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The crop estimates by remote sensing, developing quickly in recent decades, is a up-to-date technique. Regionalization for large area crop estimates by remote sensing, a special applied regionalization, is the foundation of crop estimates in a large area by remote sensing. According to the actual demands of wheat yield estimation by remote sensing and wheat agroclimatic demarcation of China, this paper first puts forward some principles upheld in this regionalization and analyses its main bases. Secondly, it works out the classificatory schemes about the optimum temporal for estimating wheat yield by remote sensing, information sources of space remote sensing and landuse structure in China. Finally, According to the regionalization indices, this study divides the wheat plantable region of China into 14 regions of crop yield estimates and 31 subregions of crop yield estimates.  相似文献   
In order to understand the process of surface erosion and acquire basic data of conditions on hillslope without vege tation, a sprinkling experiment is conducted on a bare slope in Mt. Tanakami in the central part of Japan. Based on the mea surements of runoff, mean soil erosion depth, and sediment yield, etc. , the results suggest the following characteristics in the process of surface erosion in the experimental area. (1) The occurrence of sediment discharge is interrupted; (2) Surface runoff is a saturated overland flow; (3) The mean soil erosion depth is thick compared with other areas in Mt. Tanakami;(4) Sediment discharge process is detachment- limited.  相似文献   
Keck's Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS), is the facility instrument used for imaging and spectroscopy in the wavelength range of 3–28 μm at the Keck Observatory. LWS uses an 128 × 128 Si:As blocked impurity band (BIB) array manufactured by the Boeing Corporation. This paper discusses the method used for optimizing the detector's operating parameters at a temperature of 8.5 K and bias voltage of 1.2 V. A process for characterizing detective quantum efficiency of BIB detectors is also presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science, which helps in assessing, monitoring and conserving groundwater resources. It allows manipulation and analysis of individual layer of spatial data. It is used for analysing and modelling the interrelationship between the layers. This paper mainly deals with the integrated approach of Remote Sensing and geographical information system (GIS) to delineate groundwater potential zones in hard rock terrain. The remotely sensed data at the scale of 1:50,000 and topographical information from available maps, have been used for the preparation of ground water prospective map by integrating geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage-density and lineaments map of the study area. Further, the data on yield of aquifer, as observed from existing bore wells in the area, has been used to validate the groundwater potential map. The final result depicts the favourable prospective zones in the study area and can be helpful in better planning and management of groundwater resources especially in hard rock terrains.  相似文献   
Fishing, selection, and phenotypic evolution   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
根据大量田间试验和调查资料分析,作者提出烟单14号玉米生长过程中,小喇叭口期土壤中全氮、大喇叭口期土壤中速效磷的含量与产量相关密切。并据此建立了产量及构成三因素与土壤养分间的最优相关模型。  相似文献   
本文针对目前刺参养殖中存在的问题,简单明了叙述刺参无公害健康养殖一系列新技术和新方法,对推动海参养殖业持续、稳定、健康发展,起到积极作用和效果。  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Qaidam Basin is one of the main oil-gas exploration areas in western China, where source rocks are composed mostly of Middle and Lower Jurassic dark mud shale, carbargillite and coal. A large number of subsurface and outcrop samples differing in lithology with different types of organic matter were selected for resource evaluation, research and calculation. And among them, 13 samples were used for simulation experiment on hydrocarbon generating potential of various source rocks. At first, two kinds of heating modes were compared through simulation experiment, including single temperature-step heating and continual heating. Perhaps, the process of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred naturally between a close system and an open system. In addition, the first heating mode was convenient, and all its reaction products were involved in the whole thermal evolution, and the final simulation experimental results were basically in consistency with the natural evolution trend Therefore, the first heating mode was adopted and the hydrocarbon yield of every sample was worked out. According to the type and lithology of organic matter and the hydrocarbon yield of samples for simulation experiment, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion mode with three kinds of lithology and five types of source rock has been established to provide the basis for hydrocarbon generation evaluation, research and resource calculation.  相似文献   
Specific yield is an essential parameter for any groundwater management plan. Volumetric analysis in the domain of groundwater budgeting for the non-monsoon months has been undertaken for a typical watershed of the Deccan basalt province. The Torla Odha watershed covers an area of over 22 km2 on a third-order tributary of the westerly flowing Bhima River. The watershed receives a normal annual rainfall of 643 mm. The entire water demand is supplied by dug wells, which penetrate a shallow aquifer. The specific yield was estimated by comparing the monthly net volume of water removed from the aquifer, with the volume of aquifer de-saturated, based on monthly water level data. The estimated specific yield ranges from 0.0019 in May to 0.0173 in November with an average value of 0.0093. A correlation of the groundwater levels with the detailed geology suggests that the higher specific yield value (0.017) corresponds to dewatering of the weathered zone within the shallow aquifer. The specific yield of the massive basalt immediately below the weathered zone varies from 0.0089 to 0.0103. The underlying vesicular basalt, which is dissected by sheet joints, has a relatively higher specific yield (0.0121). The massive basalt, which forms the base of the shallow aquifer system, has a lower specific yield from 0.0019 to 0.0022.
