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Although the Songnen Plain in the northeastern China was developed relatively late in the temperate zone of the world, its eco-environment has changed greatly. This paper analyzes the changes of land cover and the rates and trends ofdesertification during the past 100 years in the Songnen Plain. According to the macroscopic analysis, we find that the eco-environment in the plain has reached to the threshold of catastrophic change since the 1950s. The Thorn Needle Catastrophic Model was used to determine and validate this conclusion. Human activities, including large-scale construction projects, such as huge dams and dikes, and excessive grazing were the primary factors contributing to regional eco-environmental catastrophe. And irrational reclamation of the wilderness also affected the eco-environmental change. The results reveal the complex human-land interactions.  相似文献   
Overbank deposits in the Komissarovka River valley consist of alternating silt, clay silt, sand, and soils produced by lacustrine, alluvial, and aeolian deposition and by soil formation. Silt and sand layers in the lower part of the section correlate with the events of Early Holocene transgression and Middle Holocene regression of Lake Khanka. Deposition in the lowermost reaches of the Komissarovka River provides a faithful record of local Holocene landscapes controlled by level changes in Lake Khanka.  相似文献   
Mass and energy fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation are driven by meteorological variables, and controlled by plant water status, which may change more markedly diurnally than soil water. We tested the hypothesis that integration of dynamic changes in leaf water potential may improve the simulation of CO2 and water fluxes over a wheat canopy. Simulation of leaf water potential was integrated into a comprehensive model (the ChinaAgrosys) of heat, water and CO2 fluxes and crop growth. Photosynthesis from individual leaves was integrated to the canopy by taking into consideration the attenuation of radiation when penetrating the canopy. Transpiration was calculated with the Shuttleworth-Wallace model in which canopy resistance was taken as a link between energy balance and physiological regulation. A revised version of the Ball-Woodrow-Berry stomatal model was applied to produce a new canopy resistance model, which was validated against measured CO2 and water vapour fluxes over winter wheat fields in Yucheng (36°57′ N, 116°36′ E, 28 m above sea level) in the North China Plain during 1997, 2001 and 2004. Leaf water potential played an important role in causing stomatal conductance to fall at midday, which caused diurnal changes in photosynthesis and transpiration. Changes in soil water potential were less important. Inclusion of the dynamics of leaf water potential can improve the precision of the simulation of CO2 and water vapour fluxes, especially in the afternoon under water stress conditions.  相似文献   
20世纪50-70年代的围湖垦殖与江汉平原湖泊湿地演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相关资料并借助RS/GIS方法对20世纪50-70年代的大规模围垦情况进行了初步分析。结果表明:20世纪50年代、60年代、70年代、80年代0.1km2以上的湖泊总量分别是1309个、611个、612个、838个,湖泊总面积分别是8503.7km2、5467.5km2、2934.3km2、2977.3km2。湖泊数量和面积减少与围湖垦殖关系密切,江汉湖区平均面积变化率为65.0%,围垦具有明显的区域差异特征。围湖垦殖与江汉平原湿地演化关系密切,围湖垦殖降低了江汉平原湿地演化的可持续性。  相似文献   
