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Karabash (52°2 N, 60°10 E) is a copper smelting town in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia. The town is affected by sulphur dioxide emissions and deposition of metal-rich particulates from the smelter, acid drainage from old mine workings, and leachates from disused waste dumps and tailings dams. The close proximity of houses to these sources of pollution is of concern to human health and has devastated terrestrial vegetation in the environs. The environmental impact of the smelter on lakes in the area has been assessed using chironomids. Short sediment cores were taken from 16 lakes within a 50 km radius of the smelter and the composition of the chironomid fauna from the bottom of each core, representing conditions prior to the commissioning of the smelter in 1910, was compared with the present chironomid fauna in the surface sediments. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that changes in the chironomid fauna of most lakes were driven by trophic change, independent of the industrial activity. Lakes and ponds adjacent to the smelter and waste dumps, which directly receive contaminated waters were devoid of macro- and mesofauna and flora, but there is no evidence that other lakes have been severely impacted by smelter emissions. Local geology ensures that the lakes are well-buffered to the effects of acid deposition which will limit the bioavailability of metals in the water column and sediment.  相似文献   
A sediment core representing the past two millennia was recovered from Stella Lake in the Snake Range of the central Great Basin in Nevada. The core was analyzed for sub-fossil chironomids and sediment organic content. A quantitative reconstruction of mean July air temperature (MJAT) was developed using a regional training set and a chironomid-based WA-PLS inference model (r2jack = 0.55, RMSEP = 0.9°C). The chironomid-based MJAT reconstruction suggests that the interval between AD 900 and AD 1300, corresponding to the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), was characterized by MJAT elevated 1.0°C above the subsequent Little Ice Age (LIA), but likely not as warm as recent conditions. Comparison of the Stella Lake temperature reconstruction to previously published paleoclimate records from this region indicates that the temperature fluctuations inferred to have occurred at Stella Lake between AD 900 and AD 1300 correspond to regional records documenting hydroclimate variability during the MCA interval. The Stella Lake record provides evidence that elevated summer temperature contributed to the increased aridity that characterized the western United States during the MCA.  相似文献   
Short sediment cores from two gulfs, Monche Bay and Kunchast Bay, of Lake Imandra (Kola Peninsula, northern Russia) were analysed for sediment chemistry and chironomid head capsule remains. Monche Bay has been receiving metals from the Severonikel copper-nickel smelter since the late 1930's. Kunchast Bay was selected in the remotest lake basin as an internal reference site. There were no pronounced changes in the chironomid assemblages with the beginning of slight metal contamination of Kunchast Bay. Based on the reconstructed environmental variables and chironomid assemblages, three developmental stages were distinguished from the chironomid fauna history of Monche Bay: (1) A natural development stage; (2) the early warning stage; and (3) the developing crises stage. During the first period, the changes in the chironomid fauna reflect an anthropogenically undisturbed assemblage, with Micropsectra insignilobus dominating (17–23%). The changes during the second period reflect the initial phase of anthropogenic succession associated with the beginning of metal pollution. The main species showed opposite distributional patterns in this period: the abundance of M. insignilobus decreased, whereas the abundance of Chironomus, Procladius and Sergentia coracina increased. At the same time, maximal numbers were attained for species richness (45) and Shannon-Weaver diversity (4.85) of chironomid assemblages, and the highest head capsule concentration (75 head capsules · g–1 of dry sediment). The third period was characterized by a major shift in the faunal assemblages, from M. insignilobus to other dominant species, including Chironomus (22–44%), Procladius (10–30 %) and S. coracina (15–18%). Besides fauna changes, assemblages of the third period are distinguished by the occurrence of mouthpart deformities in Chironomus head capsules.  相似文献   
