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Sedimentary facies of the Tsagayan Formation is distributed in the eastern Zeya-Bureya Basin has been analyzed. The formation is of the Maastrichtian to Danian in age and characterized by the cyclicity of the fining-upwards successions. Analysis of environmental changes during the K/T boundary is the focus of this study. Five facies have been identified: Facies A, thick and laterally extensive coarse-grained to medium-gained sandstone units, interpreted as channelfill deposits; Facies B, parallel-laminated to massive mudstone units interpreted as interchannel lakes and flood plain deposits; Facies C, sheet-like medium-grained to fine-grained sandstones interpreted as crevasse splay deposits; Facies D, coal to coaly mudstone beds interpreted as deposits of peatlands; Facies E, very poorly sorted sandy mudstone beds interpreted as debris flow deposits. Fluvial environments with the low-relief fiat topography was inferred. A channel transported large volumes of clasts, and a flood basin with interchannel lakes and peatlands was deciphered. Any distinct change of sedimentary environments has not been identified throughout the Tsagayan Formation (including the K/T boundary). However, two beds of debris flow deposits were identified. The one occurs at the uppermost part of the lower Tsagayan Subformation and contains dinosaur fossils. The other is intercalated in the upper Tsagayan Subformation.  相似文献   
为进一步交流和研讨"寒区水科学、寒区水利、跨界水资源"等相关问题,第6届寒水会议将于2013年8月5-6日在吉林省延吉市召开,会期两天。本次会议以"寒区水利及中俄合作"为主题。地处寒区的黑龙江(阿穆尔河)流经中、俄、蒙、朝四国,是世界上最长的国际界  相似文献   
<正> 我们对阿穆尔河下游进行了新构造区划工作,在地质上本区位于布列英刚性地块两侧的蒙古一鄂霍次克褶皱系和锡霍特阿林褶皱系的交接点上.本区一级新构造体有两大地壳块体——布列英块体和阿穆尔河下游块体.这两大块体在地壳厚度和新构造变动式样方面都有区别.其中布列英块体的地壳厚度达42公里.它主要以穹隆和半穹隆类型的新构造变动为特征.级别较低的断块构造只见于它的边缘(如图库林  相似文献   
跨界含水层作为全球地下水资源中的重要部分,对管理国家之间共有的珍贵水资源,建设和谐世界具有重要的意义。在有关部门和组织的配合下,在划定亚洲跨界含水层基础上,进一步研究了在中国国界上的跨界含水层,并选择中国和俄罗斯共享的黑龙江—阿穆尔河中游盆地,进行了实例研究。本项研究作为国际共享含水层资源管理计划在亚洲的第一个实例研究,将促进以中国为首的亚洲跨界含水层资源管理计划的开展。  相似文献   
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