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Identifying China’s leading world city: a network approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports our research on China’s world cities. Formal network analysis of air passenger linkages for recent years among China’s most populous cities and among many of the world’s largest cities allows us to identify the country’s leading world city from among the leading Mainland candidates, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We theorize our findings about China’s world cities in relation to both global forces (and China’s increasing entanglement with them) and the policies and actions of the national state. We examine the national and global urban network through a longitudinal, two-level analysis of airline passenger travel for four time points between about 1990 and 2005. We show that Beijing was China’s leading world city at the beginning of the time period, a status it lost nationally in as early as 1995, and then globally 10 years later. On the other hand Shanghai became China’s leading world city, and it acquired this status first nationally in 2000, and then globally in 2005. The changing status of the Chinese capital corresponds to the country’s increasing involvement with the capitalist world economy. Shanghai’s ascendance as the leading world city in China may indicate that global forces have come to play an increasingly important role relative to that of the developmental state.
Michael F. TimberlakeEmail:
Developing ecotourism in First World, resource-dependent areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deborah Che 《Geoforum》2006,37(2):212-226
Ecotourism, an economic diversification tool most commonly applied in the Third World as a means to protect ecosystems, preserve local cultures, and spur economic development, has recently been applied in First World resource-dependent areas. While ecotourism has traditionally focused on Third World ‘undisturbed’ protected lands, it has also been developed in their First World equivalents (i.e., old-growth forests) as well as in First World sites of past resource extraction and in places where current agricultural practices maintain cherished cultural landscapes. Forest County, Pennsylvania, a timber-dependent area, sought to diversify its economy by developing ecotourism based on its unique Allegheny hardwood forests, which are produced by timber harvesting. This ecotourism would encourage amenity-based, locally-driven economic development and maintain timber harvesting. While government and foundation supported ecotourism development efforts in areas dependent on resource extraction have incorporated some of ecotourism’s ideals, these operations have had mixed success. Such isolated areas, which have traditionally drawn visitors independently engaging in traditional outdoor recreation activities, have not been able to draw enough customers willing to pay for natural and cultural history tours. If ecotourism is to be successful, such areas may need further government support and destination branding to increase name recognition in order to counter the global orientation of the nature tour industry. For true community development, local collaborative efforts including resource and environmental interests are also required in which primary production is connected to processing and consumers through value-added and service sector activities such as tourism.  相似文献   
The páramo is a neotropical alpine ecosystem that covers more than 75,000 km2 of the northern Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru. It provides important environmental services: more than 10 million people in the Andean highlands benefit from the water supply and regulation function, which is attributed to the volcanic soils that underlie the ecosystem. The soils are also major carbon sinks of global significance. Severe land use changes and soil degradation threaten both the hydrology and carbon sink function. Nevertheless, soil genesis and properties in the páramo is rather poorly understood, nor are their ecological functions well documented. The impact of the geomorphology of the páramo on soil genesis was studied in the rio Paute basin, south Ecuador. Two toposequences were described and analysed. In each toposequence, four pedons were selected representing summit, backslope, undrained plain situation, and valley bottom positions in the landscape. The soils are classified as Hydric Andosols in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and Epiaquands or Hydrudands in Soil Taxonomy. They are very acidic and have a high organic matter content, high P deficiency, and Al toxicity. Their water content ranges from 2.64 g g− 1 at saturation, down to 1.24 g g− 1 at wilting point, resulting in a large water storage capacity. Two major soil forming processes are identified: (1) volcanic ash deposition and (2) accumulation of organic carbon. Volcanic ash deposits may vary in depth as a result of regional geomorphological factors such as parent material, orientation, slope, and altitude. Organic carbon accumulation is an interaction of both waterlogging, which depends on the position in the landscape, and the formation of organometallic complexes with Al and Fe released during volcanic ash breakdown. Despite the high variability in parent material and topography, the soil is characterised by a notable homogeneity in physico-chemical properties. Statistical analysis reveals that only topographic location has a slight but significant influence on soil pH as well as the organic matter content, saturated conductivity and water retention at high pressure. Finally, the exceptional properties of these soils provide useful insights to improve classification of the Andosols reference group of the FAO World reference Base for Soil Resources.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Media-richness theory is applied to World Wide Web sites to demonstrate how Web-page designers are using hypertext markup language to shape conceptions of place and to provide competing visions of the events that have transpired in the former Yugoslavia. We argue that Web sites vary in their interactivity, strategically, to reduce equivocality surrounding conceptions of space and territory. Media-richness theory as applied here allows the development of a heuristic to understand how Web pages communicate information about geographical entities and help to shape perceptions of place.  相似文献   
90年代世界贸易发展及空间格局变化的新特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在世界贸易组织、日趋强烈的开放的区域主义倾向、跨国公司强劲的直接投资影响下,世界贸易正在经历着巨大变化,处在一个新的转换时期。本文从影响当今世界贸易发展的多重因素分析,揭示90年代世界贸易增长、内容结构以及空间格局发展变化的新特征,并展望世界贸易的未来发展。  相似文献   
This paper concerns the performance of national war memory at the Changi Chapel and Museum, a site honouring the many prisoners interned in Japanese-Occupied Singapore—especially at Changi—during the Second World War. In the light of the global nature of ‘the Changi story’, and the predominantly transnational nature of its present in situ memorialisation, we first examine how the Singapore state has sought to ‘localise’ the site to make it equally appealing to Singaporeans, as a place where a sense of their ‘shared history’ may be invoked. We then explore the Singaporeans' views about the site and its reconfiguration as a national icon, arguing how the state's task of ‘localising’ the site has been a vexed process due to myriad factors such as ethnic and religious plurality, and the already foreign-centric bias of prevailing knowledge about Changi. Following that, we show how this performance of national memory is also inflected by Australia's national remembrance of the same event. More broadly, we highlight the contested process of ‘localising’ such war memoryscapes as national iconography, suggesting how it may be more fruitful to conceive them as ‘international memoryscapes’, or places to which all individuals can relate regardless of race or national affiliations.  相似文献   
彭阳  陈安泽  钱方 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1109-1112
云南石林世界地质公园阿诗玛石柱,其岩石地层是呈水平产状的中二叠统茅口组厚层块状灰岩,但其构成岩石的具体岩性却未见做过详细工作。笔者等经公园管理部门同意,自下而上分别在阿诗玛石柱背侧底部、下部、中部、上部和顶部共采集样品五块,对其岩石学特征及沉积微相作了详细研究,弄清了这一世界著名景点自下而上的岩石构成及沉积相。底部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状具平行层理生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛脚部。下部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状虫筳生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腿部。中部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状砂屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腰部。上部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状具生物扰动含砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛胸部;顶部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状砂屑生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛头部。其中含有大量生物化石碎屑:有孔虫、三叶虫、藻类、介形虫、腕足、苔藓虫、虫筳、海百合茎、双壳类,为高能浅滩相和中等能量浅潮下环境。希能为石林形成过程研究和科学普及提供参考。  相似文献   
基于“天地图·甘肃”地理信息公共服务平台提供的地图API功能,在 “天地图·甘南”州级节点的基础上,整合甘南州国土空间规划相关数据和评价模型,采用可视化B/S前后端分离架构,矢量瓦片索引和微服务等技术,搭建了甘南州国土空间规划辅助决策系统,并通过系统平台实现了资源浏览、数据查询、数据统计、占地分析、规划冲突分析、数据大屏等辅助决策功能,为建设项目选址、用地审批、规划审查、土地储备与开发等提供决策服务。  相似文献   
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