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Nowadays there are some chronic serious environmental problems, such as eutrophication, blue tide and so on, in a complicated coastal zone or a semi-enclosed bay, because the water exchanges between an inner bay and an outer sea is weak compared with the supply of contaminant. Under this situation, a method to improve the water quality by 3-dimensional small unsymmetrical structures has been proposed by Komatsu et al. In this paper, several numerical simulations of the tidal current and concentration for various arrangements of bottom roughness in a semi-enclosed model bay are carfled out with a depth-averaged 2-D numerical model. The model is solved by the hybrid finite analytic method with nonstaggered grid. And the SIMPLES algorithm with Rhie and Chow' s momentum interpolation technique is used for the simulation. The effect of Komatsu' s method for water purification is examined by numerical simulation. The result of numerical experiment indicates that it is possible to generate a new tidal residual current and to activate a tidal exchange by bottom roughness arrangement only.  相似文献   
There have been several claims, either explicit or by implication, either based on experimental evidence or on theoretical reasoning, that the wind stress is modified by the stage of development of the wind sea. However, the overall evidence is weak, because theories are still incomplete and because it is questionable whether the sea-state effect, which is of the order of 10%, can be separated from experimental noise, which is of the order of 20%. In this paper a rigorous statistical analysis of HEXMAX data is pursued in order to establish the significance of sea-state effects. It appears that the enhanced drag, especially at high winds, which has already been established by previous analyses, cannot be attributed to the effect of young waves. The analysis provides no clues for the actual mechanism, which could be related to breaking or shoaling waves. As the effect of sea-state on wind stress is much smaller than the experimental noise level, it is hard to detect. Nevertheless, HEXMAX seems to contain a wave effect that is at the edge of statistical significance. It is, however, not the wave age itself that influences the drag, but a parameter involving wave height.Because the HEXMAX evidence is only indicative, we conclude that the issue set out in this paper cannot be answered on the basis of the HEXMAX data alone. It is recommended that error analyses are also carried out for other relevant observational data sets and that new measurements with suppressed noise will be taken up.  相似文献   
A regional atmospheric climate model is used toexamine the effect of changes in the roughnesslengths of momentum (z0m) and heat (z0h)on the structure of the lower atmosphere and on thesurface energy fluxes over Antarctica. Fourexperiments were carried out in which z0mand/or z0h were altered with respect to acontrol experiment. The changes consisted of (1) alowering of z0m from a field aggregated froma vegetation map with an orographic correction basedon the European Centre for Medium-Range WeatherForecasts z0m field, to a constant value of10-3 m; and (2) a lowering of z0h from a valueequal to z0m to a constant value of 10-3 mor a value dependent on the wind speed via a surfacerenewal model. A reduction of z0m results in theexpected increase in near-surface wind speed. It alsoresults in an increase in the depth of the layer in whichsouth-easterly near-surface winds prevail, and in adecrease in the strength of the large-scale flow overthe continent, in particular in summer. In theescarpment region a decrease of z0m is foundto result in too high wind speeds. Surface temperatureson average decrease while atmospheric temperaturesincrease, resulting in an increase of near-surfacestatic stability. Changes in roughness lengths donot significantly change the temperature profiles.The surface fluxes, on average found reduced, aremodelled best by using the z0h based on thesurface renewal method.  相似文献   
Weathering: Toward a Fractal Quantifying   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weathering occurs over a wide range of scales. To link features through these scales is a major challenge for interdisciplinary weathering studies. Fractal approach seems to be specially useful for this purpose. We introduce a multistep fractal weathering assessment scheme devoted to extract fractal weathering classifiers from texture analysis of the mineral's image. Our scheme enables to quantitatively estimate the global and local information about the geometry of the weathering pattern. This information is basic to develop geometrical indices of weathering, which can significantly enrich the common qualitative and semiquantitative weathering assessment schemes. To justify the fractal approach, a strong statistical self-similarity has been documented for both the weathering and fresh features of two common silica minerals: quartz and biogenic A-opal (phytolith) over four orders of length scales. The procedure is fast, drastically reduces thresholding bias, promises to be universal, it is valid for genetically different minerals and rock types, scale independent, and specially useful for monitoring the changes in the mineral's roughness during the alteration. Two of the proposed classifiers seem to be potentially useful for direct application in the field and be used by nonspecialist.  相似文献   
