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如诗如画如歌珊瑚海珊瑚海因有大量珊瑚礁而得名。这里曾是珊瑚虫的天下,它们巧夺天工,留下了世界上最大的堡礁。众多的环礁岛、珊瑚石平台,像天女散花,繁星点点,散落在广阔的  相似文献   
涠洲岛上的火山景观是如此的绚丽多彩,涠洲岛上的火山岩中可有什么珍稀的古生物化石的遗迹?意犹未尽的朋友问。很遗憾,答案是没有。在纯粹的火山喷出岩中,活的生物体和其印迹瞬间被高温岩浆熔化,没有机会留下来成为化石。然而,火山岩为珊瑚虫提供了最佳的生长环境,涠洲岛浅海滩上的珊  相似文献   
柳珊瑚分子系统发育学的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
珊瑚分子系统发育学研究始于90年代初,用于柳珊瑚分子系统学研究的主要分子标记是线粒体DNA和核糖体RNA。本文在重点介绍了柳珊瑚种群遗传多样性和柳珊瑚种上阶元系统发育学两方面的研究进展和所取得研究成果的同时,也讨论了珊瑚虫纲的系统发生关系。最后在简单引述了柳珊瑚分子系统发育学同传统形态分类学方法之间关系的同时,也对柳珊瑚分子系统发育学今后的重点研究方向做了预测。  相似文献   
1IntroductionTostudyglobalchangesinthepast (PAGES) ,i.e.,paleo climaticandpaleoenvironmentalchanges,itisnecessarytoestablishahigh resolutionandhigh precisiontimescale .Lateinthe1 980s,Edwardsetal.( 1 987,1 987)developedthethermalionizationmassspectrometry U seriesdatingmethod (TIMS)andtheyusedthismethodtoconducttheprecisedatingofthecharacteristicclimateeventssincethelastinterglacialperiod .Theirscientificpracticearousedgreatinterestofsci entificworkersengagedinQuaternaryenvironment (Peng…  相似文献   
王建燕 《地球》2011,(12):105-105
9月26日,太平洋岛国图瓦卢警告称,各国若不赶紧行动,减缓地球暖化的速度,该国将面临灭顶之灾。图瓦卢位于南太平洋,由富纳富提、瓦伊图普、纳诺梅阿等9个环形珊瑚岛群组成,南北两端相距560公里,由西北向东南绵延散布在约130万平方公里的海域里,而陆地面积仅26平方公里。  相似文献   
蓝颖春 《地球》2012,(10):80-83
月球由于离地球较近,而且肉眼可见,因此它满载了人类的梦想,自古以来就是人类探讨的对象与谈论的话题。中国古代就有嫦娥奔月的传说,以及大量与月亮有关的诗句如:"举头望明月,低头思故乡",等等。关于月球的幻想和神话自从人类有历史起就一直延绵不绝。但一直到现代,月球的成因仍然是个谜。有人认为它是与地球在同一块星际物质中形成的,而有的人认为它是地球在遭到另一不明大天体撞击后,产生的碎  相似文献   
The rugosan fauna from the Guanyinqiao Bed (latest Ordovician, Hirnantian) of northern Guizhou, China is known to belong to the cold or cool-water type corals. The components of the fauna are solitary corals only, and corallite septa are generally strongly dilated, especially the streptelasmatid corals are dominant comprising 98% of the whole fauna. The Guanyinqiao Bed is rich in rugosans of 18 genera, which are streptelasnmtid Streptelasma (=Helicelasma), Brachyelasma, Amplexobrachyelasma, Salvadorea, Grewingkia, Borelasma, CrassUasma, Leolasma, KenophyUum, UUernelasma, Paramplexoides, Siphonolasma, Pycnactoides, Dalmanophyllum, Bodophyllum, Axiphoria, Lambeophyllum and cystiphyllid Sinkiangolasma. Although this fauna was fairly abundant in a confined area (northern-northeastern Guizhou, southern Sichuan) during the Hirnantian age, the rugosan mass extinction (generic extinction rate 81%) happened at the end of the Hirnantian Stage. It is conduded that the mass extinction is related to the ending of maximum glaciation and ice cap melting in Gondwana in the southern hemisphere in the latest Hirnantian, resulting in rapid global sea-level rise in the earliest Silurian. In the Upper Yangtze Basin, the sea bottom environments were replaced by anoxic and warmer water during that time, so that the cool-water type rugosan became extinct. The present paper attempts to revise some already described rugose coral genera and species (He, 1978, 1985) and to supplement a few new forms from the Guanyinqiao Bed. Fourteen species of 12 genera are re-described and illustrated, of which one species- Grewingkia latifossulata is new. As a whole, the rugosan fauna of the Guanyinqiao Bed may be correlated with those contemporaneous of North Europe, Estonia and North America, indicating a dose biogeographic affinity to North Europe.  相似文献   
众所周知 ,最近数十年来 ,珊瑚构筑物深受气候变暖、海水污染和其他因素之害。所有这些给珊瑚礁带来了很大的损失 ,其中包括沿澳大利亚东海岸延伸 2 0 0 0多公里的世界上最大的自然构筑物———大堡礁。澳大利亚海洋科学研究所的生物学家 ,提出了死亡珊瑚礁复生的方法。早在 1 997年他们就注意到在珊瑚湾的试验过程中珊瑚虫的大量繁殖。科学家们用桶从水中舀出微小的珊瑚幼虫 ,并将它们分置到锚泊在珊瑚礁受损位置之上的浮动水池中。将已成熟的幼虫放在瓦片或板上 ,在浅水处将它们沉降至底部并注意它们的发育 ,同时用网盖保护它们不受入侵者…  相似文献   
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