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Potentially mineralised Paleozoic basement rocks in the southern Thomson Orogen region of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales are covered by varying thicknesses of Mesozoic to Cenozoic sediments. To assess cover thickness and methods for estimating depth to basement, we collected new airborne electromagnetic (AEM), seismic refraction, seismic reflection and audio-frequency magnetotelluric data and combined these with new depth to magnetic basement models from airborne magnetic line data and ground gravity data along selected transects. The results of these investigations over two borehole sites, GSQ Eulo 1 and GSQ Eulo 2, show that cover thickness can be reliably assessed to within the confidence limits of the various techniques, but that caveats exist regarding the application of each of the disciplines. These techniques are part of a rapid-deployment explorers’ toolbox of geophysical techniques that have been tested at two sites in Australia, the Stavely region of western Victoria, and now the southern Thomson Orogen in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland. The results shown here demonstrate that AEM and ground geophysics, and to a lesser extent depth to magnetic source modelling, can produce reliable results when applied to the common exploration problem of determining cover thickness. The results demonstrate that portable seismic systems, designed for geotechnical site investigations, are capable of imaging basement below 300 m of unlithified Eromanga Basin cover as refraction and reflection data. The results of all methods provide much information about the nature of the basement–cover interface and basement at borehole sites in the southern Thomson Orogen, in that the basement is usually weathered, the interface has paleotopography, and it can be recognised by its density, natural gamma, magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity contrasts.  相似文献   
Polarimetric line profiles arising from the Doppler redistribution of monochromatic stellar line radiation, Thomson scattered in a Keplerian rotating circumstellar disc are presented. It is shown that analysis of the scattered line profiles at different wavelengths which, due to Doppler redistribution, sample different disc regions allows the disc inclination to be determined.  相似文献   
John Turnbull Thomson is more known in New Zealand for his work as Chief Surveyor of Otago Province (1856–1876) and first Surveyor General of New Zealand (1877–1879). He was also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London from 1848 until his death in 1884. Thomson was an important and early self‐declared ‘does’ of geographer in New Zealand, prior to the establishment of university geography in 1937. Thomson's contribution included survey and mapping but he also gave public lectures on geography and contributed to debates about glaciation.  相似文献   
The basement rocks of the poorly understood Thomson Orogen are concealed by mid-Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous intra-continental basins and direct information about the orogen is gleaned from sparse geological data. Constrained potential field forward modelling has been undertaken to highlight key features and resolve deeply sourced anomalies within the Thomson Orogen. The Thomson Orogen is characterised by long-wavelength and low-amplitude geophysical anomalies when compared with the northern and western Precambrian terranes of the Australian continent. Prominent NE- and NW-trending gravity anomalies reflect the fault architecture of the region. High-intensity Bouguer gravity anomalies correlate with shallow basement rocks. Bouguer gravity anomalies below –300 µm/s2 define the distribution of the Devonian Adavale Basin and associated troughs. The magnetic grid shows smooth textures, punctuated by short-wavelength, high-intensity anomalies that indicate magnetic contribution at different crustal levels. It is interpreted that meta-sedimentary basement rocks of the Thomson Orogen, intersected in several drill holes, are representative of a seismically non-reflective and non-magnetic upper basement. Short-wavelength, high-intensity magnetic source bodies and colocated negative Bouguer gravity responses are interpreted to represent shallow granitic intrusions. Long-wavelength magnetic anomalies are inferred to reflect the topography of a seismically reflective and magnetic lower basement. Potential field forward modelling indicates that the Thomson Orogen might be a single terrane. We interpret that the lower basement consists of attenuated Precambrian and mafic enriched continental crust, which differs from the oceanic crust of the Lachlan Orogen further south.  相似文献   