韩文梅  康天合 《岩土力学》2013,34(3):674-678
对典型岩石摩擦滑动试验装置进行了改进,以8种硅酸盐岩作为研究对象,在低正应力条件下对岩石摩擦滑动过程中的静摩擦系数进行了试验研究。对滑动表面形貌进行了表征,从统计学角度分析了粗糙度对静摩擦系数的影响,并基于滑动表面微凸体(凹凸体、微观粗糙度)对这一影响作进一步分析。研究表明:滑动面为抛光面时,千枚岩、石英岩、岩屑砂岩和石英砂岩的静摩擦系数为0.38~0.47,砾岩、含砾粗粒石英砂岩、中粒岩屑砂岩和中粒石英砂岩的静摩擦系数为0.83~1.07;在粗糙度中,轮廓最大谷深Rm和轮廓最大峰高Rp两个参数导致摩擦滑动中产生不同静摩擦系数,且随着这两个参数的增加,静摩擦系数呈指数规律增加;千枚岩、石英岩、岩屑砂岩和石英砂岩滑动表面的微凸体数量较少,砾岩、含砾粗粒石英砂岩、中粒岩屑砂岩和中粒石英砂岩滑动表面的微凸体数量较多,随着微凸体数量的增加岩石摩擦滑动过程中的静摩擦系数增加。  相似文献   
张海宏  姜海梅  周秉荣  祁栋林 《气象》2019,45(11):1550-1559
利用玉树隆宝湿地的观测资料,分析了未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖三种情况下动量通量和感热通量的日变化情况,计算了三种情况下动量总体输送系数、感热总体输送系数、动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度,分析了附加阻尼和粗糙度雷诺数的关系,并将三种附加阻尼的参数化方案进行了比较,结果表明:冻结状态下动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时,动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最小。动量总体输送系数C_D和感热总体输送系数C_H的值在冻结时最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时最小,动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度在冻结状况下最小,冻结有积雪覆盖时最大。未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖状态下,三种附加阻尼kB~(-1)参数化方案中,幂函数型方案较为合适。  相似文献   
入湖河道生态修复工程对水流流速的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在河流中开辟生化反应区、直接布设仿生填料净化河流微污染水体可以达到改善入湖水质、减少投资、降低能源消耗的目的。但在河道内直接布设填料势必会对河流的水动力条件及其河流原有的使用功能造成一定的影响。从填料给水流带来的阻力、流速及糙率变化等方面进行河道内直接布设生物填料对河流水动力条件的影响试验分析。结果表明,由于河道流速不大(属于缓流水体),9根/m2的填料布设密度对水流的扰动作用程度不高,填料段的糙率仅为无填料段糙率的1.08倍,不会对河道的泄水能力造成影响。  相似文献   
直立植物防沙措施粗糙特征的模拟实验   总被引:33,自引:18,他引:33  
董治宝  高尚玉 《中国沙漠》2000,20(3):260-263
通过风洞模拟实验研究了直立植物防沙措施的粗糙特征及其影响因素。实验结果表明,在各种一定风速条件下,对数风速廓线中的粗糙度Z0SF值随植物密度的增加呈幂函数增加,幂函数的指数〈1;而在各种一定植物密度条件下,Z0随风速的增大而减溃,遵循单分子增长风线的指数函数。根据实验结果建立的包含风速和植物密度两个因子的Z0的双因子综合模型对Z0的预测值与实验值吻合得比较好。对数风速郭线中的Z0是一个反映近地表气  相似文献   
黄土高原半干旱区非均一下垫面粗糙度分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年4月17日-2008年4月16日兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站边界层气象塔的风速、 风向、 温度、 气压、 湿度等观测资料, 采用经典的廓线法和风速、 风向标准差法, 分别计算了中性大气层结下观测站下垫面粗糙度长度, 并得到了具有黄土高原地理特征的地表粗糙度及其时空变化特征。计算结果表明, 季节变化对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.159 m, 空间非均一性对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.155 m。测站附近粗糙度春季为0.017 m, 夏季为0.062 m, 秋季为0.065 m, 冬季为0.018 m。测站西北方向上游粗糙度春季为0.17 m, 夏季为0.22 m, 秋季为0.34 m, 冬季为0.05 m。测站东南方向上游粗糙度春季为0.11 m, 夏季为0.17 m, 秋季为0.19 m, 冬季为0.05 m。该站下垫面粗糙度计算宜选用风速为6±1.5 m·s-1, 风向变化30°范围内的数据。  相似文献   
Surface roughness and slope gradient are two important factors influencing soil erosion. The objective of this study was to investigate the interaction of surface roughness and slope gradient in controlling soil loss from sloping farmland due to water erosion on the Loess Plateau, China. Following the surface features of sloping farmland in the plateau region, we manually prepared rough surfaces using four tillage practices (contour drilling, artificial digging, manual hoeing, and contour plowing), with a smooth surface as the control measure. Five slope gradients (3°, 5°, 10°, 15°, and 20°) and two rainfall intensities (60 and 90 mm/hr) were considered in the artificial rainfall simulation experiment. The results showed that the runoff volume and sediment yield increased with increasing slope gradient under the same tillage treatment. At gentle slope gradients (e.g., 3° and 5°), the increase in surface roughness prevented the runoff and sediment production, that is, the surface roughness reduced the positive effect of slope gradient on the runoff volume and sediment yield to a certain extent. At steep slope gradients, however, the enhancing effect of slope gradient on soil erosion gradually increased and surpassed the reduction effect of surface roughness. This study reveals the existence of a critical slope gradient that influences the interaction of surface roughness and slope gradient in controlling soil erosion on sloping farmland. If the slope gradient is equal to or less than the critical value, an increase in surface roughness would decrease soil erosion. Otherwise, the increase in surface roughness would be ineffective for preventing soil erosion. The critical slope gradient would be smaller under higher rainfall intensity. These findings are helpful for us to understand the process of soil erosion and relevant for supporting soil and water conservation in the Loess Plateau region of China.  相似文献   
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