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The Atacama trench, the deepest ecosystem of the southern Pacific Ocean (ca. 8000 m depth) was investigated during the Atacama Trench International Expedition. Sediments, collected at three bathyal stations (1040–1355 m depth) and at a hadal site (7800 m) were analyzed for organic matter quantity and biochemical composition (in terms of phytopigments, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids), bacterial abundance, biomass and carbon production and extracellular enzymatic activities. Functional chlorophyll-a (18.0±0.10 mg m−2), phytodetritus (322.2 mg m−2) and labile organic carbon (16.9±4.3 g C m−2) deposited on surface sediments at hadal depth (7800 m) reached concentrations similar to those encountered in highly productive shallow coastal areas. High values of bacterial C production and aminopeptidase activity were also measured (at in situ temperature and 1 atm). The chemical analyses of the Atacama hadal sediments indicate that this trench behaves as a deep oceanic trap for organic material. We hypothesize that, despite the extreme physical conditions, benthic microbial processes might be accelerated as a result of the organic enrichment.  相似文献   
The Zlata Idka village is a typical mountainous settlement. As a consequence of more than 500 years of mining activity, its environment has been extensively affected by pollution from potentially toxic elements. This paper presents the results of an environmental-geochemical and health research in the Zlata Idka village, Slovakia. Geochemical analysis indicates that arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) are enriched in soils, groundwater, surface water and stream sediments. The average As and Sb contents are 892 mg/kg and 818 mg/kg in soils, 195 mg/kg and 249 mg/kg in stream sediments, 0.028 mg/l and 0.021 mg/l in groundwater and 0.024 mg/l and 0.034 mg/l in surface water. Arsenic and Sb concentrations exceed upper permissible limits in locally grown vegetables. Within the epidemiological research the As and Sb contents in human tissues and fluids have been observed (blood, urine, nails and hair) in approximately one third of the village’s population (120 respondents). The average As and Sb concentrations were 16.3 μg/l and 3.8 μg/l in blood, 15.8 μg/l and 18.8 μg/l in urine, 3,179 μg/kg and 1,140 μg/kg in nails and 379 μg/kg and 357 μg/kg in hair. These concentrations are comparatively much higher than the average population. Health risk calculations for the ingestion of soil, water, and vegetables indicates a very high carcinogenic risk (>1/1,000) for as content in soil and water. The hazard quotient [HQ=average daily dose (ADD)/reference dose (RfD)] calculation method indicates a HQ>1 for groundwater As and Sb concentrations.  相似文献   
山东省宋家沟金矿位于胶莱盆地东北缘 ,产于莱阳群林寺山组断裂破碎带中。牟—即断裂带为切割莱阳群的断裂 ,对金矿起控制作用。早白垩纪晚期的火山—岩浆活动为深部含金热液的运移提供了通道 ,并在其有利的构造部位沉淀成矿。稀土元素特征和氧、硫同位素特征亦说明宋家沟金矿的物质来源以深源为主 (幔源及下地壳中的金 ) ,是早白垩世晚期的火山—岩浆活动作用的结果。  相似文献   
人类活动对黄河中游高含沙水流的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
许炯心 《地理科学》2002,22(3):294-299
以黄河中游干流和渭河、无定河的资料研究了人类活动对黄土高原河流高含沙水流的发生频率的影响。人类破坏森林植被,大量拦截黄河上游清水来源区的清水基流,使得高含沙水流发生频率增大,大规模水土保持措施的实施则使高含沙水流发生频率迅速减小。近50年来黄河干流和一些支流的高含沙水流随时间的变化可以用一个三阶段模式来概括,即20世纪50-60年代,由于人类破坏植被,使高含水流频率增大;20世纪60年代末至80年代中期,大规模水土保持措施的实施使高含沙水流发生的频率减小;20世纪80年代末期以来,人类大量拦截利用清水资源,使高含沙水流的发生频率又复增大。  相似文献   
区域环境变迁与持续发展的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡丽芳 《热带地理》2002,22(3):214-218
区域历史进程中持续发展与环境变迁表现出了复杂的互动关系,两种动态过程紧密地交织在一起,通过人类活动互相作用,互相影响,持续发展,环境变迁与人类活动的内容在不同时代表现出不同的主题,并受到自然和人为因素的调节与控制,文中还简要阐明了当代可持续发展的主题,指出解决PRED问题要注意控制人口数量,提高人口素质;消除贫困,达到全球环境共有共治共保共享。  相似文献   
