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We used multivariate statistical techniques to analyse the distributions of surface sediment chironomid assemblages with respect to surface-water temperature, and an additional set of 27 environmental variables, in 30 freshwater lakes of northern Fennoscandia. Our study transect spans boreal coniferous forest to subarctic tundra and includes a steep temperature gradient. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests revealed that there were statistically significant (P<0.05) relationships between chironomid distributions and two environmental variables, namely lakewater temperature and maximum lake depth. A constrained CCA with temperature as the only predictor variable suggested that the relationship between lakewater temperature and chironomid composition was sufficiently robust for developing a weighted-averaging (WA) based quantitative inference model that will allow palaeotemperature reconstructions using subfossil chironomid remains preserved in lake sediments.  相似文献   
The influence of the North Atlantic on the margins of Europe means the region is particularly sensitive to changes in the ocean–atmospheric system. During the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (16–8 cal ka bp ) this system was repeatedly disrupted, leading to a series of abrupt and short-lived shifts in climate. Despite much research, the number and magnitude of these ‘centennial-scale’ events is not well understood. To address this, we expand upon investigations at Quoyloo Meadow, Orkney, Scotland, one of the best chronologically constrained palaeoclimate records in northern Britain. By coupling stable isotope and chironomid fossil analyses with existing data, this study identifies multiple phases of centennial-scale disturbance at: c. 14.0, 11.1, 10.8, 10.5, 10.45 and 10.3 cal ka bp , with the events at 14.0 and 10.3 exhibiting a particularly pronounced cold-climate signature. During the Holocene, the strongest response to climate forcing was at c. 10.3–10.0 cal ka bp , expressed as a two-stage drop in mean July temperatures, a shift in pollen spectra indicative of ‘less-stable’ climatic regimes, and a depletion in δ18O values. We interpret this as the first reliably dated incidence of the ‘10.3-ka event’ in the British Isles and consider the wider impact of this climatic reversal in other Holocene records.  相似文献   
Knowing the aquatic resources, such as emerging insects, that are entering terrestrial systems is important for food web and conservation studies, especially when water availability or quality is limited. Even though studies concerning benthic macroinvertebrates are numerous, insect emergence from lakes is less studied.To understand if water parameters (e.g., water temperature, oxygen concentration etc) determine insect emergence and the possible seasonal differences, we collected emergent insects from three different lakes in South Germany, during three seasons. We searched for common patterns of insect emergence at the three lakes. Moreover, the relative contribution of insects of aquatic origin to aerial flying arthropods was assessed, with collecting aerial flying arthropods at the shore.Chironomidae constituted the highest number of emerged insects in all lakes, however different patterns of emergence occurred in each lake (unimodal vs. bimodal) with different season-dependent times for the emergence peaks (spring, summer, beginning of autumn). Aquatic insects constituted a considerable proportion (at least 17%) of the aerial flying arthropods at the shore. The variation in insect emergence was explained by water temperature, however not by other water parameters or the nutrient values. Seasonal and spatial differences in insect emergence, should be considered when investigating aquatic-terrestrial interactions and designing conservation plans. A total biomass of up to 1.8 g m−2 of emerging insects from the littoral zone of Lake Constance can enter the terrestrial system in a year. We also provide length-dry weight relationships for emerged (adult) Chironomidae. These equations are useful to estimate the dry insect biomass from length data and currently such data lack for adult aquatic insects.  相似文献   
Water level fluctuations affect the size of the pelagic zone relative to the size of littoral habitats, and thus may influence the relative abundance of remains from planktonic and littoral cladocerans in sediment. The application of this planktonic/littoral ratio for the reconstruction of past water level changes is discussed using examples of: (1) surficial profundal sediments from lakes of different water depths; (2) Holocene variation in a profundal sediment core; (3) horizontal variation in surficial sediments within a lake; and (4) long term variation in an inshore sediment core. The latter seemed to be the most promising application of this ratio. Maximum effects of water depth changes on the lake fauna are expected in the littoral zone. It is, however, difficult to read this effect directly from subfossil cladoceran and chironomid assemblages from inshore sediments as shown by a sediment profile from a site exposed to a long term decrease of water depth.  相似文献   
Invertebrate colonization of lakes following the uplift of land from the sea was studied in four lakes, currently situated between 39 and 24 m a.s.l., on the central Norwegian coast. The lakes were isolated from the sea between 9500 and 7700 years B.P. Animal and algal remains picked from core samples showed that the first colonizers preserved as fossils were usually members of the Chironomidae, Daphnidae/Chydoridae, Acarina, Porifera (Ephydatia mülleri and Spongilla lacustris), Bryozoa (Cristatella mucedo and Plumatella spp.) and Charophyta (Chara sp.). Of the chironomids, the genus Chironomus was present in the oldest lacustrine layers of all four lakes, but other genera recorded at the marine/lacustrine boundary were Dicrotendipes, Procladius (?), Einfeldia, Microtendipes, and Glyptotendipes. Remains of the caddis fly family Limnephilidae were also present in the earliest lacustrine sediments in Kvennavatnet and Kvernavatnet. The oldest invertebrate fauna is typical for mesotrophic lakes. However, chironomids and mites have been present in this area from at least about 10?500 years B.P. A diverse chironomid community was established between 300 and 800 years after isolation from the sea at Kvernavatnet on the island of Hitra, while only between 80 and 120 years passed before a comparably diverse community developed at Kvennavatnet on the mainland coast. A similar development of the invertebrate fauna occurred in Kvennavatnet, Kvernavatnet and Storkuvatnet. However, Litjvatnet deviates greatly from the ‘normal’ pattern because a tsunami disturbed the bottom sediments and fauna. The tsunami, a gigantic sea wave, was caused by a submarine slide from the Norwegian continental slope. It reached Litjvatnet, today located 24 m a.s.l., but was not traced in Storkuvatnet at 30 m a.s.l. This event happened about 7200 years B.P.  相似文献   