Résumé Le débit spécifique est un paramètre essentiel pour tout plan de gestion des eaux souterraines. Les analyses volumétriques, dans le cadre des bilans hydriques des eaux en dehors des mois de mousson, ont été entreprises pour un bassin-versant typique de la province basaltique du Deccan. Le bassin-versant du Torla Odha couvre une superficie de 22 km2, et alimente l’affluent du troisième ordre de la rivière Bhima, qui coule vers l’Ouest. La pluviométrie annuelle atteint 643 mm. Toute la demande en eau es assurée par des puits foncés pénétrant dans l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique a été estimé en comparant le volume net mensuel d’eau captée dans l’aquifère, avec le volume de l’aquifère dé-saturé, basé sur les données des niveaux piézométriques mensuels. Le débit spécifique estimé s’étend entre 0,0019 en Mai et 0.173 en Novembre; la moyenne se situe à 0,0093. Une corrélation entre les niveaux des eaux souterraines et la géologie, suggère que les débits spécifiques les plus importants (0,017) correspondent aux zones altérées de l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique du massif basaltique, immédiatement sous la zone altérée, varie entre 0,0089 et 0,0103. Le basalte vésiculaire, situé juste en dessous et traversé par des diaclases parallèles, possède un débit spécifique sensiblement plus élevé (0,0121). Le basalte massif, qui forme la base de l’aquifère phréatique, possède un débit spécifique moins important, compris entre 0,0019 et 0,0022.

Resumen El rendimiento específico es un parámetro esencial para cualquier plan de manejo de aguas subterráneas. Se ha llevado a cabo el análisis volumétrico, en el entorno de balance de aguas subterráneas, para los meses sin monzón de una cuenca típica de la provincia de basaltos Deccan. La cuenca Rorla Odha cubre un área de 22 km2 en un tributario de tercer orden del Río Bhima que fluye al oeste. La cuenca capta una lluvia anual normal de 643 mm. La totalidad de la demanda de agua es abastecida por pozos manuales que penetran un acuífero somero. Se estimó el rendimiento específico al comparar el volumen neto mensual de agua removido del acuífero con el volumen de agua de-saturado estimado a partir de datos de niveles de agua mensuales. Los valores estimados de rendimiento específico varían de 0.0019 en mayo a 0.0173 en noviembre con un valor promedio de 0.0093. La correlación de niveles de agua subterránea con la geología de detalle sugieren que el valor más alto (0.017) de rendimiento específico corresponden con el desaguado de la zona de intemperismo dentro del acuífero somero. El rendimiento específico del basalto masivo que se encuentra inmediatamente debajo de la zona de intemperismo varía de 0.0089 a 0.0103. El basalto vesicular subyacente, el cual está disectado por fracturas laminares, tiene un rendimiento específico relativamente más alto (0.0121). El basalto masivo, que forma la base del sistema de acuífero somero, tiene un rendimiento específico más bajo el cual varía de 0.0019 a 0.0022. Palabras clave: basalto Deccan. India. Rendimiento específico. Recarga de agua subterránea. Balance hídrico.
随着三峡水利工程的逐步实施,淹没区移民及新城镇建设等人类工程活动的加剧,以滑坡为主的环境地质问题日益突出。本文从稳定系数、安全系数入手,对铁道、公路等部门常用的设计计算原理进行了研究,并由此类比分析研究了三峡区回水后或库水位正常运行条件下,滑坡治理工程设计计算方法。  相似文献   
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