Chironomid and ceratopogonid head capsules, along with Chaoborus mandibles, were used to model mean temperature of the warmest quarter (TWARM) in Tasmania. Our transfer function is based on midge assemblages and 21 environmental variables sampled from 47 lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed seven variables that account for a significant (P ≤ 0.05) portion of the explainable variance. In order of explanatory power, these were pH, TWARM, annual radiation, magnesium, annual precipitation, SiO2, and depth. TWARM was modeled using weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) and generated a model with and RMSEP = 0.94. Advances in chironomid paleoecology are progressing very quickly in the Southern Hemisphere. Chironomid identification guides and autecological data are available for many regions, highlighting the potential for developing midge-based quantitative models to address hemispheric and interhemispheric climate hypotheses.  相似文献   
Subfossil midge remains were identified in surface sediment recovered from 88 lakes in the central Canadian Arctic. These lakes spanned five vegetation zones, with the southern-most lakes located in boreal forest and the northern-most lakes located in mid-Arctic tundra. The lakes in the calibration are characterized by ranges in depth, summer surface-water temperature (SSWT), average July air temperature (AJAT) and pH of 15.5 m, 10.60°C, 8.40°C and 3.69, respectively. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that maximum depth, pH, AJAT, total nitrogen-unfiltered (TN-UF), Cl and Al capture a large and statistically significant fraction of the overall variance in the midge data. Inference models relating midge abundances and AJAT were developed using different approaches including: weighted averaging (WA), weighted averaging-partial least squares (WA-PLS) and partial least squares (PLS). A chironomid-based inference model, based on a two-component WA-PLS approach, provided robust performance statistics with a high coefficient of determination (r 2 = 0.77) and low root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP = 1.03°C) and low maximum bias. The use of a high-resolution gridded climate data set facilitated the development of the midge-based inference model for AJAT in a region with a paucity of meteorological stations and where previously only the development of a SSWT inference model was possible. David Porinchu and Nicolas Rolland contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   
A continuous record of insect (Chironomidae) remains preserved in lake sediments is used to infer temperature changes at a small lake in Arctic Canada through the Holocene. Early Holocene summers at the study site were characterized by more thermophilous assemblages and warmer inferred temperatures than today, presumably in response to the positive anomaly in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Peak early Holocene warmth was interrupted by two cold reversals between 9.5 and 8 cal ka BP, during which multiple cold-stenothermous chironomid taxa appeared in the lake. The earlier reversal appears to correlate with widespread climate anomalies around 9.2 cal ka BP; the age of the younger reversal is equivocal but it may correlate with the 8.2 cal ka BP cold event documented elsewhere. Widespread, abrupt climate shifts in the early Holocene illustrate the susceptibility of the climate system to perturbations, even during periods of enhanced warmth in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
A sedimentary record from lake Stora Viearvatn in northeast Iceland records environmental changes over the past 2000 years. Downcore data include chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) assemblage data and total organic carbon, nitrogen, and biogenic silica content. Sample scores from detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of chironomid assemblage data are well correlated with measured temperatures at Stykkishólmur over the 170 year instrumental record, indicating that chironomid assemblages at Stora Viearvatn have responded sensitively to past temperature changes. DCA scores appear to be useful for quantitatively inferring past temperatures at this site. In contrast, a quantitative chironomid-temperature transfer function developed for northwestern Iceland does a relatively poor job of reconstructing temperature shifts, possibly due to the lake’s large size and depth relative to the calibration sites or to the limited resolution of the subfossil taxonomy. The pre-instrumental climate history inferred from chironomids and other paleolimnological proxies is supported by prior inferences from historical documents, glacier reconstructions, and paleoceanographic studies. Much of the first millennium AD was relatively warm, with temperatures comparable to warm decades of the twentieth century. Temperatures during parts of the tenth and eleventh centuries AD may have been comparably warm. Biogenic silica concentrations declined, carbon:nitrogen ratios increased, and some chironomid taxa disappeared from the lake between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries, recording the decline of temperatures into the Little Ice Age, increasing soil erosion, and declining lake productivity. All the proxy reconstructions indicate that the most severe Little Ice Age conditions occurred during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a period historically associated with maximum sea-ice and glacier extent around Iceland.