Using an expanded surface sample data set, representing lakes distributed across a transect from southernmost Canada to the Canadian High Arctic, a revised midge-palaeotemperature inference model was developed for eastern Canada. Modelling trials with weighted averaging (with classical and inverse deshrinking; with and without tolerance downweighting) and weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression, with and without square-root transformation of the species data, were used to identify the best model. Comparison of measured and predicted temperatures revealed that a 2 component WA-PLS model for square-root transformed percentage species data provided the model with the highest explained variance (r =0.88) and the lowest error estimate (RMSEP jack =2.26 °C). Comparison of temperature inferences based on the new and old models indicates that the original model may have seriously under-estimated the magnitude of late-glacial temperature oscillations in Atlantic Canada. The new inferences suggest that summer surface water temperatures in Splan Pond, New Brunswick were approximately 10 to 12 °C immediately following deglaciation and during the Younger Dryas. During the Allerod and early Holocene, surface water temperatures of 20 to 24 °C were attained. The new model thus provides the basis for more accurate palaeotemperature reconstructions throughout easternmost Canada.  相似文献   
A short sediment core from the deepest part of an alpine lake (Lake Chuna, Kola Peninsula, northwestern Russia), covering about the past 200 yrs of sediment accumulation, was analysed for chironomid head capsule remains. The lake has been receiving acidic precipitation and heavy metals loading from the atmosphere since the 1940's. A total of 22 chironomid taxa were recorded. The most important taxa were typical elements of oligotrophic lakes, i.e.Micropsectra insignilobus, Paratanytarsus penicillatus, Stictochironomus spp. and Heterotrissocladius marcidus. Based on the cluster analyses results for the reconstructed environmental variables and chironomid communities, three developmental stages were distinguished from the lake history: (1) Natural ontogeny stage (before ~1945); (2) Initial stage of anthropogenic ontogeny (~1945-~1982); and (3) Anthropogenic ontogeny stage (~1982-~1996). During the first period, the changes in the chironomid fauna were characterized as an anthropogenically undisturbed community, with M. insignilobus dominating (46-66%). The changes during the second period reflected the initial phase of anthropogenic succession associated with the beginning of acidification and heavy metal pollution. The main species showed opposite distributional patterns in this period; the abundance of the group M. insignilobus/Stictochironomus spp. decreased, whereas the abundance of P. penicillatus/H. marcidus increased. The third period was characterized by a major shift in the faunal assemblages, from M. insignilobus to other dominant species including P. penicillatus (19-30%). The increases of Orthocladiinae relative abundance and total organic content in the uppermost sediment layers may be explained by a decrease in lake productivity. The decreases of cold-stenothermal taxa Stictochironomus spp. and M. insignilobus in the uppermost sediment layers can be explained by the global warming during the 20th century. The lake ecosystem is likely to be affected by both inputs of airborne contaminants and climate changes.  相似文献   
Karabash (52°2 N, 60°10 E) is a copper smelting town in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia. The town is affected by sulphur dioxide emissions and deposition of metal-rich particulates from the smelter, acid drainage from old mine workings, and leachates from disused waste dumps and tailings dams. The close proximity of houses to these sources of pollution is of concern to human health and has devastated terrestrial vegetation in the environs. The environmental impact of the smelter on lakes in the area has been assessed using chironomids. Short sediment cores were taken from 16 lakes within a 50 km radius of the smelter and the composition of the chironomid fauna from the bottom of each core, representing conditions prior to the commissioning of the smelter in 1910, was compared with the present chironomid fauna in the surface sediments. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that changes in the chironomid fauna of most lakes were driven by trophic change, independent of the industrial activity. Lakes and ponds adjacent to the smelter and waste dumps, which directly receive contaminated waters were devoid of macro- and mesofauna and flora, but there is no evidence that other lakes have been severely impacted by smelter emissions. Local geology ensures that the lakes are well-buffered to the effects of acid deposition which will limit the bioavailability of metals in the water column and sediment.  相似文献   
Diatoms, Cladocera, and chironomids preserved in the sediments of Lake Dalgoto were studied to reconstruct the history of the lake ecosystem in the context of the vegetation history as represented by the pollen stratigraphy. Younger Dryas silty sediments at the base of the core are characterized by low diversity of aquatic organisms. The transition to the Holocene is indicated by a sharp change from silt to clay-gyttja. The migration and expansion of trees at lower elevations between 10200 and 8500 14C-yr BP, along with higher diversities and concentrations of aquatic organisms and the decreased proportion of north-alpine diatoms, point to rapidly rising summer temperatures. After 6500 14C-yr BP the expansion of Pinus mugo in the catchment coincides with signs of natural eutrophication as recorded by an increase of planktonic diatoms. In the late Holocene (4000–0 14C-yr BP) Pinus peuce and Abies are reduced and Picea expands. Cereal grains and disturbance indicators suggest late-Holocene human modification of the vegetation.  相似文献   
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