河床结构探测是研究河水-地下水转化过程的关键,复杂河床结构探测过程中,单一物探方法通常精度不高。本文采用多普勒声学流速仪、地质雷达法、高密度电阻率法相结合,在淮北平原典型工作区进行河床形态和沉积物分布特征探测,构建了完整的联合反演河床岩性结构特征的技术体系,取得了较好的识别效果。结果表明:新汴河节制闸上游呈"蝶形",河床结构均匀,底泥厚度变化范围小;下游河床形态受分水坝影响起伏较大,河床形态不平整,底泥厚度为0.8~1 m;涡河处河道形态呈半椭圆形,且底泥两岸薄中间厚。韩村剖面受抽砂干扰严重,河床出现中间高两侧低的情况,底泥分布不均匀;两河口断面下存在弱透水层(粉质黏土),下方为承压含水层,其潜水含水层分布不均匀。实践证明,多种技术联合反演在河床形态探测上能够相互印证,提高成果解译的可靠性和准确性,为河水-地下水转化研究提供支撑。  相似文献   
王然  李庆辰  徐全洪 《第四纪研究》2012,32(6):1255-1260
华北平原西南部的石垄地貌位于河北省邯郸市西北10km的黄土台地区,由沿北东方向延伸的1条大石垄和9条小石垄组成。野外调查、测量资料和室内分析数据表明,垄岗状地貌由钙质胶结的古洺河入宁晋泊的河口三角洲分流河道沉积沙体组成,形成于晚更新世晚期的玉木Ⅱ与玉木Ⅲ之间的间冰阶,距今约2.86万年。垄岗上的"V"型裂口是在玉木盛冰期期间,三角洲上的分流河道沙体暴露于气下,在脱水干缩过程中形成的横切裂隙,与泥裂的成因类似。沿分流河道沙体下泄的富含碳酸钙的地下水在此渗出或溢出,形成了裂隙两侧脊状突起和大石垄左侧的分支状钙板堆积体。伴随邯郸断裂在晚更新世末期以来的强烈活动,紫山断块快速隆升,由此阻断了南洺河向东的自然流路,使其在清化附近被迫改为向北流,在大油村汇入洺河干流。邯郸断裂的正向滑动所引起的地层旋转,使得局部地层倾向逆转,由此造成了垄状沙脊整体向北东方向以5°的仰角翘起。  相似文献   
三江平原旱田耕作对湿地土壤理化性质的累积影响初探   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
袁兆华  吕宪国  周嘉 《湿地科学》2006,4(2):133-137
在中国科学院三江平原湿地生态试验站综合实验场,对不同耕作年限的湿地土壤(0~20 cm)进行环境累积效应分析。结果表明,随着开垦时间的增加,土壤的理化性质发生渐变,物理性质方面,土壤容重和比重逐渐增大,而孔隙度和田间持水量逐年减少;化学性质方面,土壤pH值随开垦时间的增加而增加,有机质和其他养分则随开垦时间的增加而逐年降低。弃耕后土壤性质有所恢复。土壤性质在开垦初期变化较明显,而后逐渐变缓。  相似文献   
沈光  倪红伟  徐香玲 《湿地科学》2006,4(4):286-291
以三江平原狭叶甜茅(Glyceriaspiculosa)为研究对象,选取3个不同群落类型:狭叶甜茅优势种群落、狭叶甜茅和毛苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)为共建种的群落以及狭叶甜茅为主要伴生种的群落,共45个材料进行了ISSR分子标记分析。结果从41个引物中筛选出7个有效引物,扩增出80条清晰条带,平均每个引物扩增了11.4条带,其中70个位点是多态的,总的多态位点比率为87.5%,表明被测材料间ISSR标记多态性较高。利用Popgen(version1.32)软件分析了扩增结果,并得到了狭叶甜茅不同群落类型的遗传距离、遗传一致度、Nei和Shannon信息指数等遗传特征。结果表明,对于一个物种来说,当地理距离太近不能成为影响其遗传多样性水平的因素时,其构成的种群在群落中的地位将是影响遗传多样性水平的主要因素之一。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONJianghanPlainisoneoftheimportantbasesofChina′sagriculturalproductivitylocatedinthemiddleChangjiangRivervalleyofcentralChina.TheJianghanplainapproximately6.6×104km2inareaandover30millioninpopulationistherenowned“countryoffishandrice"in…  相似文献   
To clarify the responses of plant functional traits to nitrogen(N) enrichment, we investigated the whole-plant traits(plant height and aboveground biomass), leaf morphological(specific leaf area(SLA) and leaf dry mass content(LDMC)) and chemical traits(leaf N concentration(LNC) and leaf phosphorus(P) concentration(LPC)) of Deyeuxia angustifolia and Glyceria spiculosa following seven consecutive years of N addition at four rates(0 g N/(m^2·yr), 6 g N/(m^2·yr), 12 g N/(m^2·yr) and 24 g N/(m^2·yr)) in a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results showed that, for both D. angustifolia and G. spiculosa, N addition generally increased plant height, leaf, stem and total aboveground biomass, but did not cause changes in SLA and LDMC. Moreover, increased N availability caused an increase in LNC, and did not affect LPC. Thus, N addition decreased leaf C∶N ratio, but caused an increase in leaf N∶P ratio, and did not affect leaf C∶P ratio. Our results suggest that, in the mid-term, elevated N loading does not alter leaf morphological traits, but causes substantial changes in whole-plant traits and leaf chemical traits in temperate freshwater wetlands. These may help to better understand the effects of N enrichment on plant functional traits and thus ecosystem structure and functioning in freshwater wetlands.  相似文献   
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