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目的:系统评价中药治疗急性扁桃体炎的临床疗效。方法:计算机检索中国知网(CNKI)、中国生物医学文献服务系统(SinoMed)、万方数据(WANFANG DATA)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、医药学文献资料库(Embase)、PubMed、Cochrane Library、Web of Science等数据库,检索时间为自建库至2023年6月10日,搜集有关中药治疗青少年及成人急性扁桃体炎的临床随机对照试验(RCT),采用Cochrane偏倚风险工具评估所纳入的文献,采用Rev Man 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入文献11篇,患者880例。Meta分析结果显示,治疗组的总有效率[OR=3.37,95%CI(2.27,5.00),P<0.00001]、咽痛评分[MD=-0.48,95%CI(-0.81,-0.15),P=0.004]、扁桃体肿大评分[MD=-0.45,95%CI(-0.75,-0.16),P=0.003]、热退时间[SMD=-1.01,95%CI(-1.72,-0.31),P=0.005]、咽痛改善时间[SMD=-1.59,95%CI(-2.24,-0.94),P<0.00001]、扁桃体充血缓解时间[SMD=-1.10,95%CI(-1.55,-0.65),P<0.00001]、并发症发生情况[OR=0.21,95%CI(0.10,0.44),P<0.0001]均优于对照组。结论:中药治疗青少年及成人急性扁桃体炎疗效确切,并发症少。  相似文献   
This is a 4-year longitudinal study to evaluate changes to the environment and exposure of young children associated with the introduction of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) into Australia in 2000. The cohort includes 57 females and 56 males; age range of 0.29 to 3.9 years. Samples are collected every 6 months from children in residences located at varying distances from major traffic thoroughfares in Sydney. Environmental samples: air, house and day care dustfall, soil, dust sweepings and gasoline. Samples from children: blood, urine, handwipes prior to and after playing outdoors, and a 6-day duplicate diet. All samples are analyzed for a suite of 20 elements using ICP-MS. Results are presented for the first three 6-month sampling periods for Pb and Mn. For dustfall accumulation, there was no significant change over the 3 sampling periods (time) for Pb or Mn, and a positive relationship between ‘traffic exposure' (traffic volume and proximity to the road) and Pb but not Mn. For handwipes, Pb and Mn in wipes taken from children after playing outdoors were usually significantly greater than for wipes taken prior to playing. There was no significant association between Pb or Mn in handwipes with traffic exposure. Dustfall accumulation was a significant predictor for Pb in the handwipes, and dust sweepings were a significant predictor of Mn in handwipes.  相似文献   
由上海市地质学会和上海市七宝中学联合主办的2005年全国青少年地学夏令营上海营于7月26日至7月30日在浙江省雁荡山和绍兴市两地举行。来自上海的36名青少年参加了为期5天的营期活动。同学们被雁荡山的奇特造型:嶂、峰、洞、瀑所深深吸引;  相似文献   
2018年11月24日至12月2日,北京天文馆工作人员带领来自广东、江苏、浙江、湖北的8名中学生,赴云南丽江参加了第14届亚太天文奥林匹克竞赛(APAO 2018)。共有来自不同国家和地区的5支代表队的36名青少年天文爱好者参加了本次比赛。  相似文献   
目的:探究三小定点整脊技术治疗青少年颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:将青少年颈椎病患者80例随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组各40例。对照组采用推拿治疗,治疗组采用三小定点整脊治疗。比较2组的综合疗效、疼痛程度与颈椎生理曲度的改变情况。结果:总有效率治疗组为95.0%(38/40),高于对照组的75.0%(30/40),2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组疼痛评分、颈椎生理曲度治疗前后组内比较及治疗后组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:三小定点整脊技术可减轻青少年颈椎病患者颈肩疼痛及头晕、头痛症状,并恢复其生理曲度,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   
The effect of dietary phosphorus on the growth and body components of juvenile Synechogobius hasta was determined. Different percentages of dietary phosphorus (0.63, 0.77, 0.93, 1.06, 1.22 and 1.36) were tested by feeding the fish (body weight, 15.81 g ± 0.32 g; 20 individuals each group; 3 groups each percentage) at a surplus of 5%–10% above satiation for 35 d. Dietary phosphorus did not significantly affect the specific growth rate, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency rate. Nitrogen ...  相似文献   
This feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of poultry by-product meal (PBM) as a protein source in the culture ofLitopenaeus vannamei. Seven isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to near to commercial diet with about 40% protein and 7.5% lipid. Fish meal was replaced by 0, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 100% of PBM (diets 1-7). The diet with 100% fish meal was used as a control (diet 1). Post-larvae were reared in an indoor semi-closed re-circulating system. Each dietary treatment was tested in 4 replicate tanks (260 L) of 40 shrimp, arranged in a completely randomized design. The shrimps were hand-fed for three times a day to near-satiation (0700, 1200 and 1800) for 60d. Percentage weight gain, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and body composition of shrimps were measured. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in growth performance among shrimps fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). However, shrimps fed diet 7 (100% fish meal replacement) had significantly lower (P<0.05) growth than those fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). Shrimp fed diets 2-4 (30%-50% fish meal replacement) showed significantly higher growth than those fed diets 6 and 7 (70% and 100% fish meal replacement, respectively). Survival ranged from 94.7% to 100.0% and did not differ significantly (P>0.05) among different experimental diets. No differences in body composition were found among shrimps fed different diets. These results showed that up to 70% of fish meal protein can be replaced by PBM without adversely affecting the growth, survival, FCR, PER and body composition of Litopenaeus vannamei.  相似文献   
为切实增强青少年的国土法制观念,近日,博兴县国土资源局和团县委决定联合在全县青少年中开展为期3个月的国土资源法制宣传教育活动。结合“世界地球日”、“6&#183;25”土地日,通过开展举办宣传园地、知识讲座、社会实践、知识竞赛、张贴宣传画、发放宣传材料等形式开展活动,  相似文献   
利用青少年好奇、求新、好动、擅模仿、可塑性强的特点,通过丰富多彩,生动活泼的教学形式,创设活动情景,寓教于乐,设计一些游戏比赛项目。能激发学生情趣,激活学生思维。  相似文献   
丁建武 《湖北气象》2006,(3):F0002-F0002
7月20-29日,来自湖北大学附中、洪山区南望山小学等中小学的40多名学生,参加了由省气象局和省气象学会共同组织的2006年湖北省青少年气象夏令营活动。  相似文献   
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