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A. Wendy Russell 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):213-222
In this paper, I argue that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have inherent potential to contribute to socially and environmentally sustainable agriculture by virtue of their ‘biological embeddedness’. Their actual ‘performance’ and how this contributes to sustainability depends on the ‘mutual shaping’ of technology and context. While much attention has been given to the design context of GMOs, this paper considers the influence of the application context and of users. A case study investigating the use of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant GM cotton in the cotton-growing region of New South Wales in Australia is presented. The study was based on focus groups with farmers and other stakeholders in a cotton-growing community. It demonstrated a range of direct and indirect effects of GM cotton use, both positive and negative for sustainability, and the ways in which these effects were influenced by the local social context. The influences of the biotechnology industry context, in limiting the contributions that gene technologies can make to sustainability, were also considered, and remedies suggested. I argue that the polarity of the GM debate is hindering progress on these issues, and that a more balanced approach to our analysis of GMOs is necessary in order to fully understand, and to influence, their role in the future of rural spaces.  相似文献   
长白山区热量资源立体分布模式及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马树庆  袁福香 《气象》1996,22(6):15-18
采用二次趋势势面函数模拟长白山区热量资料的地理分布,用地理细网格分析方法推算山区各地的热量资源状况,并以此为基本依据,分析山区主要农作物品种的合理布局,指出不同品种在各地的适宜种植高度带,该项分析了已长白山区气候及农业资源立体开发中的发挥作用。  相似文献   
Using China's ground observations, e.g., forest inventory, grassland resource, agricultural statistics, climate, and satellite data, we estimate terrestrial vegetation carbon sinks for China's major biomes between 1981 and 2000. The main results are in the following: (1) Forest area and forest biomass carbon (C) stock increased from 116.5×106 ha and 4.3 Pg C (1 Pg C = 1015 g C) in the early 1980s to 142.8×106 ha and 5.9 Pg C in the early 2000s, respectively. Forest biomass carbon density increased form 36.9 Mg C/ha (1 Mg C = 106 g C) to 41.0 Mg C/ha, with an annual carbon sequestration rate of 0.075 Pg C/a. Grassland, shrub, and crop biomass sequestrate carbon at annual rates of 0.007 Pg C/a, 0.014―0.024 Pg C/a, and 0.0125―0.0143 Pg C/a, respectively. (2) The total terrestrial vegetation C sink in China is in a range of 0.096―0.106 Pg C/a between 1981 and 2000, accounting for 14.6%―16.1% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by China's industry in the same period. In addition, soil carbon sink is estimated at 0.04―0.07 Pg C/a. Accordingly, carbon sequestration by China's terrestrial ecosystems (vegetation and soil) offsets 20.8%―26.8% of its industrial CO2 emission for the study period. (3) Considerable uncertainties exist in the present study, especially in the estimation of soil carbon sinks, and need further intensive investigation in the future.  相似文献   
环境重金属污染的人体健康效应是当今社会最为关注的重大环境问题。某金矿区矿业活动导致土壤、地下水、农作物中重金属元素存在不同程度的累积或超标。通过土壤、地下水、蔬菜及粮食作物的样品采集,人群暴露问卷调查,获得了暴露人群的膳食结构参数。以农田土壤中7种重金属元素的综合污染分区内的土壤、地下水、蔬菜、小麦玉米等样品中的重金属元素的平均含量为依据,采用USEPA推荐的人体健康风险评价模型,计算了经口食入、皮肤接触等暴露途径对成年人的健康风险概率。研究表明,研究区存在因重金属导致的不可接受的人体健康高非致癌风险和致癌风险。总体而言,土壤重金属污染愈重地区,区内人体健康风险愈高。地下水中的Cr元素、土壤综合污染区内的Hg元素、污染区内的蔬菜及粮食是危害人体健康的重要因素。因此,禁饮Cr含量高的地下水、禁食污染区内的农作物、修复土壤重金属污染、调整农作物种植结构是保护研究区人群健康的重要环境管理工作。  相似文献   
