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杨扬  岳智慧郑文 《水文》2005,25(5):40-42
2004年“云娜”台风的监视和预报工作中,在应用常规天气资料的基础上加强了对历史热带气旋资料、天气雷达资料和过去对台风与台风暴雨分析预报研究成果的运用。在台风登陆前、登陆过程中和登陆后三个不同阶段中,应用多种资料进行有针对性的分析判断,并向防台风指挥部门及时提供信息服务,在防台工作中发挥了有效作用。,  相似文献   
基于干涉仪原理的甚高频雷电单站预警   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前闪电单站探测与预警装置的局限性,设计了一套基于闪电宽带干涉仪原理的甚高频单站雷电预警装置.该装置通过测量雷电(包括云闪与地闪)起始时刻的辐射信号到达竖直天线阵列的相位差,计算得到该信号的仰角,根据仰角估算雷电的距离,进而根据雷电的距离和活动特征进行雷电报警.单站测距误差分析结果表明,单站系统对半径50 km范围内闪电测距误差在25%以内,半径100 km范围内的闪电测距误差在30%以内.雷电单站预警装置对一次雷暴过程进行了观测,观测结果表明,该装置能有效探测半径100 km范围内的闪电活动状况,探测到的闪电频次分布、闪电距离与多站闪电定位结果保持较好一致性,证明其能有效探测周围闪电活动状况,起到提前预警雷暴的作用.  相似文献   
桥梁气象专题研究与服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据实际开展的桥梁气象专题研究,分析桥梁气象研究与服务如何面对国内大型桥梁建设发展趋势所带来的机遇和挑战,提出开展桥梁气象研究与服务的必要性,并从桥位气候背景、桥位气象参数取值、桥梁气象研究方法以及桥梁施工及营运期气象服务与保障等方面介绍桥梁气象专题研究及服务应开展的主要内容,同时,给出一个已投入实际使用的桥梁施工期气象环境监测与预警系统的建设思路。  相似文献   
雷电临近预警产品评估方法及其软件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马颖  孟青  吕伟涛  姚雯  张文娟 《气象》2009,35(11):101-106
为了适应雷电业务发展的需求,对已经投入业务运行试验的雷电临近预警系统的预警效果做出客观评估,中国气象科学研究院雷电物理和防护工程实验室开展了雷电临近预警产品评估方法的研究,并开发了配套的应用软件.评估方法通过雷电预警结果和实际监测结果的对比,得到命中率POD、虚警率FAR和TS评分三项指标,实现对雷电预警产品的评估.评估软件的实际运行表明:该方法不仅能够检验CAMS_LNWS预报雷电活动的能力,还能对预警方法的改进起到一定的指导作用,能够满足雷电业务产品评估的需要.  相似文献   
贵州省地质灾害气象预警预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨森林  杨胜元  王瑞 《贵州地质》2010,27(4):302-305
贵州复杂和脆弱的地质环境使地质灾害频发,危害民生,影响国民经济的健康发展,引起社会的重视。选用适合的地质灾害气象预警预报方法,是主动防灾减灾的手段之一。几年来的预警预报工作证明,效果总体较好。对其重要性、影响、作用、改进的意义做了解读。  相似文献   
基于洪峰模数的山洪灾害雨量预警指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山洪灾害预警是防御山洪的重要非工程措施,雨量预警指标是山洪灾害预警的关键。目前的雨量预警指标计算方法对水文气象资料条件以及模型建模率定都有很高的要求,并不适用于基层防汛人员。因此,本文基于全国山洪灾害调查评价成果数据,提出了一种运用洪峰模数计算雨量预警指标的简便、易用的方法。该方法以小流域洪水计算推理公式为基础,将公式中流量与流域面积的比值用洪峰模数表示,得到基于洪峰模数的临界雨量估算公式,并考虑流域土壤含水量等因素,分析临界雨量变化阈值,最终得到雨量预警指标。本文以云南省绥江县双河小流域为例,计算结果显示不同时段(1 h、3 h、6 h)净雨量和预警时段呈线性关系。降雨损失计算中洼地蓄水和植被截留在不同时段相同,土壤下渗在不同的时段不相同。在此基础上,计算不同土壤含水量条件下,不同时段的雨量预警指标。最后,对临界流量、降雨损失和预警指标进行了合理性分析,结果显示预警指标和调查评价结果及实测降雨都比较接近,计算的预警指标合理。本研究为基层山洪灾害预警提供了一种快速、便捷的预警指标计算方法,为预警指标计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   
基于日本KiK-net强震动观测记录,以提高计算震中方位角的准确性为目标,研究记录参量(加速度、速度、位移)、计算时间窗和滤波频带对偏振分析方法计算震中方位角结果的影响。结果表明,在该研究的地震数据条件下,采用位移记录、计算时间窗为1s、滤波频带取0.1~20Hz时,可以获得最佳的震中方位角计算结果,震中方位角的计算偏差为45°时所占比例为88%。  相似文献   
选取2018—2021年汛期短时强降水天气过程,利用相关性分析、箱线图法和极值统计法,尝试研究FY-4A卫星产品在短时强降水天气过程中的监测预警指标。研究表明:(1)FY-4A卫星多通道数据可以作为短时强降水监测预警的定量化指标予以应用。(2)筛选出相关性较好的13项产品统计出短时强降水的监测预警指标,其中赋值类指标4项,数值判别类指标9项(含辅助指标3项);初步设定13项指标中有9项达标时,短时强降水会发生。(3)在评估基础上完善了指标,监测预警效果有所提高,TS评分提高5.4%,空报率降低2.7%,漏报率降低1.9%。  相似文献   
