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An avulsion of the lower Saskatchewan River in the 1870s inundated a large segment of peat-covered floodplain that subsequently has become aggraded with a broad (500 km2) belt of alluvium deposited by the redirected flow. Routing of water and sediment discharge through the avulsion-affected area has been accomplished mainly by networks of sandy bedded anastomosed channels that have formed, evolved, and abandoned as the alluvial belt prograded down the floodplain slope. These processes continue today, though at a much-reduced rate. New channels, formed by crevassing and basinward extension of distributaries, are initially small and shallow, with bottom elevations situated within the avulsive alluvium but above the pre-avulsion peat (floodplain) surface. Subsequent enlargement and downcutting of many of these channels eventually uncovers the underlying peat layer whose resistance to erosion exerts significant influence on cross-sectional shape and further channel development. Peat-floored channels tend to have rectangular cross-sections, high ratios of average to maximum depth (D/Dmax), and a large range of width-to-depth ratios. If the channel continues to enlarge, the peat layer eventually becomes breached, commonly leading to temporarily irregular cross-sections caused by localized scouring at the breach sites. Eventually, the peat layer is completely eroded from the channel floor by undercutting and slumping, after which channel shape becomes governed mainly by other perimeter characteristics. Channels unaffected by peat, either before the peat layer is encountered during early channel development or after it is entirely removed, tend to have low width/depth ratios and a large range of D/Dmax values.  相似文献   
Late Quaternary alluvial induration has greatly influenced contemporary channel morphology on the anabranching Gilbert River in the monsoon tropics of the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Gilbert, one of a number of rivers in this region, has contributed to an extensive system of coalescing low-gradient and partly indurated riverine plains. Extensive channel sands were deposited by enhanced flow conditions during marine oxygen isotope (OI) Stage 5. Subsequent flow declined, probably associated with increased aridity, however, enhanced runoff recurred again in OI Stages 4–3 (65–50 ka). Aridity then capped these plains with 4–7 m of mud. A widespread network of sandy distributary channels was incised into this muddy surface from sometime after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the mid Holocene during a fluvial episode more active than the present but less so than those of OI Stages 5 and 3. This network is still partly active but with channel avulsion and abandonment now occurring largely proximal to the main Gilbert flow path.A tropical climate and reactive catchment lithology have enhanced chemical weathering and lithification of alluvium along the river resulting in the formation of small rapids, waterfalls and inset gorges, features characteristic more of bedrock than alluvial systems. Thermoluminescence (TL) and comparative optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of the sediments are presented along with U/Th ages of pedogenic calcrete and Fe/Mn oxyhydroxide/ oxide accumulations. They show that calcrete precipitated during the Late Quaternary at times similar to those that favoured ferricrete formation, possibly because of an alternating wet–dry climate. Intense chemical alteration of the alluvium leading to induration appears to have prevailed for much of the Late Quaternary but, probably due to exceptional dryness, not during the LGM. The result has been restricted channel migration and a reduced capacity for the channel to adjust and accommodate sudden changes in bedload. Consequent avulsions have caused local stream powers to increase by an order of magnitude, inducing knickpoint erosion, local incision and the sudden influx of additional bedload that has triggered further avulsions. The Gilbert River, while less energetic than its Pleistocene ancestors, is clearly an avulsive system, and emphasizes the importance in some tropical rivers of alluvial induration for reinforcing the banks, generating nickpoints, reworking sediment and thereby developing and maintaining an indurated and anabranching river style.  相似文献   
Confluence dynamics in the Ganga–Ramganga valley in the western Ganga plains of India has been studied through systematic mapping of channel configuration using multi-date remote sensing images and topographic sheets for a period spanning nearly 100 years (1911–2000). The study has been supplemented with a detailed analysis of the channel morphology, hydrology and sediment transport characteristics of the different rivers. Our study indicates that new confluences have been created during this period and that the confluence points have moved both upstream and downstream on a historical time scale. Apart from major avulsions, other processes that have controlled the confluence movements include river capture, cut-offs and aggradation in the confluence area. River capture occurs through lateral bank erosion and migration, encroachment by the master stream and beheading of smaller rivers resulting in upstream movement of the confluence point. Another process which influences the upstream migration of the confluence is an increase in sinuosity of one of the channels near the confluence and then a cut-off. Aggradation in the confluence area and local avulsions of the primary channel in a multi-channel system seem to be the major process controlling the downstream movement of the confluence point. Analysis of channel morphology, hydrology and sediment budget for the study period supports our interpretations.  相似文献   
