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镇泾地区延长组河流相砂体分布与圈闭形成的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地镇泾地区侏罗系地层以三角洲-湖泊沉积体系为主,研究区范围内主要发育主河道和部分分流河道砂体。研究区构造平缓,主要为单斜地层、在东南部存在大型鼻状构造。通过对主要储层段(长6、8油层组)砂体分布及与构造之间关系进行研究,分析砂体走向与构造线方向的关系认为在构造单斜地区,当两者相交时(交角β≠0)是形成圈闭的关键因素之一,在大型鼻状构造地区因构造线的弯曲与河道砂体组合可以形成圈闭。根据研究区砂体分布和构造线组合出4种地层-岩性及岩性圈闭。利用构造图与砂体分布图对主要储层段存在的圈闭确定出长6、8油层组10个层圈闭。  相似文献   
The foreland basin in West Sichuan is a tectonic unit that has undergone multi-periods tectonic movements of Indosinian-Yanshanian-Himalayan. Since late Triassic, it has been in a passive subsidence environment controlled by basin margin mountain systems and by the compression with abundant sediment sources. With the complex geologic setting, the main geologic characteristics of natural gas reservoir are listed as following:(1)Source rocks are coal-bearing mud and shale series with high to over maturity, and long and progressive hydrocarbon generation-displacement period. The key accumulation period is middle-late Yanshanian epoch.(2)There are three gas-bearing systems vertically, each of which has different reservoir mechanism, main-controlled factors and distribution law, so the exploration thoughts and techniques are also different.(3)Undergoing multi-period generation-migration-accumulation, oil and gas have encountered multi-period modification or destruction, and gas accumulation overpass multiple tectonic periods. So the trap type is complicated and dominated by combination traps. Because the main accumulation period of natural gas is early and the reservoir encountered the modification of strong Himalayan movement, there is great difference in the fullness degree of gas reservoirs and complicated gas-water relation. (4) Reservoir is tight to very tight, but reservoirs of relatively high quality developed under the super tight setting. (5) The key techniques for oil and gas exploration in west Sichuan foreland basin are the prediction of relatively favorable reservoirs, fractures and gas bearing; and the key techniques for oil and gas development are how to improve the penetration rate, reservoir protection and modification.  相似文献   
The seasonality of physical, chemical, and biological water variables is a major characteristic of temperate, dimictic lakes. Yet, few investigations have considered the potential information that is encoded in seasonal dynamics with respect to the paleolimnological record. We used a one-year sequence of diatoms obtained from sediment traps and water samples, as well as the sedimentary diatom record covering the past ca. 1000 years in Bates Pond, Connecticut (USA), to investigate which variables influence the seasonal distribution of diatoms and how this can be used for the interpretation of the fossil record. The seasonal patterns in diatom assemblages were related to stratification and, to a lesser extent, to nitrate, silica, and phosphorus. During mixing periods in spring and autumn, both planktonic and benthic species were collected in the traps, while few lightly silicified, spindle-shaped planktonic diatoms dominated during thermal stratification in summer. Changes in fossil diatom assemblages reflected human activity in the watershed after European settlement and subsequent recovery in the 20th