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四种蟹成蟹消化酶的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
比较中华绒螯蟹、锯缘青蟹、三疣梭子蟹和长江华溪蟹胃、肠、肝胰腺的五种消化酶(胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶)活力,结果表明四种蟹的类胰蛋白酶比活力是胃蛋白酶的7~17倍,淀粉酶是纤维素酶的30~183倍,脂肪酶活力较低。消化酶活力大小具有器官特异性和种间差异。  相似文献   
This study expands on recent reports that direct development in the Chinese potamid freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense involves the completion of all brachyuran larval stages (nauplius, zoea, and megalopa) inside the egg case during embryonic development. Detailed studies of embryonic development in this species revealed the presence of an additional larval stage (the egg-juvenile) between the megalopa and the free-living hatchling crab. We described and compared the appendages of the head, thorax, and abdomen of the egg-juvenile with those of the hatchling crab in S. yangtsekiense. Significant differences were found between most of the appendages of these two stages with a soft exoskeleton in the egg-juvenile, no joint articulation, a slimmer appearance, and a lack of setae when compared with the newly emerged free-living hatchling crab. These modifications of the appendages are related to the confinement within the egg case of the egg-megalopa and egg-juvenile during direct development, and the need for the free-living hatchling freshwater crab to move, feed, and respire. In marine crabs, the megalopa gives rise to the first crab stage whereas in freshwater crabs the egg-juvenile follows the megalopa and immediately precedes the free-living first crab stage.  相似文献   
Monthly investigatiom were made on the population of Chinese freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangteskiense Bott, 1967 from April, 1984 to Match, 1985. The data on 4413 specimens show that the growth was affected mainly by temperature. During the April to November growth period, the crabs' major development occured from June through October. One year was required for a fine white oocyte to develop into a mature egg. The reproduction period was June-October. Females bearing eggs were taken from June-August, and crabs with young were found from July-October. The females reproduced once a year but could for more than one year. The number of eggs carried by a female varied greatly according to the size of the crab, ranging from 30 to 100 eggs. New-bom crabs become mature after 1-2 yeats. The sex ratio was approximately 1:1 in the overall population. However, the larger crabs are predominantly male. The age distribution of S. yangtsekinese was estimated from size frequency histograms. There were more adult crabs  相似文献   
长江华溪蟹输精管的超微结构与精荚形成的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王兰  堵南山  赖伟 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(4):373-379
于1993年9月-1994年8月,对采自安徽省宁国县的长江华溪蟹,利用电镜技术,并结合组织学和组织化学方法,研究其输精管的超微与精荚的形成过程,在于为深入研究华溪蟹的进化,受精生物学以及种质保存等提供必要的基础理论依据,结果表明:精子分别进入输精细管,被上皮细胞分泌物所包围,随着精子在管中的后移,分泌物不断增多增厚,最后将精子包围成团进而形成圆柱状精荚;精荚由精子群、精荚基质和精荚壁三部分组成;精  相似文献   
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