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从中国科学院海洋生物标本馆收藏的8种甲醛浸渍的海水贝类标本中提取DNA并对其rRNA编码基因的ITS序列进行特异性扩增,在牡蛎Crassostrea sp.、长肋日月贝Amussium pleurondectes (Linnaeus)、扇贝Volachlamys ringaporinug(Sowerby)与华贵栉孔扇贝Chlamys nobilis(Reeve)等4个物种的标本中成功获得扩增产物。利用图片分析软什得出牡蛎标本的ITS-1和ITS-2扩增片段分别为408bp和524bp,长肋日月贝标本分别521bp和537bp,而扇贝Volachlamys ringaporinug(Sowerby)与华贵栉孔扇贝标本只获得ITS-1扩增片段,长度均为545bp。  相似文献   
Acute toxicities of potassium permanganate, formalin, and Lugol’s iodine solution to a commonly occurred marine ciliate Pleuronema coronatum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) were measured. Linear regression analysis of the results highlighted the close relationships between doses of the medicines and mortalities of the organisms, thus providing a capability to predict toxicity effects from the dose. Toxic effects of the medicines on the ciliates were described in the present paper, and the median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) were given. Results of measurements indicated that 2 h-LC50 and 12 h-LC50 values of formalin on P. coronatum were 59.00×10−6 and 43.57×10−6, while those of Lugol’s solutions were 90.13 and 67.84×10−6 respectively. The tolerance of P. coronatum to formalin is apparently lower than that to Lugol’s iodine solution and potassium permanganate is a suitable medicine to kill ciliates in short time.  相似文献   
五种水产药物对扁藻生长影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了5种水产药物对扁藻种群生长的影响.结果表明,硫酸铜、高锰酸钾、孔雀石绿、敌百虫和甲醛对扁藻96h的EC50依次为61.16、49.22、72.97μg/dm3和7.58、0.70mg/dm3.硫酸铜、高锰酸钾、孔雀石绿、敌百虫和甲醛对扁藻生长的安全浓度分别是18.12、12.14、23.26μg/dm3和2.25、0.24mg/dm3.结果还表明,这5种常用水产药物中,以高锰酸钾对扁藻生长的抑制作用最大,敌百虫对扁藻生长的抑制作用最小.  相似文献   
1Introduction Red tides occur in recorded history,but in recentyears there is a global increase in the number of theseevents due to coastal pollution and other unclear fac-tors.Some kinds of red tides cause mass deaths of cul-tured animals and thus cause heavy economic losses forcoastwise mariculture(Nakanishi et al.,1996;Changet al.,1998;Zhu et al.,1998;Tada et al.,2001).The investigation on red tide control,however,rem-ains insufficient(Burkholder,1998;Edwards and Clark,1999).Although man…  相似文献   
The acute toxic levels of formalin to a marine red-tide dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum Schiller (Mastigophora, Dinoflagellida) were determined by linear regression analysis. The data obtained revealed that there is a close regression relationship between logarithmic concentrations of formalin and mortality probit scales of the organism when exposure times are 1, 2, 6, 12, 24 h. The median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) obtained from correlation analysis for these exposure times (with 95% confidence intervals), were 11.83, 6.76, 4.37, 4.27 and 3.98mgL^-1 respectively. A toxicity curve was obtained to connect the exposure time and LC50 value from the correlation between them. The results indicated that P. minimum could be killed or fixed by formalin in the concentration range of 4-12mgL^-1 within 1-24h.  相似文献   
用孔雀绿、福尔马林对罗氏沼虾各期蚤状幼体及仔虾进行急性毒性试验。结果表明,孔雀绿的24hLC50是:蚤状幼体为0.141~0.257×10-6、仔虾为0.271×10-6;48hLC50是:蚤状幼体0.077~0.152×10-6、仔虾为0.174×10-6;安全浓度蚤状幼体为0.007~0.016×10-6、仔虾为0.021×10-6.福尔马林的24hLC50是:蚤状幼体为23,5~51.9×10-6、仔虾为42.6×10-6;48hLC50是:蚤状幼体为14.3~33.6×10-6、仔虾为28.7×10-6;安全浓度蚤状幼体为1.2~4.2×10-6、仔虾为3.9×10-6。  相似文献   
聚缩虫病是对虾养殖危害较大的一种常见病害。以前报导的多是单养虾塘的防治技术。随着虾、贝混养技术日益提高,混养面积逐年增加,我们筛选出几种对虾、贝无毒害或较小毒性的防治聚缩虫病的药物,并已在生产中推广使用。本文主要报导硫酸铜、福尔马林、新洁尔灭等三种药物的试验结果。  相似文献   
Acute toxicities of potassium permanganate, formalin, and Lugol's iodine solution to a commonly occurred ma-rine ciliate Pleuronema coronatum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) were measured. Linear regression analysis of the resultshighlighted the close relationships between doses of the medicines and mortalities of the organisms, thus providing a capabili-ty to predict toxicity effects from the dose. Toxic effects of the medicines on the ciliates were described in the present paper,and the median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) were given. Results of measurements indicated that 2 h-LC50 and 12 h-LC50 values of formalin on P. coronatum were 59.00 × 10-6 and 43.57 × 10 6, while those of Lugol's solutions were 90.13 and67.84 × 10 6 respectively. The tolerance of P. coronatum to formalin is apparently lower than that to Lugol' s iodine solutionand potassium permanganate is a suitable medicine to kill ciliates in short time.  相似文献   
杨钟  朱滨  常剑波 《湖泊科学》2008,20(2):242-250
白鲟是是世界上最大的淡水鱼之一,为我国独有,被誉为"长江中的活化石".目前白鲟群体已极度濒危,获取其新鲜材料非常困难,因此本文以保存于中科院水生所标本馆的福尔马林固定白鲟标本为研究材料,尝试从其肌肉、心脏、鳍条和肝脏组织提取白鲟基因组DNA,并检验相近种匙吻鲟和中华鲟微卫星引物对白鲟有无适用性.实验包括福尔马林固定白鲟标本从组织预处理到消化、抽提等步骤的整体优化过程;通过一系列对比试验分析在不同条件下提取到基因组DNA片段大小的差异,最终实现了福尔马林固定白鲟标本基因组DNA的稳定提取,并提出后续实验的延伸设想加以完善.  相似文献   
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