钼是人体和农作物必需的有益元素,具有防癌抗癌作用。由于不同地区土壤中钼含量和土壤酸碱性的不同,农作物中钼含量有很大差异,同时不同农作物对钼的吸收也不相同。研究不同农作物中钼富集规律可以为健康地质发展、富钼农产品开发、功能农业发展、种植结构调整提供依据。本文以洛阳市硒资源详查区及其他农业种植区为研究区,通过采集22种大田种植的农作物及其根系土,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定土壤和农作物钼含量,研究了不同农作物钼含量特征及其影响因素。结果表明:洛阳市土壤钼含量较高,是中国土壤富钼特色地区。绿豆、豇豆、黑豆、黄豆、红小豆和花生是富集钼的主要农作物,钼平均含量>9mg/kg,富集系数>500%,属于钼的超富集农作物。芝麻、豆角、谷子、小麦、玉米和油菜籽钼含量较高,钼含量均值介于0.446~2.437mg/kg,富集系数介于40%~300%,属于富钼农作物。辣椒、大蒜、红薯、秋葵的钼含量介于0.1~0.3mg/kg,富集系数介于10%~30%,属于高钼农作物。苹果、梨、葡萄、石榴、樱桃与中药材银条的钼含量 < 0.05mg/kg,富集系数 < 5%,是低钼农作物。大多数农作物钼含量与根系土钼含量呈正相关,而苹果、葡萄、石榴、樱桃等水果钼含量与根系土钼含量呈负相关。研究揭示了在碱性环境下土壤中的钼更容易被农作物吸收。区内农作物与中国其他地区相比均呈富钼特征,是开发富钼农业产业的有利地区。依据不同农作物钼含量,选择出绿豆、豇豆、黑豆、黄豆、红小豆和花生是研究区特色富钼农产品,芝麻、豆角、谷子、小麦、玉米和油菜籽是富钼农产品,辣椒、大蒜、红薯、秋葵属于高钼农作物。本成果为研究区富钼农产品开发、调整种植结构提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
To support the adoption of precision agricultural practices in horticultural tree crops, prior research has investigated the relationship between crop vigour (height, canopy density, health) as measured by remote sensing technologies, to fruit quality, yield and pruning requirements. However, few studies have compared the accuracy of different remote sensing technologies for the estimation of tree height. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy, flexibility, aerial coverage and limitations of five techniques to measure the height of two types of horticultural tree crops, mango and avocado trees. Canopy height estimates from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) were used as a reference dataset against height estimates from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, WorldView-3 (WV-3) stereo imagery, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based RGB and multi-spectral imagery, and field measurements. Overall, imagery obtained from the UAV platform were found to provide tree height measurement comparable to that from the TLS (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.19 m and rRMSE = 5.37 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 0.42 m and rRMSE = 4.75 % for avocado trees), although coverage area is limited to 1–10 km2 due to battery life and line-of-sight flight regulations. The ALS data also achieved reasonable accuracy for both mango and avocado trees (R2 = 0.67, RMSE = 0.24 m and rRMSE = 7.39 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.63, RMSE = 0.43 m and rRMSE = 5.04 % for avocado trees), providing both optimal point density and flight altitude, and therefore offers an effective platform for large areas (10 km2–100 km2). However, cost and availability of ALS data is a consideration. WV-3 stereo imagery produced the lowest accuracies for both tree crops (R2 = 0.50, RMSE = 0.84 m and rRMSE = 32.64 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 0.74 m and rRMSE = 8.51 % for avocado trees) when compared to other remote sensing platforms, but may still present a viable option due to cost and commercial availability when large area coverage is required. This research provides industries and growers with valuable information on how to select the most appropriate approach and the optimal parameters for each remote sensing platform to assess canopy height for mango and avocado trees.  相似文献   
本文重点研究了有作物条件下不同供水农田的“四水”相互转化,突出了有作物条件下降水入渗、潜水蒸发的差异性,土壤水在农业生态环境中的重要性,为水资源多目标开发,探索新路子。  相似文献   
区域化探资料在提高农作物产量上的应用成果   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8  
1991年,利用冀东地区已有1:20万区域化探资料,进行了在农业中的开发应用研究,在此基础上,选择区内微量营养元素和有益元素缺乏区,开展了增施微量元素Zn、Mn、Mo、B和Co肥料提高水稻、玉米、花生和苹果产量的应用研究。试验结果表明,增施微肥后,水稻、玉米、花生产量提高,平均增产10%以上,亩增收入平均40元以上,苹果增产30%以上,亩增收入大于1000元,增产效果和经济效益是明显的。这项成果如在整个冀东地区推广,其经济效益将是巨大的。  相似文献   
作物生长岩-土环境中不同存在形态钾素含量动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以较系统的观测资料,对土壤环境中的缓效态、速效态、水溶态钾素含量的动态变化进行探索.结果表明,缓效态钾的季节性动态变化制约着速效态、水溶态钾的季节性动态变化,但是后两者变化幅度较缓效态钾的大;这种动态变化同时受土壤类型和深度的影响.  相似文献   
应用酒泉、张掖、武威实况资料,从作物的各个生长发育期进行了对比分析,结果表明强冷空气爆发是造成冻害的直接原因,前期气温异常偏高使农作物生育期提前、气温和地温较低加剧了冻害程度。并提出了防御冻害发生的有效措施。  相似文献   
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