The Charters Towers Province, of the northern Thomson Orogen, records conversion from a Neoproterozoic passive margin to a Cambrian active margin, as characteristic of the Tasmanides. The passive margin succession includes a thick metasedimentary unit derived from Mesoproterozoic rocks. The Cambrian active margin is represented by upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician (500–460?Ma) basinal development (Seventy Mile Range Group), plutonism and metamorphism resulting from an enduring episode of arc–backarc crustal extension. Detrital zircon age spectra indicate that parts of the metamorphic basement of the Charters Towers Province (elements of the Argentine Metamorphics and Charters Towers Metamorphics) overlap in protolith age with the basal part of the Seventy Mile Range Group and thus were associated with extensional basin development. Detrital zircon age data from the extensional basin succession indicate it was derived from a far-field (Pacific-Gondwana) primary source. However, a young cluster (<510?Ma) is interpreted as reflecting a local igneous source related to active margin tectonism. Relict zircon in a tonalite phase of the Fat Hen Creek Complex suggests that active margin plutonism may have extended back to ca 530?Ma. Syntectonic plutonism in the western Charters Towers Province is dated at ca 485–480?Ma, close to timing of metamorphism (477–467?Ma) and plutonism more generally (508–455?Ma). The dominant structures in the metamorphic basement formed with gentle to subhorizontal dips and are inferred to have formed by extensional ductile deformation, while normal faulting developed at shallower depths, associated with heat advection by plutonism. Lower Silurian (Benambran) shortening, which affected metamorphic basement and extensional basin units, resulted in the dominant east–west-structural trends of the province. We consider that these trends reflect localised north–south shortening rather than rotation of the province as is consistent with the north–south paleogeographic alignment of extensional basin successions.
  2. Northern Tasmanide transition from passive to active margin tectonic mode had occurred by ca 510?Ma, perhaps as early as ca 530?Ma.

  3. Cambro-Ordovician active margin tectonism of the Charters Towers Province (northern Thomson Orogen) was characterised by crustal extension.

  4. Crustal extension resulted in the development of coeval (500–460?Ma) basin fill, granitic plutonism and metamorphism with rock assemblages as exposed across the Charters Towers Province developed at a wide range of crustal levels and expressing heterogeneous exhumation.

  5. Protoliths of metasedimentary assemblages of the Charters Towers Province include both Proterozoic passive margin successions and those emplaced as Cambrian extensional basin fill.


Multi-scale, multi-method integration of geological constraints, with new interpretations of potential field data and seismic reflection data, has resulted in a comprehensive structural interpretation of the southern Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia. The interpretation reveals ~50 major faults and shear zones, many of which can be traced for several hundred kilometres. The interpretation suggests that the southern Thomson Orogen can be subdivided into several structural domains that can be distinguished by differences in: (i) spatial orientation, (ii) geographic distribution, and (iii) partly the timing of major faults, but also to varying degrees by (iv) the evolution and spatial orientation of other structural elements, such as folds, minor faults and fractures, (v) broader lithological trends, (vi) stratigraphy, and (vii) structural style. The two largest domains are the Western Structural Domain that contains numerous faults and shear zones, and the fold-dominated Eastern Structural Domain, which is more strongly affected by late- to post-Devonian thrusting than the Western Structural Domain. Notwithstanding their differences, the domains can be integrated into a coherent structural model for the southern Thomson Orogen, which suggests that the area represents a set of megafolds or oroclines, which may have formed during the Bindian Orogeny.  相似文献   

Information on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides in eastern Australia is limited due to the presence of an extensive younger sedimentary cover. Based on the spatio-temporal distribution of deformation and magmatism, the Tasmanides have traditionally been subdivided into five domains (Delamerian, Thomson, Lachlan, Mossman and New England). To test the relationships between these domains, we compiled over 10000 published detrital-zircon ages from basement rocks of the Tasmanides. We split the dataset spatially to test postulated connectivity between domains, and temporally to isolate corresponding age populations that can highlight subtle variations between domains. Results show that the Delamerian and Thomson domains originated as a single orogenic belt that likely received detritus from an early Paleozoic continental-scale drainage system. We also recognise a remarkably similar pattern of Paleoproterozoic and Archean ages in the Delamerian, Thomson and New England domains. This similarity indicates that the late Paleozoic development of the New England domain involved recycling of rocks from the Delamerian–Thomson domain(s). These findings shed new light on the crustal architecture of eastern Australia, and the nature of Paleozoic drainage and sediment recycling in eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

