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Phase velocities of Rayleigh waves for the Adriatic Sea area are obtained in the period range 25–190 sec along the path (l'Aquila-Trieste) AQU-TRI and 20–167 sec along the path (Trieste-Bari) TRI-BAI.The phase velocities are systematically higher than the known values for the surrounding regions. The data inversion indicates the presence of a lithosphere typical of stable continental areas with clear high-velocity lid (V s 4.6 km/sec) overlying a well developed low velocity zone (V s 4.2 km/sec).P. F. Geodinamica C.N.R., Roma Pubbl. N. 189.  相似文献   
We investigate the crustal seismic structure of the Adria plate using teleseismic receiver functions (RF) recorded at 12 broadband seismic stations in the Apulia region. Detailed models of the Apulian crust, e.g. the structure of the Apulian Multi-layer Platform (AMP), are crucial for assessing the presence of potential décollements at different depth levels that may play a role in the evolution of the Apenninic orogen. We reconstruct S-wave velocity profiles applying a trans-dimensional Monte Carlo method for the inversion of RF data. Using this method, the resolution at the different depth level is completely dictated by the data and we avoid introducing artifacts in the crustal structure. We focus our study on three different key-elements: the Moho depth, the lower crust S-velocity, and the fine-structure of the AMP. We find a well defined and relatively flat Moho discontinuity below the region at 28–32 km depth, possibly indicating that the original Moho is still preserved in the area. The lower crust appears as a generally low velocity layer (average Vs = 3.7 km/s in the 15–26 km depth interval), likely suggestive of a felsic composition, with no significant velocity discontinuities except for its upper and lower boundaries where we find layering. Finally, for the shallow structure, the comparison of RF results with deep well stratigraphic and sonic log data allowed us to constrain the structure of the AMP and the presence of underlying Permo–Triassic (P–T) sediments. We find that the AMP structure displays small-scale heterogeneities in the region, with a thickness of the carbonates layers varying between 4 and 12 km, and is underlain by a thin, discontinuous layer of P–T terrigenous sediments, that are lacking in some areas. This fact may be due to the roughness in the original topography of the continental margins or to heterogeneities in its shallow structure due to the rifting process.  相似文献   
The reconstruction of the main structural features of the Southern Apennines (Italy), in correspondence with the focal volume of some strong earthquakes that have affected this chain, can be attempted by analysing reflection seismic lines and deep well logs in comparison with surface geology.For instance, the Calore Valley and its surroundings have been the object of intense hydrocarbon exploration, and a wealth of subsurface data is available. Moreover, this area was affected by the 1688 Sannio earthquake (macroseismic magnitude 7.1), and a new location has recently been proposed for the related causative fault system. The present work defines the structural setting of the Southern Apennine chain in correspondence with this new location, and compares it with similar cases along the Italian peninsula.The analysis was focussed on the reconstruction of deep tectonic units (formed by the buried Apulia carbonate platform succession), which generally correspond to the hypocentral depths of strong earthquakes along the axis of the Southern Apennines. The results show that the Apulia platform succession is affected by three main thrusts, locally accompanied by backthrusts. The top of this succession is relatively shallow: the maximum depth does not exceed 1.8 s TWT (i.e. about 3500 m b.s.l.), while minimum depths occur in correspondence with the ramp anticlines culminations, at 0.5 s TWT (i.e. at about 500 m b.s.l.). Moreover, data suggest that the underlying Paleozoic basement is possibly involved in thrusting.In a regional perspective, extensional seismogenic structures along the axis of the Southern Apennines seem to share some common characteristics. Indeed, they develop (i) in correspondence with an uplifted Paleozoic basement; (ii) at the rear of a set of thrusts that account for the shallow Apulia units; (iii) at the surface, in proximity to the leading edge of a surficial tectonic unit formed by the Apennine carbonate platform succession. The 1688 seismogenic fault system fits in with these common traits. In the light of this, we finally speculate that these common characteristics in the architecture of the chain could provide a key to the location of the major seismicity along the axis of the Southern Apennines and an interpretative model for the identification of possible areas of seismic gap in this part of the Italian peninsula.  相似文献   