Tsunami is one of a few kinds of natural disasters that leave people some time for escape. This escape time, which is essentially the time for the giant wave to propagate from the epicentre to a coast, has to be estimated without delay upon the occurrence of the incident. With the advancement of water wave theories, much work has been done to model the propagation of tsunamis from deep oceans to shallow water. The authors argue that while much emphasis has been put on the expansion of the high-tech early warning system and the development of complicated tsunami models, a simple-to-use yet accurate predictive model is still wanting. This paper presents a handy linear wave model, which is capable of estimating the arrival time of a tsunami with very good accuracy, as has been verified by comparison with past incidents. With the availability of such a simple model, even local communities without access to a high-tech warning system can readily estimate the time left for emergency evacuation.  相似文献   
Emdad Haque  C. 《Natural Hazards》2000,21(2-3):225-245
The prevention and/or mitigation offlood disasters requires continual research, numerouscapital investment decisions, and high-qualitymaintenance and modifications of flood-controlstructures. In addition, institutional and privatepreparedness is needed. The experience offlood-control in North America has shown mixedoutcomes: while flood frequency has declined duringthe last few decades, the economic losses havecontinued to rise. Recent catastrophic floods havealso been linked to major structural interventions inthe region. The flood diversions may cause harmfuleffects upon the floodplain inhabitants by influencingflood levels in areas which are not normallyflood-prone. The increasing vulnerability of thefloodplain inhabitants poses new challenges and raisesquestions concerning the existing risk assessmentmethods, institutional preparedness and responses todisaster-related public emergencies, and local-levelpublic involvement in flood mitigation efforts.In the context of the catastrophic 1997 floods of theRed River Valley, Manitoba, Canada, this researchfocuses on two aspects of flood-related emergencygovernance and management: (i) the functions andeffectiveness of control structures, and (ii) theroles, responsibilities and effectiveness oflegislative and other operational measures. The studyconcludes that the flood-loss mitigation measures,both in terms of effects of control structures andinstitutional interventions for emergency evacuation,were not fully effective for ensuring the well-beingand satisfaction of floodplain inhabitants. Althoughorganizational preparedness and mobilization to copewith the 1997 flood emergency was considerable, theirsuccess during the onset of the flood event waslimited. Lack of communication and understandingbetween institutions, a reluctance to implementup-to-date regulations, and minimal publicparticipation in the emergency decision-making processall contributed to the difficulties experienced byfloodplain inhabitants.  相似文献   
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