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Many chromite-rich rocks contain relatively high concentrations of the platinum-group elements (PGE). In many cases, the phases carrying PGE occur as either platinum-group minerals (PGM) or as base metal sulfides in solid solution in sulfides. In some cases, such as the UG-2 unit of the Bushveld Complex, the PGM are occluded inside chromite grains. Chromites are notably difficult to dissolve in most fluxes and if the chromite contains some PGM the possibility exists that not all the PGE will be recovered during fusion. In this work, shortcomings in published methods of analysis based on the nickel sulfide fire assay procedure were investigated and a new procedure developed based on the addition of sodium metaphosphate to the fusion mixture. Optimum composition of the fusion mixture was found to be 10 g sodium metaphosphate and 9 g silica to 10 g sample, 15 g sodium carbonate, 30 g lithium tetraborate, 7.5 g nickel and 4.5 g sulfur to achieve complete dissolution of chromite grains. The new flux mixture was evaluated by the analysis of reference material CHR-Pt+ (which is known to contain PGM inside chromite grains) and no undissolved chromite grains were found in the glassy slag. Analysis of the nickel sulfide beads from this fire assay using neutron activation analysis showed similar results for Rh and Ru when compared with published conventional true (or accepted) values, while Au, Ir, Os, Pd and Pt values determined here were 10 to 30% higher than the corresponding published conventional true values. It was concluded that the addition of sodium metaphosphate improved chromite dissolution in the flux and appears to improve PGE recovery.  相似文献   
Twenty-four compounds including eight steroids (1-8), nine triterpenoids (9-16, 24), three flavonoids (20-22), and four benzenecarboxylic derivatives (17-19, 23) were isolated and identified from stems and twigs of medicinal mangrove plant Sonneratia caseolaris. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by extensive analysis of their spectroscopic data. Among these metabolites, compounds 1, 4-20 and 22-24 were isolated and identified for the f'urst time from S. caseolaris. In the in vitro cytotoxic assay against SMMC-7721 human hepatoma cells, compound 21 (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone)exhibited significant activity with IC50 2.8 μg/mL, while oleanolic acid (14), 3,3'-di-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (18), and 3,3',4-O-tri-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (19) showed weak activity. None of these compounds displayed significant antibacterial activites.  相似文献   
瘤状软骨凹顶藻化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用硅胶柱色谱以及Sephadex LH-20凝胶色谱手段,对海洋红藻瘤状软骨凹顶藻(Chondrophycus papillous Garbary et Harper)进行化学成分研究,分离得到5个化合物.通过MS、NMR等方法对得到的化合物进行结构确证,分别鉴定为邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(Ⅰ),邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(Ⅱ),胆甾醇(Ⅲ),植醇(Ⅳ)和4-羟基苯甲醛(Ⅴ).所有化合物均为首次从该种海藻中分离得到.通过MTT法对得到的单体化合物进行细胞毒活性筛选,结果显示所有化合物在10 mg/L浓度下均无明显活性.  相似文献   
