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大都市区的形成机制及其定界:以北京为例   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:49  
孙胤社 《地理学报》1992,47(6):552-560
源于欧美的大都市区,在中国具有特殊的形成机制和联系形式。对北京的研究表明,其形成主要由中心城市工业化的扩散和农村非农业化两种过程所决定,并据此提出了中国大都市区定界的初步方法。进一步研究还发现中国已经出现了都市连绵带。  相似文献   
新时期广佛都市圈工业空间拓展的基础条件探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘运通 《热带地理》2004,24(4):341-345
回顾广佛都市圈工业发展的历史轨迹,采用工业发展区位商从宏观和中观的角度对其工业类型、工业企业规模和工业行业等分析工业空间拓展基础条件,由此把握圈域内的工业体系结构与空间布局的现状特点,提出了新发展背景下工业空间拓展的新路向.  相似文献   
长江三角洲都市连绵区性状特征与形成机制研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
近年来 ,长江三角洲除继续保持中国最大的经济核心区外 ,城市发展也呈现新的趋势和特点 ,以上海为中心 ,形成一批经济实力强、社会发展水平高、投资环境优越的城市群。区域城市化进程加快 ,向巨型大都市连绵区发展。从世界大都市连绵区的发展趋势出发 ,概要论述了长江三角洲大都市连绵区的形成、发展过程和现状特征。认为长江三角洲都市连绵区由中心城市、城市发展轴线和次级城市群及其腹地构成 ,已形成 5个层次的城市等级体系 ;区内产业结构向高层次转化 ,外向型经济蓬勃发展 ,现代化基础设施初具规模。概括起来 ,长江三角洲都市连绵区形成的动力机制主要表现在如下几个方面 :1政府权力层层下放 ;2行政区划调整 ;3投资主体多元化 ;4市场建设与乡镇和个体企业发展。  相似文献   
Lignite samples from two deposits located in the Megalopolis Basin, Southern Greece, were evaluated for their potential applicability as raw materials for the production of organomineral fertilizers. Fundamental chemical analyses were carried out to demonstrate high humic substances and metal contents. To determine their relative distribution in the Megalopolis lignite extract, eight elements, namely Na, K, Cd, Mn, Mg, Pb, Zn, and Cu, were studied both in H2O and in Na4P2O7/NaOH solutions. The behavior of these metals showed significant variations; Zn, Pb, Cd, and Cu associate mostly to the humic substances and proved scarce in the water extract. Contrarily, K and Mg gave a significantly low total yield in the Na4P2O7/NaOH solution, while Mn was classified among the least extracted elements. Further enrichment of Megalopolis humic substances in these metals was achieved; Pb and Mg proved the most and least retained metal, respectively. Decomplexation titration curves of humic matter saturated with these metal ions demonstrated that novel organomineral fertilizing materials may develop based on optimized metal ion and humate contents, which can retain metals in a soluble form within a wide pH range. Formation of complexes between humic substances and Zn, Cd, and Mg was clearly indicated.  相似文献   
东京大都市圈内各核心城市的职能分工及启示研究   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26  
东京大都市圈是日本乃至世界上最大的城市集聚体,在承担日本全国政治、经济、文化中心职能的同时,更是担负了重要的全球经济控制职能。在东京大都市圈内部各核心城市间形成了相对比较明显的区域职能分工与合作体系,从而支撑这一全球区域发挥出了集聚优势。在对东京大都市圈内各核心城市职能分工的分析与把握基础上,考虑中国首都圈内各主要城市的基础和优势,提出各城市职能分工的构想,以加速该区域合理分工与合作体系的形成。  相似文献   
Browning's classic 1974 map of Megalopolis, covering the growth of Megalopolis from 1950 to 1970, is updated through 2000. The color map depicts the extent and expansion of Megalopolis for three time periods, 1950–1970, 1970–1990, and 1990–2000. Discussion relates the growth of Megalopolis to social and economic forces influencing urbanization in the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
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