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A densely populated soft-sediment community was experimentally analysed for interspecific competition for space in laboratory experiments. No interspecific competitive interactions leading to a decrease in survivorship could be documented over a five-week period. The four most abundant species all coexisted in laboratory microcosms. The two tube-buiding species, the tanaid Leptochelia dubia and the polychaete Rhynchospio arenincola, could not exclude the mobile bivalve Transennella tantilla or the burrowing amphipod Paraphoxus spinosus. None of the species increases its emigration frequency when other species are present. Paraphoxus is found to be a browsing predator on Phynchospio but inflicts no detectable mortality. The coexistence of these species is permitted by virtue of the fact that none of the species can alter the soft-sediment habitat sufficiently to make the habitat unsuitable for the other species.  相似文献   
A numerical study of tropospheric ozone in the springtime in East Asia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ)coupled with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS)is applied to East Asia to study the transport and photochemical transformation of tropospheric ozone in March 1998.The calculated mixing ratios of ozone and carbon monoxide are compared with ground 1evel observations at three remote sites in Japan and it is found that the model reproduces the observed features very well.Examination of several high episodes of ozone and carbon monoxide indicates that these elevated levels are found in association with continental outflow,demonstrating the critical role of the rapid transport of carbon monoxide and other ozone precursors from the continental boundary layer.In comparison with available ozonesonde data,it is found that the model-calculated ozone concentrations are generally in good agreement with the measurements,and the stratospheric contribution to surface ozone mixing ratios is quite limited.  相似文献   
在线路调查和样方调查的基础上分析了广州白云山常绿阔叶林的结构特征.群落主要由亚热带科属组成,优势科为芸香科、五加科、茜草科、山茶科、壳斗科、鼠刺科、樟科等.优势树种也以相应的优势科属树种为主.群落中胸径≥3cm的个体密度较小,只有1964株/hm2;群落较为低矮,平均高度只有6m;乔木垂直分化不明显,树种水平分布不均.白云山的植被是次生植被和人工造林改造的结果,只在山谷少数植被没受人类干扰.其现状植被是天然次生植被和人工植被的混合体.在一些由马尾松发展起来的群落,天然侵入的阔叶树种已在主要层中居优势;群落中可见马尾松衰退的痕迹.  相似文献   
象山港大型底栖动物群落特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
2006年7月—2008年8月,对象山港全港海域设立的13个采样站位采集的调查资料,用物种丰富度指数、物种均匀度指数和物种多样性指数分析象山港大型底栖动物物种的多样性和群落种类的组成,以及采用ABC曲线方法和大型多元统计分析软件PRIMER5对象山港大型底栖动物进行Bray-Curtis相似性聚类分析和非度量MDS标序,研究象山港大型底栖动物群落结构。调查显示象山港大型底栖动物不同采样站位之间物种丰富度指数(d)、均匀度指数(J)、辛普森多样性指数(D)和香农-威纳多样性指数(H’)差异皆高度显著(P0.01)。群落结构聚类分析和MDS标序表明,13个采样站位的大型底栖动物群落大致可分为3组。根据所调查象山港大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量资料做的ABC曲线分析表明,该海域大型底栖动物群落受到了严重的环境污染或者扰动,逐渐由一种或几种个体较小的种类占优势。  相似文献   
东海蟹类群落结构特征的研究   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
依据1998年5月(春季)、8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和1999年2月(冬季)在东海26°00′—33°00′N、127°00′E以西海域的蟹类资源调查资料,对东海蟹类群落结构的特征进行了定量分析。结果表明,东海蟹类优势种有双斑、银光梭子蟹、细点圆趾蟹、长手隆背蟹、日本、武士、锈斑、三疣梭子蟹、泥脚隆背蟹、锐刺长蟹和纤手梭子蟹。其中银光梭子蟹、细点圆趾蟹、双斑和三疣梭子蟹是东海蟹类的主要优势种。常见种是艾氏牛角蟹、红星梭子蟹、绵蟹、变态、光掌、十一刺栗壳蟹、七刺栗壳蟹、象牙长螯蟹、卷折馒头蟹、直额、武装筐形蟹和显著琼娜蟹。种类组成特征方面,冬、春季蟹类少数优势种的优势性明显,秋季优势度种间差异不明显。种类数比较:东海南部最多(57种),中部次之(45种),北部最少(仅37种);不同季节间,春季最多(57种),其次是夏季(53种),秋、冬季较少(仅49种);水深越深的水域,种类数越多。多样性比较:冬、春、秋3季,从北到南,蟹类多样性逐渐增高,且随着水深加深而增大;夏季不同,水深小于40m的浅海多样性指数最高。东海蟹类共可分为3个生态类群,即广温广盐生态类群、高温广盐生态类群和高温高盐生态类群。  相似文献   
This study considers an important biome in aquatic environments, the subsurface ecosystem that evolves under low mixing conditions, from a theoretical point of view. Employing a conceptual model that involves phytoplankton, a limiting nutrient and sinking detritus, we use a set of key characteristics (thickness, depth, biomass amplitude/productivity) to qualitatively and quantitatively describe subsurface biomass maximum layers (SBMLs) of phytoplankton. These SBMLs are defined by the existence of two community compensation depths in the water column, which confine the layer of net community production; their depth coincides with the upper nutricline. Analysing the results of a large ensemble of simulations with a one-dimensional numerical model, we explore the parameter dependencies to obtain fundamental steady-state relationships that connect primary production, mortality and grazing, remineralization, vertical diffusion and detrital sinking. As a main result, we find that we can distinguish between factors that determine the vertically integrated primary production and others that affect only depth and shape (thickness and biomass amplitude) of this subsurface production layer. A simple relationship is derived analytically, which can be used to estimate the steady-state primary productivity in the subsurface oligotrophic ocean. The fundamental nature of the results provides further insight into the dynamics of these “hidden” ecosystems and their role in marine nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
