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This paper studies a landfill where there are three faults running through. As serious pollution has occurred to the geological environment, the landfill is to be closed up and renovated. The paper aims to explore the role of fracture structure in leachate pollution at the landfill. The research was carried out in several stages. First, mathematical models of the pre-renovation landfill with three faults running through and the landfill after renovation were established. And then, the boundary conditions and parameters of the two mathematical models were determined. The groundwater level of the landfills was simulated in order to modify the two mathematical models. As a result, a feasible mathematical model was achieved. Based on this model, a comparison was made of the COD concentration variations in the inside leachate and outside leachate between the two landfills. Accordingly, the impacts of the fracture structure on the pollution of leachate at the landfills could be identified. The study results show that while faults contribute to the migration of ieachate, they also serve as a confluence of leachate, thus further deteriorating the environment. The COD concentrations of the inside leachate and the outside leachate of the pre-renovation landfill are respectively 800 mg/L and 220 mg/L higher than those of the post-renovation landfill. Therefore, measures must be taken to handle the ieachate seepage in areas where there are faults as well as the neighboring areas so as to get the environmental pollution under control.  相似文献   
为促进基础教育地理新课程的推进,发挥中国教育学会地理教学专业委员会推动地理教学改革与发展中的作用,提高地理教师的教学水平,学会依据2008年福建南安理事扩大会议的意见,决定在2013年开展第三届"全国地理课优质课评选活动"。推选工作由各省、自治区、直辖市地理教学专业委员会承担。一、推选程序1.研究会委托各省(自治区、直辖市)理事作为本地区优  相似文献   
This paper studies a landfill where there are three faults running through.As serious pollution has occurred to the geological environment,the landfill is to be closed up and renovated.The paper aims to explore the role of fracture structure in leachate pollution at the landfill.The research was carried out in several stages.First,mathematical models of the pre-renovation landfill with three faults running through and the landfill after renovation were established.And then,the boundary conditions and parameters of the two mathematical models were determined.The groundwater level of the landfills was simulated in order to modify the two mathematical models.As a result,a feasible mathematical model was achieved.Based on this model,a comparison was made of the COD concentration variations in the inside leachate and outside leachate between the two landfills. Accordingly,the impacts of the fracture structure on the pollution of leachate at the landfills could be identified.The study results show that while faults contribute to the migration of leachate,they also serve as a confluence of leachate,thus further deteriorating the environment.The COD concentrations of the inside leachate and the outside leacbate of the pre-renovation landfill are respectively 800 mg/L and 220 mg/L higher than those of the post.renovation landfill.Therefore,measures must be taken to handle the leachate seepage in areas where there are faults as well as the neighboring areas so as to get the environmental pollution under control.  相似文献   
1.课前准备。要求每位同学用①课本最后一页的中国政区空白图贴在硬纸片上。用胶水均匀地粘贴在硬纸上,并用水彩笔,把不同的省级轮廓着上不同颜色,便于区别各省;②待纸片干后,首先沿图界剪好中国图形的硬纸片,(台湾和海南两省分别沿着海上疆界剪下);其次再沿各省、自治区、直辖市界线,剪好各省级行政区的图形硬纸片,(北京市、天津市可与河北连在一起,上海市与江苏省连在一起)。③将剪好的图形硬纸片装入塑料袋内,以备活动课上用。  相似文献   
分析新重庆市的市情特征,探讨重庆城市发展战略必须走“城市—区域”共同发展的新路子,提出重庆城市发展与区域整合的战略决策。  相似文献   
各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委,北京市规划委员会,江苏省、山东省建管局,新疆生产建设兵团建设局,国务院有关部门建设司(局),总后基建营房部工程管理局,国资委管理的有关企业:  相似文献   
各地方、各部门勘察设计同业协会、各会员单位,各直属分会及专业委员会: 根据中国勘察设计协会<关于全国工程勘察设计单位诚信评估办法的通知>(中设协字[2007]第5号)的安排,各省、自治区、直辖市组织了工程勘察"诚信单位"的申报、初评工作,全国工程勘察与岩土行业诚信评估专家委员会在初评结果的基础上进行了综合评审,共评出316家诚信单位,经公示后报中国勘察设计协会理事长会议批准,现予以公布.  相似文献   
2000年1—5月,中国地质学会以通讯方式召开了中国地质学会第九次会员代表大会。由各省、自治区、直辖市地质学会产生代表416名,以通讯投票方式选举了第三十七届理事会,145名理事候选人全部当选,其中各省、市、自治区学会推荐的理事30名,中国地质学会各专业(工作)委员会推荐的理事45名,科研、院校与各部门推荐的理事70名。4月29日,  相似文献   
1北方降水偏多居历史第二2021年我国北方平均降水量达697.9毫米,较常年偏多40.3%,为历史第二多,仅次于1964年。京津冀晋豫陕等6省(直辖市)降水量均达1961年以来历史最多。夏、秋季降水多导致北方多地出现严重汛情。  相似文献   
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