Re-evaluation of geochemical and geophysical datasets, and analysis of magmatic and detrital zircons from drill-core samples extracted from the Louth region of the southern Thomson Orogen (STO), augmented by limited field samples, has shown that two temporally and compositionally distinct igneous groups exist. The older Lower Devonian, calc-alkaline group corresponds to complexly folded, high-intensity curvilinear magnetic anomalies in the Louth region (Louth Volcanics) and are probable equivalents to Lower Devonian volcanics in the northern Lachlan Orogen. A younger Permo-Triassic alkaline assemblage forms part of an E–W corridor of diatremes that appears to relate to focussed lithospheric extension associated with the later stages of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny in the New England Orogen. The alkaline group includes gabbros previously considered as Neoproterozoic, but all magmatic rocks, including alkaline basalts, contain an unusual number of xenocrystic zircons. The age spectra of the xenocrystic zircons mimic detrital zircons from Cobar Basin sedimentary rocks and/or underlying Ordovician turbidites, suggesting incorporation of upper crustal zircons into the alkaline basaltic magmas. A distinct difference of detrital zircon age spectra from central Thomson Orogen metasediments indicates the STO metasediments have greater affinities to the Lachlan Orogen, but both orogens probably began in the Early Ordovician during widespread backarc extension and deposition of turbidites in the Tasmanides. A surprising result is that Ordovician, Devonian and Permo-Triassic basaltic rocks from the STO and elsewhere in the Tasmanides, all yield the same Nd-model ages of ca 960–830 Ma, suggesting that Neoproterozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle persisted throughout the evolution of the Tasmanide orogenic system.  相似文献   

Magmatic-textured zircon from medium- to high-K calc-alkaline Warraweena Volcanics (WV) in two drill holes have yielded concordant U–Pb dates of 417?±?3.5 and 414?±?4.0?Ma and are interpreted as maximum emplacement ages. The Warraweena volcanics were previously considered to be either Neoproterozoic or Macquarie arc equivalents. Whole-rock εNdt values of these volcanics are +4.5 and +4.8. Along strike of the drill holes, Devonian zircon U–Pb ages (411?±?5.5?Ma) were obtained from coherent S-type rhyolite flows that have highly negative εNdt values (–7.9 and –7.8). These are a component of the Oxley volcanics. The ages of the Warraweena and Oxley volcanics are identical within uncertainty.

The Oxley volcanics (OV) are interbedded with predominantly fine- to medium-grained metasedimentary and so imply a Lower Devonian deposition age for these host rocks. Based on their geophysical characteristics, the metasediments are widely distributed. These metasedimentary rocks yield a wide range of maximum depositional ages, from Early Devonian to earliest Ordovician–latest Cambrian, similar to the Cobar Basin. The absence of complex fabric development typical of Ordovician supracrustal rocks in the region, and conformity with the OV where observable suggest the widespread sedimentation was synchronous with rift-related volcanism in the Early Devonian.

Regionally, the WV is temporally, geochemically and isotopically (εNd values) similar to the calc-alkaline Louth Volcanics located over 100?km to the southwest of the WV. Louth Volcanics define a complexly folded belt in geophysical data. Other potentially correlative Early Devonian igneous rocks occur in the nearby Cobar Superbasin and elsewhere in the eastern Lachlan Orogen and are considered to represent the products of a post-orogenic, nascent continental back-arc rift system.  相似文献   

The Devonian subsurface Adavale Basin occupies a central position in the Paleozoic central Thomson Orogen of eastern Australia and records its tectonic setting during this time interval. Here, we have focussed on the basal volcanics of the Gumbardo Formation to clarify the tectonic setting of the basin. The approach has been to undertake stratigraphic logging, LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemical analysis. The data indicate that basin initiation was rapid occurring at ca 401?Ma. The volcanic rocks are dominated by K-feldspar phyric rhyodacitic ignimbrites. The whole-rock geochemical data indicate little evidence for extensive fractional crystallisation, with the volcanic suite resembling the composition of the upper continental crust and exhibiting transitional I- to A-type tectonomagmatic affinities. One new U–Pb zircon age revealed an Early Ordovician emplacement age for a volcanic rock previously interpreted to be part of the Early Devonian Gumbardo Formation, and older basement age is consistent with seismic interpretations of uplifted basement in this region of the western Adavale Basin. Five ignimbrites dated from different stratigraphic levels within the formation yield similar emplacement ages with a pooled weighted age of 398.2?±?1.9?Ma (mean square weighted deviation?=?0.94, n?=?93). Significant zircon inheritance in the volcanic rocks records reworking of Ordovician and Silurian silicic igneous basement from the Thomson Orogen and provides insight into the crustal make-up of the Thomson Orogen. Collectively, the new data presented here suggest the Adavale Basin is a cover-type basin that developed on a stabilised Thomson Orogen after the major Bindian deformation event in the late Silurian.  相似文献   
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