A common facies observed in deep‐water slope and especially basin‐floor rocks of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup (British Columbia, Canada) is structureless, coarse‐tail graded, medium‐grained to coarse‐grained sandstone with from 30% to >50% mud matrix content (i.e. matrix‐rich). Bed contacts are commonly sharp, flat and loaded. Matrix‐rich sandstone beds typically form laterally continuous units that are up to several metres thick and several tens to hundreds of metres wide, and commonly adjacent to units of comparatively matrix‐poor, scour‐based sandstone beds with large tabular mudstone and sandstone clasts. Matrix‐rich units are common in proximal basin‐floor (Upper Kaza Group) deposits, but occur also in more distal basin‐floor (Middle Kaza Group) and slope (Isaac Formation) deposits. Regardless of stratigraphic setting, matrix‐rich units typically are directly and abruptly overlain by architectural elements comprising matrix‐poor coarse sandstone (i.e. channels and splays). Despite a number of similarities with previously described matrix‐rich beds in the literature, for example slurry beds, linked debrites and co‐genetic turbidites, a number of important differences exist, including the stratal make‐up of individual beds (for example, the lack of a clean sandstone turbidite base) and their stratigraphic occurrence (present throughout base of slope and basin‐floor strata, but most common in proximal lobe deposits) and accordingly suggest a different mode of emplacement. The matrix‐rich, poorly sorted nature of the beds and the abundance and size of tabular clasts in laterally equivalent sandstones imply intense upstream scouring, most probably related to significant erosion by an energetic plane‐wall jet or within a submerged hydraulic jump. Rapid energy loss coupled with rapid charging of the flow with fine‐grained sediment probably changed the rheology of the flow and promoted deposition along the margins of the jet. Moreover, these distinctive matrix‐rich strata are interpreted to represent the energetic initiation of the local sedimentary system, most probably caused by a local upflow avulsion.  相似文献   
Channel avulsion occurred on the Thomson River in Victoria, Australia, in 1952 along a 12 km length of the valley. A comparison of the old and new channels reveals considerable differences in channel characteristics. The old channel was perched above the floodplain on an alluvial ridge such that when bankfull capacity was exceeded, floodwaters concentrated on the lowest part of the floodplain some distance away. This is where the new channel formed. It is an incised channel with larger capacity and longer meander wavelength than the old channel and is also shorter and steeper. The new channel is subject to larger floodflows and a more variable flood regime than the old course because of the differences in the channel/floodplain relationship and channel capacity. The resulting concentration of stream power along the new course is responsible for the contrast in channel characteristics and for the more rapid meander migration. This example shows that river metamorphosis can occur without major environmental changes. Measures of channel geometry such as gradient, sinuosity, and meander wavelength therefore cannot be used in palaeohydrological work to infer climatic or other environmental changes without independent supporting evidence. Differences in channel geometry can arise simply from changes in the relationship between the channel and its loodplain.  相似文献   
The Weichselian Late Pleniglacial, Lateglacial and Holocene fluvial history of the middle Tisza valley in Hungary has been compared with other river systems in West and Central Europe, enabling us to define local and regional forcing factors in fluvial system change. Four Weichselian to Holocene floodplain generations, differing in palaeochannel characteristics and elevation, were defined by geomorphological analysis. Coring transects enabled the construction of the channel geometry and fluvial architecture. Pollen analysis of the fine-grained deposits has determined the vegetation development over time and, for the first time, a bio(chrono)stratigraphic framework for the changes in the fluvial system. Radiocarbon dating has provided an absolute chronology; however, the results are problematic due to the partly reworked character of the organic material in the loamy sediments. During the Late Pleniglacial, aggradation by a braided precursor system of the Tisza and local deflation and dune formation took place in a steppe or open coniferous forest landscape. A channel pattern change from braided to large-scale meandering and gradual incision occurred during the Late Pleniglacial or start of the Lateglacial, due to climate warming and climate-related boreal forest development, leading to lower stream power and lower sediment supply, although bank-full discharges were still high. Alternatively, this fluvial change might reflect the tectonically induced avulsion of the River Tisza into the area. The climatic deterioration of the Younger Dryas Stadial, frequently registered by fluvial system changes along the North Atlantic margin, is not reflected in the middle Tisza valley and meandering persisted. The Lateglacial to Holocene climatic warming resulted in the growth of deciduous forest and channel incision and a prominent terrace scarp developed. The Holocene floodplain was formed by laterally migrating smaller meandering channels reflecting lower bank-full discharges. Intra-Holocene river changes have not been observed.  相似文献   
Throughout the history of China, the Yellow River has been associated with flood disasters and changes in the course of its lower reaches because of sedimentation. From 602 B.C. to 1949 the river experienced 1593 levee bursts, flooding vast areas, and claiming millions of human lives. The river shifted its main course by avulsion 26 times with the apex around Zhengzhou, resulting in devastating calamities and numerous old channels. Training of the Yellow River has a history of more than 3000 yr. Levee construction has been the major strategy for flood control. Two extremely different strategies has been proposed and practiced in the past 2000 yr, i.e. the "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy and the "narrow river and scouring sediment" strategy. This paper analyzes the levee breaches and flood disasters in the past 2000 yr and compares the results of the two extremely different strategies. The "narrow river and scouring sediment" strategy has only short term effects on levee breach control and flood mitigation. The "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy can essentially mitigate flood disasters and reduce levee breaches for a long term period of time. The "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy has been used and no levee breach has occurred in the past 67 yr, which has been the only periods of more than 50 yr with no levee breaches in the history of the Yellow River since 700 A.D.Modern flood and sedimentation management methods have also been introduced, and the strategy of applying the ' "widen the river and enhance the levees" approach for the upper and lower reaches management is proposed.  相似文献   
