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As shown by geological, mineralogical, and isotope geochemical data, trachybasaltic-trachytic-trachyrhyolitic (TTT) rocks from the Nyalga basin in Central Mongolia result from several eruptions of fractionated magmas within a short time span at about 120 Ma. Their parental basaltic melts formed by partial melting of mantle peridotite which was metasomatized and hydrated during previous subduction events. Basaltic trachyandesites have high TiO2 and K2O, relatively high P2O5, and low MgO contents, medium 87Sr/86Sr(0) ratios (0.70526-0.70567), and almost zero or slightly negative εNd(T) values. The isotope geochemical signatures of TTT rocks are typical of Late Mesozoic basaltic rocks from rift zones of Mongolia and Transbaikalia. The sources of basaltic magma at volcanic centers of Northern and Central Asia apparently moved from a shallower and more hydrous region to deeper and less hydrated lithospheric mantle (from spinel to garnet-bearing peridotite) between the Late Paleozoic and the latest Mesozoic. The geochemistry and mineralogy of TTT rocks fit the best models implying fractional crystallization of basaltic trachyandesitic, trachytic, and trachyrhyodacitic magmas. Mass balance calculations indicate that trachytic and trachydacitic magmas formed after crystallization of labradorite-andesine, Ti-augite, Sr-apatite, Ti-magnetite, and ilmenite from basaltic trachyandesitic melts. The melts evolved from trachytic to trachyrhyodacitic and trachyrhyolitic compositions as a result of prevalent crystallization of K-Na feldspar, with zircon, chevkinite-Ce, and LREE-enriched apatite involved in fractionation. Trachytic, trachyrhyodacitic, and trachyrhyolitic residual melts were produced by the evolution of compositionally different parental melts (basaltic trachyandesitic, trachytic, and trachyrhyodacitic, respectively), which moved to shallower continental crust and accumulated in isolated chambers. Judging by their isotopic signatures, the melts assimilated some crustal material, according to the assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) model.  相似文献   
位于东准噶尔北缘的索尔库都克铜钼矿床,一直以来被认为属于一个与辉石闪长玢岩有关的层控夕卡岩型矿床。笔者在矿区露天采场及勘探钻孔调查中发现该矿床的成矿母岩可能为粗面英安斑岩,粗面英安斑岩多发育脉状和浸染状铜、钼矿化,且由浅部到深部热液活动逐渐加强,显示其与成矿关系密切:粗面英安斑岩的K2O+N2O为9.38%~10.3%、K2O/Na2O为2.63~3.17、A/CNK为0.89~0.98,属准铝质、富钾碱性岩系列,为I型花岗岩:微量元素方面,相对富集Rb、Ba和K等大离子亲石元素和强不相容元素(如U和Xh),有明显Sr、Ti、Nb和Ta的亏损,与岛弧型花岗岩的特征一致:粗面英安斑岩的(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.70100~0.70384,(143Nd/144Nd)j为0.512387~0.512436,CNd(t)为(+4.8~+5.8),T2DM为663~741Ma,显示其可能源于地幔楔部分熔融。  相似文献   
The Zhalaxiageyong lead-zinc-copper polymetallic deposit is a typical porphyry deposit of the Tuotuohe area. Whole-rock geochemical analyses,Zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis are undertaken for the ore host trachydacite with the aim of constraining its petrogenesis,magma source and regional tectonic setting.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the trachydacite was formed in 32. 68 ± 0. 50 Ma( MSWD =1. 6),i. e.,Oligocene. The trachydacite is rich in potassium and poor in Mg#( 5. 10-9. 70),belonging to the peraluminous shoshonite series. The rocks are enriched in LILE( large ion lithophile elements) Rb,Ba,K and LREE,depleted in HFSE( high field strength elements) Nb,Ta,P,Ti,with high Sr and low Y and Yb,having the characteristics of the C type adakite. It is calculated that the initial εHf( t) of the zircons range from-0. 92 to 2. 07 and their two-stage Hf model ages T_(DM2) range from 978 Ma to 1 169 Ma. The magma source should be mainly the partially melt mafic rocks of the thickened Middle Neoproterozoic lower crust of the Northern Qiangtang massif with the addition of ancient aluminosilica material in the melting process. The rocks formed in the tectonic setting of delamination of lithosphere and extension of the thickened crust. During the period of 40-32 Ma,large-scale potassium rich alkaline magmatism occurred in this area. The porphyry metallogenesis is related to the magmatic activities in this period.  相似文献   
Oligocene dome complexes of trachydacitic to rhyolitic composition are common in the southern portion of the Mesa Central physiographic province, which forms part of the southern Basin and Range extensional province as well as of the southern Sierra Madre Occidental volcanic province. Generally, dome complexes occur aligned with regional fault systems, mostly associated with the southern Basin and Range province, and thus suggesting that faults controlled the felsic magmas that formed these domes. Two distribution patterns are evident, one aligned NE–SW and another aligned NNE. The set of domes were emplaced at 33–28 Ma. Emplacement of domes occurred in three continuous phases starting with those of trachydacite affinity at 33–32 Ma, to trachydacite–rhyolitic at 32–31 Ma, and finally to those with rhyolitic composition at 31–28 Ma. Felsic magmas that originated the domes were apparently generated by partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Contrary to previous hypothesis, our evidence suggest that these magmas in these particular areas of the Mesa Central were not accumulated in large magma reservoirs emplaced at shallow levels in the crust, but crossed the continental crust directly. Since continental crust in this region is relatively thin (30–33 km), we propose that an intense extensional episode favored the direct ascension of these magmas through the brittle crust, with little interaction with the country rock during ascent to the surface, to end up forming aligned dome chains or complexes. Geochemical data favors this model, as the felsic rocks show no depletions in Nb and Th but instead relatively enrichment in these elements. REE show flat or concave up patterns, suggesting that the magmas involved enriched (fertile), metasomatized lithospheric fluids that generated partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Based upon these data, we infer an intra-plate tectonic setting for these rocks.  相似文献   
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