Northern Apulia is an emerged portion of the Adriatic microplate, representing the foreland–foredeep area of a stretch of the Apennine chain in southern Italy. The interaction between the relatively rigid microplate and the contiguous more deformable domains is responsible for the intense seismicity affecting the chain area. However strong, sometimes even disastrous, earthquakes have also hit northern Apulia on several occasions. The identification of the causative faults of such events is still unclear and different hypotheses have been reported in literature. In order to provide guidelines and constraints in the search for these structures, a comprehensive re-examination and reprocessing of all the available seismic data has been carried out taking into consideration 1) the characteristics of historical events, 2) the accurate relocation of events instrumentally recorded in the last 20 years, 3) the determination of focal mechanisms and of the regional stress tensor.The results obtained bring to light a distinction between the foreland and foredeep areas. In the first region there is evidence of a regional stress combining NW compression and NE extension, thus structures responsible for major earthquakes should be searched for among strike–slip faults, possibly with a slight transpressive character. These structures could be either approximately N–S oriented sinistral or E–W dextral faults. In the foredeep region there is a transition toward transtensive mechanisms, with strikes similar to those of the previous zone, or maybe also towards NW oriented normal faults, more similar to those prevailing in the southern Apennine chain in relation to a dominant NE extension; this appears to be the effect of a reduction of the NW compression, probably due to a decrease in efficiency of stress transmission along the more tectonised border of the Adriatic microplate.  相似文献   
Morphological analysis of the Fortore River coastal plain and the Lesina Lake coastal barrier integrated with radiocarbon age data indicates that the evolution of the coastal landscape has been strongly affected by a number of strong earthquakes and related tsunamis which occurred during the last 3000 years. The first seismic event struck this coastal area in the V century BC. It produced strong erosion of the Fortore River coastal plain and significant emersion of Punta delle Pietre Nere, as well as the large tsunami responsible for the development of the Sant'Andrea washover fan. The second event occurred in 493 AD; it induced severe erosion of the Fortore River coastal plain and triggered the large tsunami that hit the Lesina Lake coastal barrier, producing the Foce Cauto washover fan. Then later in 1627, an earthquake was responsible for the further coseismic uplift of Punta delle Pietre Nere, the subsidence of Lesina village area and the development of a tsunami which produced two washover fans.Morphological analysis points out that seismic events strong enough to control the morphological evolution of local coastal landscapes show a statistical return period of about 1000 years. These major events produced important coseismic vertical movements and large tsunamis. However, the correct identification of the tectonic structure responsible for the generation of these strong earthquakes is still an unsolved problem.  相似文献   
This paper regards the lower Pleistocene temperate-water carbonate deposits disconformably overlying an escarpment made up of faulted Cretaceous to Miocene limestones of the Apulia Foreland (southern Italy). Study deposits discontinuously crop out along the present-day eastern Salento sea cliff, and form isolated fan-shaped bodies, up to 1 km wide and up to 40 to 50 m thick, each of them covering an area of a few square kilometres. The internal arrangement of beds is represented by up to 25° to 30° lobate, seaward dipping clinobeds thinning and onlapping onto a rocky foreslope in the proximal sector and passing to gently inclined to sub-horizontal strata in the distal sector. Seven facies were distinguished, mainly composed of coarse-grained skeletal carbonates made up of a heterozoan association including coralline algae, large and small benthic foraminifera, echinoids, molluscs, bryozoans and serpulids. Since clinobeds were formed thanks to hyperconcentrated density flows (grain flows) bypassing the upper part of the inherited escarpment, these skeletal grains represent ex situ deposits whose shallow-marine factory was located upward (landward) with respect to the bypassed zone, likely in the almost flat area on top of the Salento Peninsula. Clinobeds are often affected by tens of metres wide and long channel-like structures interpreted as landslide scars. Inside these gullies, contorted beds (slumps) or matrix-supported intra-bioclastic floatstone/rudstone (massive deposits) are present. The occurrence of supercritical-flow structures (for example, backset-bedded beds) indicates the development of hydraulic jumps along the steep slope of gullies. Since these clinostratified, fan-shaped carbonate bodies represent carbonate slopes, and that the latter are known as aprons, normally related to linear sourced sediments, an acceptable oxymoron for studied fan-shaped carbonate bodies is suggested: ‘isolated base-of-slope aprons’.  相似文献   
Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale.  相似文献   
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