The Lucia Chica channel system is an avulsion belt with four adjacent channels that progressively avulsed to the north‐east from a single, upslope feeder channel. Avulsion occurred from underfilled channels, leaving open channels that were reactivated by flows stripped from younger, adjacent channels. Differences in relief (height from channel thalweg to levée crest), sinuosity and levée stratigraphy between adjacent channels correspond to relative channel age, and indicate a change in channel morphology and architecture with time. Potential triggers for the change over time include differences in gradient, flow behaviour and characteristics, and channel evolution. Gradient does not appear to be a major control on channel formation and avulsion because adjacent channels formed on the same gradient. Based on available ultra‐high‐resolution remote imaging obtained with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, differences in adjacent channel morphology are interpreted to be primarily a result of differences in channel maturity. The interpreted sequence of channel maturity involves erosional channel inception through scouring and incipient channels (defined by linear trains of scours) prior to development of continuous thalwegs. Channel narrowing, formation and growth of levées, increasing channel relief and development of sinuosity occurred as channels evolved. The evolutionary sequence interpreted from the high‐resolution Lucia Chica dataset provides a unique perspective on intrinsic controls of architecture for single channel elements. In addition to helping bridge the gap between outcrop and industry‐standard reflection‐seismic data resolutions and scopes, interpretations in this study also expose potential problems with hierarchical classifications in three‐dimensional imaging of distributary systems, and provide potentially important analogues for evolutionary morphologies not resolved in other deep‐water channel systems.  相似文献   
The Holocene avulsion history of the lower Brazos alluvial valley of east Texas, USA, was studied using 10 drill cores, 26 radiocarbon dates, aerial photos, and a digital elevation model. This study shows that two long-term processes, aggradation and localized valley tilting (along a normal listric fault), are responsible for generating two styles of avulsion. The first process precedes avulsion-by-progradation, while the second process precedes avulsion-by-annexation. As valley aggradation migrated updip over the last 7.5 ka, three regional backstepping avulsions occurred along the lower 140 km of the valley and each generated sizable deposits. A pattern emerges of landward stepping progradational avulsions tracking the locus of valley aggradation and of valley aggradation migrating inland even after the rate of sea level rise diminishes. At the same time, several local nodal avulsions occurred between 50 and 55 km updip of the current highstand shoreline but generated no observable deposits. Geomorphic evidence indicates that, since the late Pleistocene, active movement along a previously undocumented normal listric fault has occurred at the location of the nodal avulsion. These two long-term processes do not operate mutually exclusive of each other to promote avulsions; rather, they operate concurrently. Only aggradation promotes avulsions that affect floodplain alluviation, although the total volume of these deposits comprises a small portion of the valley fill.  相似文献   
The geomorphology and dynamics of the Mfolozi River floodplain and estuary, located in the subtropical region of northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were considered with respect to existing models of avulsion and alluvial stratigraphy. The Mfolozi River floodplain may be divided into regions based on longitudinal slope and dominant geomorphic processes. Confinement of the Mfolozi River above the floodplain has led to the development of an alluvial fan at the floodplain head, characterized by a relatively high sedimentation rate and avulsion frequency, at a gradient of 0.10%. The lower floodplain is controlled by sea level, with an average gradient of 0.05%. Between the two lies an extremely flat region with an average gradient of 0.02%, which may be controlled by faulting of the underlying bedrock.Avulsion occurrences on the Mfolozi floodplain are linked to the two main zones of aggradation, the alluvial fan at the floodplain head, and toward the river mouth in the lower floodplain. On the alluvial fan, normal flow conditions result in scour from local steepening. During infrequent, large flood events, the channel becomes overwhelmed with sediment and stream flow, and avulses. The resulting avulsion is regional, and affects the location of the channel from the floodplain head to the river mouth. Deposits resulting from such avulsions contribute significantly to the total volume of sediment stored in the floodplain, and tend to persist for long periods after the avulsion. Contrastingly, on the lower floodplain, reaching of the avulsion threshold is not necessarily linked to large flood events, but rather to long-term aggradation on the channel that decreases the existing channels gradient while increasing its elevation above the surrounding floodplain. Resultant avulsions tend to be local and do not contribute significantly to the overall volume of floodplain alluvium.  相似文献   
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