century. A long-term trend in diatom assemblage change initiated before European settlement was probably related to increased length of mixing periods during the Little Ice Age, indicated by the increase of taxa that presently grow during mixing periods and by application of a preliminary seasonal temperature model. We argue that the analysis of seasonal diatom dynamics in temperate lakes may provide important information for the refinement of paleolimnological interpretations. However, investigations of several lakes and years would be desirable in order to establish a more robust seasonal data set for the enhancement of paleolimnological interpretations.  相似文献   
泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带构造特征及油气圈闭有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带断裂极为发育,主要发育NE向和NWW向两组正断层。NE向断层断距大,延伸距离远;NWW向断层断距相对较小,延伸较短。斜坡带由于构造破碎,断层发育,圈闭类型多为断块、断鼻及断层 岩性复合型圈闭。因此,对北部斜坡带断层的展布和交切规律的研究,是识别该区圈闭的关键。  相似文献   
高精度层序地层学已被证明是寻找隐蔽圈闭行之有效的理论方法.运用该理论对南阳凹陷进行了研究,对地震剖面中反射界面的追踪,在古近系中识别出了各级别的层序界面,结合周缘露头、钻井、测井等资料,分析了主要目的层序内体系域的构成及高频单元变化规律,建立了层序地层模式,在此基础上预测南部陡崖式断坡带和北部缓坡式弯折带是低位域砂体和隐蔽岩性油气藏形成的有利区带.  相似文献   
吹扫-捕集气相色谱法测定海水中挥发性卤代烃   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
挥发性卤代烃(VHC)是大气中的痕量气体,对臭氧层损耗和温室效应有重要作用。海洋是大气中VHC的主要自然排放源,开展海洋VHC的研究有助于了解海洋对大气VHC和全球变暖的贡献。本文建立了吹扫-捕集与气相色谱-微池电子捕获检测器联用技术(P-T-GC-(ECD)分析海水中6种VHC的方法,确定了吹扫-捕集条件和气相色谱分离条件。该方法的检测限在0.003~0.369 ng.L-1之间;相对标准偏差是1.83~3.97;加标回收率为98.1%~110.2%;相关系数在0.997 3~0.999 8之间。可准确地测定海水中6种VHC。  相似文献   
以南堡凹陷高分辨率三维地震、测井和丰富的地质资料为基础, 运用高精度层序地层分析方法, 结合盆地构造和沉积充填特征的研究, 在南堡凹陷古近系识别出了1个超层序组、4个超层序、11个三级层序, 在柳北扇三角洲体系可划分出6个四级层序.根据古构造坡折带控制层序类型和层序构成模式的思路, 通过南堡凹陷古近系同沉积构造发育特征的分析, 认为南堡凹陷古近系存在同沉积断裂坡折带和同沉积背斜挠曲坡折带2种类型, 由此决定了南堡凹陷古近系主要发育了同生断裂坡折型层序和同沉积背斜挠曲坡折型层序, 建立了这2种类型层序体系域构成模式.其中同生断裂坡折型层序和同沉积背斜挠曲坡折型层序的低位域砂体及高位域砂体成藏条件优越、地震剖面易于识别, 是隐蔽油气藏勘探的主要目标.   相似文献   
常甜甜 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):905-916
近年来,银额盆地哈日凹陷的油气勘探呈现出良好的态势,但对于哈日凹陷油气成藏条件相关研究甚少,已不能满足目前油气勘探开发的需求。本研究基于钻录井、地球物理、分析化验等资料,系统分析哈日凹陷油气成藏的烃源岩、储层、圈闭等条件,总结油气成藏条件配置关系,以期为哈日凹陷的后续油气勘探及地质研究提供依据。哈日凹陷主要发育三套烃源岩,其中银根组烃源岩有机质丰度极高,成熟度较低,有机质类型为Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型;巴二段烃源岩有机质丰度较高,成熟-高成熟,有机质类型为Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2型;巴一段烃源岩有机质丰度中等,成熟-高成熟,有机质类型为Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2型。储层类型为砂(砾)岩常规储层、碳酸质泥岩非常规储层和火山岩储层,且均属于特低孔超低渗储层,其中砂、砾岩储层和灰质泥岩储层物性最好,白云岩储层和火成岩储层次之,目前主力油藏主要集中在砂、砾岩储层和灰质泥岩储层这两种类型中。哈日凹陷主要发育两套岩性圈闭,即巴一段砂岩岩性圈闭和巴二段泥岩岩性圈闭,形成了源内(准)连续成藏模式和近源不连续成藏模式。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地结构及其圈闭类型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
准噶尔盆地是复合叠加前陆盆地 ,其原型分别形成于板块俯冲、碰撞、造山带后期复活、拗拉槽回返和板内皱陷作用有关的大地构造环境。其古生代盆地的形成与相邻的阿尔泰山和东、西准噶尔山、天山及博格达山的造山作用相关。中新生代盆地的形成和改造与其南部特提斯域板块俯冲碰撞造山引起的盆地相邻造山带的复活有关。相邻造山带时空上不均一的造山作用对盆地的影响不同 ,形成了盆地独特的结构。各坳陷均由与其形成有关的造山带前缘冲断带、陡坡带、山前凹陷、缓坡带和前隆及前缘皱陷等构成 ,前隆之间的叠加构成了盆地的大型隆起 ,皱陷叠加构成了盆地的中央坳陷。不同类型的圈闭在坳陷中有规律地分布着  相似文献   

现代夏季风系统导致了南海西南部(越南岸外)上升流的发育,但浮游有孔虫对夏季上升流的响应如何尚缺乏实测资料,这不利于准确地利用有孔虫来重建古上升流的活动进而反演过去夏季风的强度变化。本研究利用2014年4月14日至11月1日布放于南海西南部夏季上升流区的时间序列沉积物捕获器材料,详细鉴定并定量统计了其所含浮游有孔虫类型。通过分析样品中浮游有孔虫各属种的通量和百分含量变化,结合区域气候环境资料,探讨南海西南部夏季上升流区浮游有孔虫对夏季风的响应,为古上升流与夏季风研究提供现代依据。研究结果表明初级生产力是控制上升流区浮游有孔虫通量变化的首要因素,喜营养种在上升流发育期增多而寡营养种含量下降。因此高表层生产力指示种,如Neogloboquadrina dutertrei可能是追溯南海西南部夏季上升流变化最可靠的指标。

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