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The heightening scale of urban tourism and the fast-growing number of “floating” city users raise new challenges to understand contemporary urban change – namely for internationally open, heritage-rich medium-sized cities. Discussing the case of Porto at a time when the contested notion of gentrification infuses local politics, we highlight the transnational drivers of this process in Portugal´s second city. While acknowledging perils and benefits, we argue that more than simply leaving a footprint to be solved with taxation, internationally-driven gentrification may endanger city diversity and identity, raising implications for urban policy and for our understanding of local development as a whole.  相似文献   
As the state’s primary means of both redistributing wealth and incentivizing private investment, tax plays an outsized role in a range of critical urban processes, including (re)development, gentrification, financialization, and local and regional governance. We argue, through reference to existing literature in urban and economic geography, as well as our own research on taxation and the state, that urban scholarship could benefit by close and careful engagement with taxation and the tax system. We term this new vein of research “fiscal geographies” and see it as offering potential for more nuanced study of urban political economy, politics, and processes.  相似文献   
In this paper, we critically examine the role of artistic locational choices and practices in the context of gentrification processes in urban renewal contexts. We characterize gentrification as a form of domestication of space, and explore the extent to which artistic choices and practices relate to such process with reference to the deontological dilemma of legitimization within the art system vs. responsible empowerment of vulnerable local constituencies. We illustrate our argument with an analysis of the High Line Art project, and show how this can be considered as a textbook example of art-driven space domestication leading to brutal forms of gentrification. We comment on the threat that this provides to the social credibility of artistic practices as an agency of responsible social change.  相似文献   
Toward micro-scale spatial modeling of gentrification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 A simple preliminary model of gentrification is presented. The model is based on an irregular cellular automaton architecture drawing on the concept of proximal space, which is well suited to the spatial externalities present in housing markets at the local scale. The rent gap hypothesis on which the model's cell transition rules are based is discussed. The model's transition rules are described in detail. Practical difficulties in configuring and initializing the model are described and its typical behavior reported. Prospects for further development of the model are discussed. The current model structure, while inadequate, is well suited to further elaboration and the incorporation of other interesting and relevant effects. Received: 1 November 2001 / Accepted: 12 April 2002 Town centres data were made available by kind permission of the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.  相似文献   
国外商业绅士化研究进展及其对本土研究的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙洁  宋伟轩 《世界地理研究》2021,30(5):1096-1105
商业是城市中最活跃,并且对城市发展和空间重构产生重要影响的功能之一。近20年来,随着产业转型与城市更新实践,日益突出的商业绅士化现象愈发引起国外学术界关注。同时,多源数据和定量分析方法的利用,促进了商业绅士化专题研究逐渐增多。商业绅士化的发生背景、表现特征、推动主体与形成机制,以及商业绅士化导致阶层置换、加深种族隔离等社会空间效应是主要的研究内容。通过对国外商业绅士化研究文献的梳理,以期展示城市商业高档化重构的机理以及绅士化演进的复杂性。基于当前我国城市转型和消费转型的特征与趋势,尝试提出对商业绅士化本土研究方向和方法的启示。  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):694-725
This article explores the possibilities for a political ecology of gentrification. Gentrification research, while firmly rooted in materialist social science, has not yet broadened its interests to consider ecological aspects of, or the role in gentrification of, discourses, social movements, and state policies of the environment. Understanding the political ecologies of gentrification involves recognizing the ways in which material relations and uneven resource consumption, concepts of nature, and the politics of urban environmental management affect gentrification processes. By synthesizing diverse literatures in urban studies, political ecology, urban environmental governance, consumption studies, and gentrification, this study argues that Vancouver, British Columbia represents a well-developed urban crucible for the new political ecologies of gentrification in North America. New developments in Vancouver increasingly contribute to gentrification using languages of sustainability and green consumption in a process of ecological gentrification.  相似文献   
Auckland's post-suburban landscape is associated with new mixed-use apartment developments. When located in former industrial sites, these emergent residential and retail spaces constitute new-build gentrification and carry the potential to rupture existing people/place dynamics. This article examines material and socio-cultural processes associated with the redevelopment of an industrial quarry in Three Kings, Auckland. It is argued that the redevelopment constitutes a physical refashioning of a former industrial space located within a traditional working-class community. The development involves a remaking of the material and socio-cultural fabric of the neighbourhood and aligns with new-build gentrification practices.  相似文献   
谭华云  周国华 《地理学报》2022,77(4):869-887
乡村绅士化是城乡要素双向流动背景下乡村转型与振兴的新型路径。基于对广西巴马盘阳河流域乡村绅士化现象的历时性田野调查,采用行动者网络理论解析乡村绅士化演化的过程、类型与机制。研究表明:在巴马盘阳河流域乡村人类行动者与非人类行动者、“草根”行动者与机构行动者共同缔结的行动者网络的转换过程中,伴随关键行动者从“候鸟人”先锋、屯社精英向地方政府、投资开发商的更替,乡村绅士化路径从“草根”绅士化向机构绅士化演替,乡村产业从接待“候鸟人”、发展旅游转向大健康产业融合发展,乡村绅士化类型从单一的舒适移民绅士化向舒适移民、旅游和地产共构的“一地多类”绅士化演化。关键行动者更替及其功能角色转换、绅士化路径变迁和主导产业更替与融合发展、宏观乡村发展制度与地域自然人文环境共同作用于乡村绅士化的阶段演替与类型共生。行动者网络理论与方法利于呈现乡村绅士化的阶段演替脉络与共生演化特征,并揭示乡村绅士演化的一般机制与地域机制。  相似文献   
张清源  叶超 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1778-1795
绅士化已经成为全球城乡发展研究的前沿问题。探究绅士化的理论及其对中国城乡治理的启示,对贯彻落实新型城镇化和乡村振兴的国家战略具有重要意义。通过理论分析和案例比较可见,星球绅士化突破了传统绅士化研究的本体论、认识论和方法论,全球北方与全球南方的差异凸显了中国绅士化研究的价值。结合中国独特的城乡关系、央地关系及其多尺度交互作用,可进行星球绅士化的理论创新。未来中国城乡治理应重视治理模式转型、区域战略转型和城乡关系转型,全球经验、区域差异、城乡融合是治理现代化转型的关键点。对绅士化现象须采取批判性的价值论立场,关注城乡中低收入者权利,为维护空间正义和实现共同富裕做出积极贡献。中国绅士化研究需要加强与国际的对话与对接,并提供本土化经验。  相似文献   
In the contemporary American urban renaissance, formerly fringe efforts to produce place, conducted by longtime residents and “urban pioneers” alike, now shape mainstream urbanism. Gardening and bicycling are constitutive of contemporary excitement about the city, representing the reinvigoration of the urban neighborhood following the depredations of suburbanization. This paper draws on research in California cities to offer a sympathetic critique of these leading edges of progressive urbanism, arguing that advocates’ overwhelming focus on the local creates a scalar mismatch between the horizon of political action and the problems they hope to address. Even as supporters of gardening and cycling understand themselves as implicitly allied with struggles for the right to the city, their work to produce local space is often blind to, and even complicit in, racialized dynamics of accumulation and exclusion that organize metropolises. The result is a progressive urbanism largely disconnected from broader left struggles for spatial justice.  相似文献   
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