From the high alpine Sägistalsee (1935 m a.s.l.), 13.50 m of continuously laminated sediments comprising the last 9050 years, were analyzed. Even though Sägistalsee is a high elevation site, human-induced environmental changes start as early as 4300 cal. BP and leave a clearly detectable signal in the mineralogy of the sediments, which is much stronger than the signal from natural environmental changes that occurred before this time. Variations in the physical and mineralogical sediment properties of this clastic sequence reflect erosional changes in the catchment, where almost pure limestone contrasts with carbonaceous, quartz-bearing marl, and shist. The calcite/quartz (Cc/Qz) ratio was found to be most indicative of these changes, which occurred around AD 1850 and at 650, 2000, 3700, and 6400 cal. BP. The first four are interpreted as erosion events, which are related to human-induced changes in the vegetation cover and land use. We associate them to the recent development of tourism and grazing, the medieval intensification of pasturing, Roman forest clearance, and Bronze Age forest clearance, respectively. The Cc/Qz-ratio increases significantly within less than 100 years during these events, reflecting the erosion of unweathered or poorly weathered soils. The time intervals in between are characterized by a gradually decreasing Cc/Qz-ratio and reflect the stabilization or formation of new soils. Only the change at 6400 cal. BP, which represents the initial gradual stabilization of the catchment, is related to the immigration of Picea abies.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地巴克窑地区近150年的环境演变*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
任国玉  肖平 《地理研究》1997,16(4):39-46
在沉积和花粉分析的基础上,对科尔沁沙地东南部巴克窑地区过去150年的植被和环境演变进行了重建。巴克窑等湖泡的诞生时间是在上个世纪前期,约1837年前后。这个时间也正是科尔沁沙地东南部地区首次大规模人口移入和垦荒年代。突然增加的人类活动导致了沙丘植被的迅速破坏,而植被减少和沙丘活化引起区域水文循环的重新调整,即原来通过植物蒸腾作用输出的水量明显减弱,致使地下潜水位上升,形成一系列湖泡。以后,沙地系统的演化主要是在人类活动、气候和系统内部反馈机制的共同作用下完成的。  相似文献   
宁夏灵盐地区荒漠化灾害与农牧业持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
单鹏飞  蔡昌俊 《地理科学》1997,17(2):163-168
分析了宁夏灵盐地区荒漠化灾害过程中自然环境与人力活动的相互作用,并讨论了区域农牧业经济发展的“退耕还牧”治沙等社会问题。在第四纪地质时期荒漠化的发生发展是一种“气候-地貌”的自然过程;在人类历史时期是气候主控下人为叠加干扰的“自然-人为”地貌过程。自然环境与人为活动具有使荒漠化发生正向或逆转变化的双重机制。  相似文献   
陕西省区域环境地球化学分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了利用地壳元素分布特征与动植物微量元素含量间的关系,指导生态环境综合治理,借助已有的基础地球化学资料,进行陕西省地球化学分区,确定各分区的环境背景值、污染起始值、缺乏临界值、过剩值临界值,并将陕西省分为陕北、关中、陕南3个地球化学区,圈定了1个元素贫化区和2个元素富集区。提出应该在元素的缺乏和过剩的异常区内进行生物体内微量元素含量的定期检测。做到对地球化学疾病及时发现及时寻找对策,以保证人类生存环境的安全,提高生存质量。  相似文献   
Changes in the spatial scale of Beijing UHI and urban development   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The seasonal and interannual variations of Beijing urban heat island (UHI) are investigated in this paper using the temperature data from 1960 to 2000 at 20 meteorological stations in the Beijing region, and then the relationship between the intensity and spatial scale of UHI and Beijing urbanization indices is analyzed and discussed. Main conclusions are the followings. First, Beijing UHI shows obvious seasonal variations, and it is strongest in winter, next in spring and autumn, and least in summer. The seasonal variation of the UHI mainly occurs in the urban area. The UHI intensity at the center of Beijing is more than 0.8℃ in winter, and only 0.5℃ in summer. Second, the intensity of Beijing HUI exhibits a clear interannual warming trend with its mean growth rate (MGR) being 0.3088℃/10 a. The MGR of HUI is largest in winter, next in spring and autumn, and least in summer, and the urban temperature increase makes a major contribution to the growth of HUI intensity. Third, since the Reform and Opening, the urbanization indices have grown several ten times or even one hundred times, the intensity of HUI has increased dramatically, and its spatial scale also expanded distinctively along with the expansion of urban architectural complexes. Fourth, the interannual variation of urbanization indices is very similar with that of HUI intensity, and their linear correlation coefficients are significant at a more than 0.001 confidence level.  相似文献   
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