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1882年李希霍芬在太原西山建立石炭系的太原系含煤建造以来,石炭系与二叠系的分界意见,归纳起来有三:①以Pseudoschwagerina(s.1)带之底为界,下面为石炭系,上面为二叠系;②以晋东南的灰白色“佳祥砂岩”与太原西山黄绿色“骆驼脖子砂岩”对比,砂岩底面为石炭系与二叠系的分界线,下面是石炭系山西组,上面是二叠系石盒子组,山西组的地层时代定为晚石炭世;③以晋东南灰白色第三砂岩(陵川砂岩)与太原西山“北岔沟砂岩”对比,砂岩底面为石炭系与二叠系的分界线,下面是石炭系太原组,上面是二叠系山西组,山西组的地层时代为早二叠世。笔者认为石炭系与二叠系的划分,以第③方案较适宜。  相似文献   
Fossil charcoal, as direct evidence of palaeowildfires, has repeatedly been reported from several plant-bearing deposits from the Late Palaeozoic of the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast charcoal reports from the Late Palaeozoic deposits of the Southern Hemisphere are relatively rare in comparison to the Northern Hemisphere. Although the presence of pyrogenic coal macerals has repeatedly been reported from Late Palaeozoic coals from South America, no detailed anatomical investigations of such material have been published so far. Here is presented an anatomical analysis of charcoal originating from Early Permian sediments of the Quitéria Outcrop, Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin, located in the central-eastern portion of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This charcoal comes from two different coaly facies, and it was possible to scrutinize between three types, based on anatomical characters of the charcoal. Two of these charcoal types can be correlated to gymnosperm woods, and the other type corresponds to strongly permineralized bark with characteristic features of lycopsids. The presence of charcoal in different facies, ranging from parautochtonous to allochtonous origin, indicates that different vegetation types, i.e. plants which grew under wet conditions in the lowland as well as in the more dry hinterland, have experienced wildfires. Taking into account previous petrographic and lithological analyses from the facies in which the charcoal occurs and from the conditions of the wood and bark fragments, it was possible to speculate that the intensity of such wildfires most probably corresponds to forest-crown fires. Moreover, it is possible to state that wildfires have been a more or less common element in distinct Late Palaeozoic terrestrial ecosystems in the South American part of Gondwana. The data support previous assumptions on the occurrence of wildfires in the Early Permian of the Paraná Basin which were based solely on coal-petrographic data.  相似文献   
During the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, a rift was formed by post-collisional extension after ocean closure or an island arc-related basin formed by Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) subduction in the Xi Ujimqin area. Nevertheless, the closure time of the PAO is still under debate. Thus, to identify the origin of the PAO, the geochemistry and U-Pb age of zircons were analyzed for the extra-large deep marine, polymict clastic boulders and sandstones in the Shoushangou Formation within the basin. The analyses revealed magmatic activity and tectonic evolution. The conglomerates include megaclasts of granite (298.8 ± 9.1?Ma) and granodiorite porphyry (297.1 ± 3.1?Ma), which were deposited by muddy debris flow. Results of this study demonstrated that the boulders of granitoids have the geochemistry of typical I-type granite, characterized by low Zr + Nb + Ce + Y and low Ga/Al values. The granitoid boulders were formed in island arc setting, indicating the presence of arc magmatism in the area that is composed of the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian subduction-related granitoid in southern Xi Ujimqin. Multiple diagrams for determining sedimentary provenance using major and trace elements indicate that Shoushangou sediments originated from continental island arc-related felsic rocks. Detrital zircon U-Pb age cluster of 330–280?Ma was obtained, indicating input from granite, ophiolite, Xilin Gol complex, and Carboniferous sources to the south. The basin was geographically developed behind the arc during the Early Permian period because the outcropped intrusive rocks in the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian form a volcanic arc. The comprehensive analyses of source areas suggest that Shoushangou sediments developed in a backarc basin in response to the northward subduction of the PAO. The backarc basin and intrusive rocks, in addition to previously published Late Carboniferous to Early Permian magmatic rocks of arc unit in Xilin Gol, confirm the presence of an Early Permian trench-arc-basin system in the region, represented by the Baolidao arc and Xi Ujimqin backarc basin. This study highlights the importance and potential of combined geochemical and geochronological studies of conglomerates and sandstone for reconstructing the geodynamic setting of a basin.  相似文献   
Vlag  P.  Vandamme  D.  Rochette  P.  Spinelli  C. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(1-2):21-33