The platinum-group elements (PGE) and gold have been determined in twenty international rock reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after pre-concentration by a nickel sulfide fire assay. It was possible to achieve determination limits for a 50 g sample that ranged from 1 pg g-1 (Rh) to 23 pg g-1 (Au). Compared to published certified and recommended values for rock reference materials, the trueness of the method was found to be good. However, in some cases we observed large deviations for all elements in the sub 10 ng g-1 range within individual reference sample splits. Our results show that the PGE and Au are inhomogeneously distributed in the reference materials analysed here, where they are present in low concentrations, using 50 g test portions.  相似文献   
罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)是我国重要的经济虾类之一。近年来, 细菌性感染造成罗氏沼虾养殖业病害频发, 经济损失巨大。因此了解其免疫机制对于指导疾病防控至关重要。线粒体锰超氧化物歧化酶(mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase, mMnSOD)被认为是抵御氧化应激的第一道防线, 在先天性免疫中具有至关重要的作用。目前, 甲壳动物中mMnSOD的免疫功能尚不清楚。为此, 本研究克隆了罗氏沼虾mMnSOD基因(mMnSOD of M. rosenbergii, MrmMnSOD), 制备了多克隆抗体, 分析了嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)感染下, MrmMnSOD在不同组织中的表达模式。结果显示, 肝胰腺和肠组织中MrmMnSOD的基因表达水平分别在感染后3h和6h达到最大; 组织免疫荧光分析显示, 肝胰腺和肠组织中MrmMnSOD均在感染后12h达到最大荧光强度。以上结果表明, mMnSOD参与了罗氏沼虾对嗜水气单胞菌的免疫应激反应。进一步的蛋白抑菌实验表明, MrmMnSOD可显著抑制大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、嗜水气单胞菌、副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)和无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)的生长, 推测该蛋白可能属于免疫相关分子, 可通过抑菌反应发挥免疫功能。当前的研究结果进一步丰富了甲壳动物先天性免疫基础理论, 也可为今后罗氏沼虾的病害防控和药物研发提供新的靶点参考。  相似文献   
于2009年3月至2010年1月期间,每月中旬分别从青岛和威海两地区采集人工养殖和野生的栉孔扇贝(Chla-mys farreri)。采集的扇贝经壳长测量后,于闭壳肌血窦中取血,离心,重悬,超声波破碎后制得血细胞破碎液。从抗栉孔扇贝血细胞的单克隆抗体库中筛选出1株与颗粒血细胞和透明血细胞均能结合,并能与血细胞多个蛋白结合的单克隆抗体作为酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)中的第一抗体;第二抗体为碱性磷酸酶标记的羊抗鼠抗体。将血细胞破碎液包被于酶标板孔中,经一抗、二抗孵育后,显色读数,分析血细胞数量与生长的关系。结果表明:两地区人工养殖和野生扇贝的壳长均由3月的2 cm左右增长到了次年1月的7 cm以上,其中4~7月增长较快,而8~1月相对缓慢。两地区人工养殖和野生扇贝的血细胞数量于3~6月间均维持在较高的水平,6月达到最高峰,随后急剧下降,并于8或9月达到最低值,此后10~1月有所回升,但仍显著低于3~6月的水平。结论认为:栉孔扇贝血细胞数量与生长的关系在两地区、两扇贝品种间差别不大;但3~6月栉孔扇贝生长较快,血细胞数量相对高;而8~10月栉孔扇贝生长缓慢,其血细胞数量较低。  相似文献   
We present a preliminary analysis of medium resolution optical spectra of comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) obtained on 22 November 2001. Theemission lines of the molecules C2, C3, CN, NH2,H2O+ and presumably CO (Asundi and triplet bands) and C2 -were identified in these spectra. By analysing the brightnessdistributions of the C2, C3, CN emission lines along theslit of the spectrograph we determined some physical parameters of theseneutrals, such as their lifetimes and expansion velocities inthe coma. The Franck–Condon factors for the CO Asundi bands and C2 - bands were calculated using a Morse potential model.  相似文献   
研究了海尔-波普彗星1996年9月的光变曲线,发现其在9月10日至11日发生了一次爆发,爆发时核V星等增亮2.1m.相应地,在CCD图像上也发现爆发时彗核抛出的2个球状凝聚物.  相似文献   
本文讨论了彗星中尘埃粒子的充电机制 ,带电特性和平衡电势的变化规律 ,分析了彗星尘埃的破碎特性和临界半径 ,得出了很有意义的结果  相似文献   
N2 fixation rates(NFR, in terms of N) in the northern South China Sea(nSCS) and the East China Sea(ECS) were measured using the acetylene reduction assay in summer and winter, 2009. NFR of the surface water ranged from 1.14 nmol/(L·d) to 10.40 nmol/(L·d)(average at(4.89±3.46) nmol/(L·d), n=11) in summer and 0.74 nmol/(L·d) to 29.45 nmol/(L·d)(average at(7.81±8.50) nmol/(L·d), n=15) in winter. Significant spatio-temporal heterogeneity emerged in our study: the anticyclonic eddies(AE)(P...  相似文献   
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