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孙宁 《海洋科学》2009,33(9):4-10
为了解设于屏东县新园乡界河以东港溪上的拦河堰对当地地下水的影响进行一系列研究.首先对台湾西南沿海的屏东县新园乡1989年10月东港溪拦溪建堰前后地下水水质及等水位线数据进行了分析,同时逐月收集东港溪拦溪堰周边的佳冬乡养殖池所用的井水、池水、浮游生物、日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)及虾等数据,进行分析与比较.此外,用以上2个乡的地下水进行了鳗鲡幼苗水族箱养殖试验,并检验分析试验后的鳗鱼.各项分析结果表明,拦溪堰的兴建使新园乡的地下水水位降低,附近污染河川的水渗入了地下,对养殖生物的健康产生不同程度的影响.因此建议,在旱季应减少对东港溪拦溪堰水的抽取量;台湾西部尤其是新园乡的水产养殖活动应予以减少.  相似文献   
Grab samples were taken from a population of Pectinaria australis Ehlers in Tasman Bay, New Zealand, at intervals over a 2‐year period, March 1971 to March 1973. Settlement occurred in summer with the new recruits showing rapid growth and heavy mortality, giving an apparent life cycle time of 1 y. The population density varied greatly over short distances at one time, presumably due to random settlement of aggregations of larvae from the plankton.  相似文献   
矮堰基础附近冲刷坑的深度是矮堰设计的重要参数,关系到建筑物的稳定与安全。系统回顾了国内外80余年关于矮堰基础冲刷的研究进展,阐述了矮堰基础冲刷的分类和机理,从物理模型试验、理论分析和数值模拟3个方面评述了研究现状和存在的不足。目前矮堰基础冲刷较为成熟的成果多集中于二维矮堰非淹没式清水冲刷方面,以物理模型试验方法为主,对于三维矮堰结构的动床冲刷、非冲积原状土床沙成分组成的影响、行进沙波与冲刷过程的耦合关系、浑水冲刷过程数值模拟技术等问题研究还有待深入。  相似文献   
鲁甸MS6.5地震诱发红石岩右岸发生超大规模崩塌,并形成罕见的634 m特高崩塌边坡,严重影响后续堰塞体整治工程的安全。在现场特高边坡工程处置的基础上,提出了基于GNSS,多点位移计和锚索测力计的综合监测方法和技术。现场监测结果表明,经过工程处置的边坡,在监测期内,表面和深部变形缓慢且较小,坡体内没有发生明显的应力增高,边坡整体处于基本稳定-稳定状态。由于该山体受到震损后,岩体裂隙和后缘地表裂缝较多,后续应持续加强时实监测和预警工作。研究成果对于下部堰塞体整治工程以及后期堰塞体作为永久挡水建筑物的安全性具有重要意义,同时为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
邵卫云  张土乔  王霆 《水文》2002,22(5):35-37,17
结合拱坝的水工模型试验,对小桥墩的设置、出口堰宽的变化等因素对拱坝WES堰流量系数的影响进行了对比试验和分析,并得出了相应的结论。  相似文献   
小流量测验是库姆塔格沙漠资源环境本底调查的重要内容.根据库姆塔格沙漠及周边河流泉水野外水文调查(2007-2009),对9条河流泉水16处断面进行了流量测验,分析小流量测验方法及其误差.调查研究表明:(1)库姆塔格沙漠及其周边溪流和泉水枯季径流小,多数河流不适宜用流速仪法实测流量;(2)用V形薄壁堰进行流量测验,其随机...  相似文献   
为了同时提升消浪效果和节省海岸空间,对低反射防波堤进行改进,提出了一种空间节省型堰式沉箱结构。通过物理模型试验研究了堰式沉箱在规则波作用下的消能机理,然后采用单因子分析法分析了相对淹没深度、波陡和相对波高对反射系数的影响,并且利用SPSS软件对无因次参数进行非线性回归分析得到了反射系数计算公式。结果表明,内堰消浪室可以形成良好的波能耗散机制,随着有效消浪室个数的增多,消浪效果逐渐增强,使得反射系数的最小值和最大值较非透空直立结构分别降低了60%~90%和10%~30%。基于以上研究成果,给出关于特征水位与内堰的相对位置关系的合理建议,并总结了堰式沉箱结构的优化设计要点,对实际工程应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Dam removal has been increasingly reported globally and is becoming an important approach for river management, restoration and environmental conservation in damming rivers. However, current limited knowledge of global trends in dam removal and related research may be potentially biased in terms of the geographic distribution and organisms studied. Such bias could mislead dam removal planning and management in different areas and ecological conservation for different taxa. In this study, we quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed datasets of dam removal and publications of dam removal research using bibliometric methods. A total of 1449 dam removal documents were published from 1953 to 2016. Trends, current hotspots and future directions of dam removal research were identified. The results from this study reveal that dam removal largely occurred in the North America and Europe, and most of the removed dams were small and old dams. With respect to the topic analysis, more dam removal studies should focus on the responses of a wide range of organisms, not only fish, as well as the interspecies relationships, food webs and ecosystem structures and functions. Based on our findings, we also provide some suggestions for future dam removal planning and analysis.  相似文献   
水力自动恒定水位溢流堰的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种水力自动溢流堰及其恒定水位的工作原理,并通过实验验证了其工作性能的可靠性。该装置恒定水位精度高,完全可以替代目前实验室等应用的稳定水位设施,不仅可以节省占地面积和流量调节时间,而且大大提高了实验模拟精度,具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   
Estimating the time evolution of a local scour hole downstream of submerged weirs can help determine the maximum scour depth and length and is essential to designing submerged weir foundations.In the current study, artificial neural networks with a backpropagation learning algorithm were used to estimate the temporal variation of scour profiles downstream of submerged weirs under clear water conditions. Physical factors, such as the flow condition, weir size, and sediment characteristics, are ge...  相似文献   
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