For his PhD. thesis, Zijderveld (1975) studied the paleomagnetism of the Permian Esterel rocks (southern France). High-quality thermal and alternating-field demagnetization diagrams were interpreted to determine the direction of the characteristic natural magnetization. For the Esterel volcanics, a mean direction of Dec = 206.5°, Inc = –23°, 95 = 5.7°, k = 112 was found for this magnetization. The dispersion in this mean is remarkably low. Only the declination of the Reyran Rhyolite in the Reyran River quarry clearly deviated from this mean. This deviating direction is not found in our samples, taken at the same site. As many faults occur in this quarry, it is suggested that Zijderveld sampled this rhyolite on a small rotated block. To verify whether the small dispersion in the mean paleomagnetic direction of the Esterel rocks has a geomagnetic or a rock-magnetic origin, two conglomerate tests were carried out. One of these might be interpreted as positive. The results of the other conglomerate test (Agay Formation) are ambiguous: four of the six measured boulders show directions close to the mean paleomagnetic direction of the Esterel rocks. Rock-magnetic measurements show that the remanence is carried by a magnetite and a hematite fraction. The low dispersion in the paleomagnetic directions, the conglomerate tests, and hematite as remanence carrier suggest that the characteristic remanence in the Esterel volcanics was not instantaneously acquired during cooling, but might be affected by remagnetization due to weathering.  相似文献   
Gzhelian deposits established in Iran for the first time are described. They rest with a considerable hiatus on the Moscovian deposits constituting, along with Asselian strata, an integral carbonate succession of the Zaladu Formation in eastern Iran. The Zaladu Formation is correlative with the Vazhnan Formation of the Abadeh region (central Iran) and the Dorud Formation of the Elburz (Alborz) Mountains. An assemblage of Gzhelian fusulinids from the studied section is well comparable with the assemblage of the Ultradaixina bosbytauensis Zone distinguished in the uppermost Gzhelian of the Darvaz, Fergana, the Southern Urals, Donetsk Basin, and Carnic Alps. Two new species of the genus Schellwienia (Sch. anarakensis and Sch. stocklini) are described. Gzhelian and Asselian fusulinids found in the section are figured in two paleontological plates.  相似文献   
笔者在《岔路口》等四幅1:25万区域地质调查工作中,在红山湖一带从前人所划的石炭系地层中解体出一套二叠系地层,并对其进行了详细的岩石地层、生物地层和层序地层研究,拟新命名为红山湖组,时代为中二叠世。该地层为甜水海微陆块上稳定型的碳酸盐岩建造,与陆块南北两侧二叠系特征截然不同。该套地层的发现填补了微陆块上二叠系地层的空白,对古特提斯多岛洋研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
属于被动大陆边缘裂谷盆地的滇黔桂盆地,自加里东运动之后,泥盆纪开始拉开,整个晚古生代延续发展。受同生断裂的控制,在深水盆地中发育大小不等的孤立碳酸盐台地,因而在滇黔桂盆地及其邻区形成特殊的“台-盆-丘-槽”的古地理格局。对不同古地理背景下的典型剖面进行三级层序划分并对其进行空间追索和对比,在滇黔桂盆地及其邻区的石炭纪和二叠纪地层中可以识别出12个三级层序,相当于晚古生代25个三级沉积层序(2-5Ma;SQ1至SQ25)中的SQ24至SQ25;以地层记录中的的两种相变面和两种穿时性为基本要素,可以建立研究区石炭系和二叠系的层序地层格架;层序地层格架反映了三级层序的基本特征:空间上相序的有序性和时间上环境变化的同步性。研究区的石炭系和二叠系,主要为一套碳酸盐岩地层,其中在连陆台地上发育3套煤系地层,它们分别组成石炭纪三级层序SQ15跨系的三级层序SQ19的HST以及二叠纪吴家坪期的三级层序SQ24;而且在连陆台地边缘和孤立台地上,于阳新世的茅口亚世以及乐平世的长兴期发育海绵生物礁,海绵生物礁分别构成了以下二叠系三级层序即阳新世的SQ22和SQ23以及长兴期的SQ25。3套煤系地层和两套海绵生物礁的发育,使研究区的石炭系和二叠系形成了一个与欧美地区完全不同的层序地层序列。在研究区石炭系和二叠系所识别出的12个三级层序中,石炭纪一二叠纪船山世地层可以划分出6个三级层序。这种划分与Busch等对北美相同层位的划分相似,也就是说该6个三级层序的形成时限大于10Ma;较长的形成时限可能反映了形成在联合古陆汇聚时期即全球构造相对稳定时期三级海平面变化的一个特性。因此,研究区的石炭系和二叠系所识别和划分出的12个三级层序,其数量比Ross和Ross(1985)对欧美地区石炭系和二叠系所划分出的50多个三级层序要少得多。  相似文献   
The fracturing analysis in the Permian basins of Jebilet and Rehamna (Hercynian Morocco) and the underlying terranes allowed us to suggest a model for their opening. Three tectonic episodes are distinguished: a transtensional episode NNE–SSW-trending (Permian I), occurring during the opening along sinistral wrench faults N70–110-trending, associated with synsedimentary normal faults; a transpressive episode ESE–WNW-trending (Permian II), initiating the closure, the normal faults playing back reverse faults and the N70 trending faults dextral wrench faults; a compressional episode NNW–SSE (post-Permian, ante-Triassic), accentuating the closure and the deformation and putting an end to the Tardi-Hercynian compressive movements. To cite this article: A. Saidi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 221–226.  相似文献   
Sedimentological, granulometric and petrographic data are presented from a detailed study on a crystal-rich mass flow deposit, which is presumably related to the eruption of a sublacustrine cryptodome. The deposit forms a prominent intercalation in the Lower Permian Collio Formation in the Italian Alps north of Brescia. Outcrops of the 10–20-m-thick volcaniclastic deposit (Dasdana I Beds, DB) can be traced over 12 km from east to west. The DB consists of a thick, crystal-rich, sandy–gravelly lower subunit representing a sequence of amalgamated Bouma-a(b) divisions overlain by a thin, well-bedded, sandy–muddy subunit that is rich in outsize porphyritic silicic fragments. Modal and computer-aided image analyses reveal that the crystal-rich lower subunit contains up to 80% of volcanogenic crystals. Some samples contain up to 60% of porphyritic fragments, which have a phenocryst content of about 20%. The wide textural range from cryptocrystalline, poikilomosaic, to rarer medium-grained granophyric groundmass, the irregular to lensoid shapes of the porphyritic fragments, and the presence of basement and sedimentary clasts suggest that the DB originated from a sublacustrine eruption of a partially extrusive cryptodome (ca. 1.6 km3). Two other porphyritic felsic cryptodomes (Dosso dei Lupi, Dosso del Bue), described briefly here, emplaced into the Collio Formation sometime after the DB event, and expose flat bases and tilted sediments at their sides. Textures observed in these domes are comparable to those found in the DB porphyritic fragments.  相似文献   
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