Peter G. LangdonEmail:
Stratigraphic analysis of fossil chironomid head capsules wasperformed at North Crater Lake and Lake of the Woods, located at treeline (2250m) in the Ashnola region of southernmost British Columbia. Priorto 10,000 yr BP, cold conditions were indicated by the lack oftemperate taxa and the presence of cold-stenotherms. The abundance anddiversity of warm-adapted taxa (e.g., Dicrotendipes,Microtendipes, Polypedilum and Cladopelma)increased rapidly after 9500 yr BP, whereas taxa indicative ofcold conditions disappeared. Beginning prior to deposition of the Mazama ash(6730 ± 40 yr BP), several warm-adapted taxa decreasedin abundance. Mid- to late-Holocene assemblages (ca. 4500yr BP to present) indicated continued cooling as revealed by afurther reduction in diversity and abundance of warm-adapted taxa atboth lakes, and the reappearance of cold-stenotherms in Lake of theWoods. Diversity changes in the cores paralleled the inferred climatic changes.Diversity was low during the late-glacial, increased in theearly-Holocene, and declined after 5400 yr BP.To quantitatively infer past climatic changes, a newweighted yphen;averaging partial-least-squares (WA-PLS)model was developed and applied to the fossil midge data. The quantitativereconstructions revealed late-glacial mean July air temperatures rangingfrom about 8 to 10°C. Summer air temperatures were highest inthe early Holocene (13 to 17°C), gradually decreasing by about3°C through the mid- to late-Holocene.  相似文献   
The impact of recent natural and human-induced environmental change on chironomid faunas on Svalbard has been investigated. The modern chironomid fauna was studied from surface-sediment samples collected from 23 lakes in western Svalbard. A total of 18 taxa was found, of which three had not been recorded previously from Svalbard. The influence of water chemistry and physical variables on the distribution and abundance of the modern chironomid assemblages was investigated using correspondence analysis and multiple regression. The chironomid assemblages fall into four groups, which are primarily influenced by pH, nutrient concentrations, water temperature, and water depth. Sediment cores were taken from three lakes to investigate changes in chironomid assemblages over the last 700 years. At two of the sites there is evidence for a response to regional climatic change occurring about 200 years ago and may have been associated with the ‘Little Ice Age’. At the third site there is a response to local catchment changes, probably brought about, initially, by the establishment of a human settlement close to the lake 70 years ago, and subsequently, as a result of the abandonment of this settlement in 1988.  相似文献   
A lake sediment core recovered from Lake V57 on Victoria Island, Nunavut, Canada, spanning the last 2000 years, was analyzed for sub-fossil midge remains and organic-matter content (estimated by loss-on-ignition (LOI)). Significant changes in midge community composition occurred during the last 2000 years, with a distinct midge community appearing after 1600 AD. The chironomid community between 0 and 1600 AD was dominated by Heterotrissocladius, Tanytarsus, Abiskomyia, and Paracladius. At approximately 1600 AD, Heterotrissocladius decreased in relative abundance and taxa such as Corynocera ambigua, C. oliveri, Psectrocladius sordidellus type, and Pentanneurini increased in relative abundance. Previously published midge-based inference models for average July air temperature (AJAT) and summer surface–water temperature (SSWT) were applied to the subfossil midge stratigraphy. The AJAT reconstruction indicates relatively cool conditions existed between 1100 and 1600 AD, with exceptional warming occuring after 1600 AD, as lake productivity inferred from organic-matter content increased concomitantly with midge-inferred AJAT and SSWT. The cooler conditions between 1200 and 1600 AD, and the pattern of warming over recent centuries inferred from Lake V57 is broadly consistent with temperature-sensitive biogenic silica records from other sites in the central Canadian Arctic and the treeline zone to the south suggesting a regionally synchronous response to climate forcing.
David F. PorinchuEmail:
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