Salmon fishing used to be the primary source of income in many rural areas of Arkhangelsk oblast in northwest Russia. People who settled in the area received a name Pomory, from Russian po moriu, meaning by sea, because their subsistence activities became marine fishing and hunting and seafaring. Local fisheries have undergone significant changes as post-Soviet Russia embraced the market economy and the state introduced fishing concessions. The current Russian law only allows fishing for salmon through officially registered recreational or commercial fisheries. Both these options are often either unavailable or unaffordable to rural dwellers, which leaves them with limited or no legal access to their traditional salmon fisheries. There has been a growing concern for protecting communities’ fishing rights among wider society in Arkhangelsk oblast. City activists promoted Pomory identity and appealed to the Russian government to grant Pomory an indigenous status to secure their access to fisheries. Although Pomor activism did not reach most of its proclaimed goals, it has contributed to promoting the image of Arkhangelsk oblast as a homeland to Pomor fishing. This image has played an important part in what Arkhangelsk authorities have called socially-oriented fisheries management. Officials have made good attempts to better accommodate rural communities’ access to fishing resources. Yet, these attempts have failed to include fishermen as active participants in the process. This paper looks at constraints on community participation in fisheries management in Russia. It considers both historical and contemporary reasons for the low participation of local community in fisheries management.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that temporal variation in fish species composition and community structure in a low complexity habitat in the Pueblo Viejo Lagoon, Mexico, is influenced by diel light/dark cycles and tidal stage, and by seasonal changes in salinity and temperature. We collected a total of 17,661 individuals during 2‐h interval sampling over six bi‐monthly 24‐h sampling cycles representing 53 species, of which 11 (~20%) were previously unknown in the system. Diel variation indicated that significantly higher numbers of individuals and species were caught at night, whereas diversity and evenness were higher during the day. Species richness was significantly higher in July and January, whereas diversity and evenness peaked around May; both were correlated with temperature. Diel variation in species composition was influenced primarily by the light/dark cycle. Cluster analyses of each diel cycle separated fish assemblages from midday samples from those of nocturnal samples, separated by an extended wide transition period as fish moved at dawn and during the late afternoon/dusk. Significant shifts (as determined by MANOVA) in assemblage structure occurred between months. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that temperature and day/night effects were the most important environmental variables structuring the fish community. This constrained ordination also defined species with specific habitat preferences as follows: (i) diurnal, warm temperature species (mainly planktivores) (Brevoortia gunteri, Cetengraulis edentulus, Diapterus auratus, and Membras martinica); (ii) nocturnal, warm temperature species (mainly predators) (Citharichthys spilopterus, Cathorops melanopus, and Bairdiella spp.); and (iii) low temperature, diurnal species (Brevoortia patronus and Mugil curema) or those with twilight and nocturnal distributions (Anchoa mitchilli, the most numerically abundant species). Our results indicate that diel and seasonal changes in fish community structure were mainly related to day/night cycles and temperature regimes.  相似文献   
文章根据2009—2012年泉州湾4个航次的调查资料,对比分析了4年间大型底栖生物的种类数、生物量、栖息密度、生物多样性的变化趋势。结果表明:泉州湾大型底栖生物有103种,其中多毛类48种,软体动物25种,甲壳动物18种,棘皮动物6种和其他动物6种。多毛类、软体动物、甲壳动物占总种数的88.3%,三者构成大型底栖生物的主要类群。泉州湾大型底栖生物平均生物量为7.77 g/m2,平均栖息密度76个/m2;数量组成,生物量以甲壳动物居首位2.40 g/m2;栖息密度以多毛类占第一位38个/m2。泉州湾大型底栖生物种类数、生物量、栖息密度、生物多样性均为湾中部及湾外较好,湾顶较差;从2009—2012年际变化来看,生物种类数、平均生物量、平均栖息密度均为2009年最好,2012年相对较差,生物多样性年际变化不大,说明泉州湾的大型底栖生物环境受到了一定的影响。  相似文献   
This research examines the role of social capital and networks to explain the evacuation, relocation, and recovery experiences of a Vietnamese American community in New Orleans, Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. As the single largest community institution, the parish church’s complex bonding and bridging social capital and networks proved particularly critical in part because of its historically based ontological security. The process of evacuation, but especially relocation and recovery, was dependent on deploying co-ethnic social capital and networks at a variety of geographical scales. Beyond the local or community scale, extra-local, regional, and national scales of social capital and networks reproduced a spatially redefined Vietnamese American community. Part of the recovery process included constructing discursive place-based collective-action frames to successfully contest a nearby landfill that in turn engendered social capital and networks crossing ethnic boundaries to include the extra-local African American community. Engaging social capital and networks beyond the local geographical scale cultivated a Vietnamese American community with an emergent post-Katrina cultural and political identity.  相似文献   
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