流路径。浅层地下水和龙首山前深层承压水主要补给源为大气降水和山区河流入渗补给,祁连山前深层承压地下水系统可能有冰雪融水补给。  相似文献   
甘肃张掖市冬季气温变化的时空特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
依据张掖市近50年来的冬季气温观测资料,运用Mann-Kendall法、小波分析、空间插值等方法,对张掖市冬季气温的时空分布规律和变化周期进行分析。结果表明:冬季气温总体上呈现增暖的趋势(β值为0.08),线性增长率为0.56℃/10a,相当于近50年冬季气温升高了2.8℃,冬季增温对全年升温的贡献率高达89%。1985年冬季气温发生突变,之后进入偏暖期,1987年后增温趋势更加显著。冬季气温存在10年左右和22年左右的振荡周期,其中22年左右的振荡周期较强。冬季气温空间分布不均,呈现出由东南向西北逐渐增温的趋势。冬季气温从20世纪70年代起就开始增温,东部增温速度明显高于西部,冬季气温增暖主要发生在最近的20余年内。  相似文献   
农户行为视角下的乡村生产空间系统运行机制及重构启示   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
农户行为转变是乡村生产空间系统量变或从量变到质变的重要驱动力,乡村生产空间系统的运行实质上是农户行为作用的外在表现,厘清农户行为可为诠释乡村生产空间系统的运行机制提供平台。本文在剖析农户行为转变与乡村生产空间系统运行响应的理论框架基础上,从农户行为转变和乡村生产空间系统响应入手构建指标体系,建立模糊综合评价量化模型,并以重庆市江津区恒和村作为实证,诠释乡村生产空间系统运行机制。主要研究结论为:不同农户行为对乡村生产空间系统运行的影响程度各异,大体为生产大户>合作社农户>传统农户;不同农户行为对系统运行响应结果的作用差异明显,生产大户行为主要影响乡村生产空间的利用效率,合作社农户行为对提升生产空间系统经济效益作用明显,传统农户行为对生产空间系统环境改善的贡献作用最小。并从经济、社会、空间重构视角提出发展多种形式的适度规模化经营、培育新型农业经营主体和职业农民、合理引导农户技术和资本投入等建议,以实现乡村生产空间系统协调与均衡发展。  相似文献   
王录仓  高静 《干旱区地理》2015,38(4):797-804
干旱区内陆河流域的核心在于水,核心区域在于绿洲。灌区是构成绿洲的最基本单元。论文应用最邻近距离指数(NNI),分析了张掖绿洲灌区中居民点与水浇地及渠系之间的空间耦合关系,结果表明:在张掖大小共39个灌区中,有22个灌区的NNI值<0.5,灌区中居民点总体表现为聚集分布态势,但空间差异明显,沿山灌区居民点聚集程度明显高于绿洲中腹灌区,映射出不同灌区水资源的基本约束力。从微观角度考察,居民点与水浇地、渠系、道路之间的平均临近距离从沿山独立灌区-绿洲边缘灌区-绿洲中腹灌区逐步增加,说明沿山灌区水浇地、渠系与居民点的关系更密切。灌区中居民点与渠系、水浇地表现出显著的"亲水型"和"亲地型","质点"(居民点)-"廊道"(渠系和路网)-"域面"(土地)之间存在非常密切的相互依存关系。  相似文献   
马忠  李丹  王康 《中国沙漠》2014,34(1):284-290
实物型投入产出模型更适合用于核算与量化分析经济系统与资源环境间直接及间接的耦合关联。采用Helga Weisz的方法,通过价值型向实物型表转换,编制完成张掖市实物型投入产出表。基于实物型投入产出模型,对张掖市各部门水资源利用在社会经济系统中迁移特点和部门关联程度及乘数进行分析。结果表明:实物表为我们提供了新的分析视角,此方法的应用在资源环境领域的应用具有相当的适用价值。间接需求对水资源影响不容忽视,每个部门的乘数作用很大程度影响该部门在虚拟水战略中的地位和作用。畜牧业、制造业、建筑业在张掖市水资源利用部门关联中作用突出,应作为水资源的社会化管理重点关注的部门。  相似文献   
广元境内土地、矿产、水和生物等资源相当丰富,但还未形成商品优势。普遍深入地开发资源,面向市场,发展优势部门,是振兴本地经济的必由之路。  相似文献   
The Zhangye Region of Gansu Province is an important agricultural base in arid northwestern China. During the twentieth century, especially in the last five decades, the region has experienced sandy desertification. To document the status and causes of this deterioration, satellite images, meteorological and socioeconomic data to assess landscape change from 1993 to 2002 were interpreted and analyzed. The results show that during the intervening 9-year period the area of sandy lands has increased by 642.2 km2, which consist of aeolian sand dune (357.1 km2) and potential sandy land (216.3 km2). Although the development and reversion of sandy desertification co-exist, the sandy desertification in this area seems serious and is attributable to the irrational use of water and land.  相似文献   
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