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土钉抗拔承载力的原位试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陆益成  薛艳 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):133-136
根据土钉现场抗拔试验数据,分析了钉材、浆液龄期等因素对土钉抗拔承载力的影响,建议了合理的下层土钉开挖时间。最后通过试验土钉抗拔力反算土体与锚固体的极限粘结强度,并与规范推荐值进行了比较。  相似文献   
粘粒含量对南京粉细砂液化影响的试验研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
南京粉细砂是一种以片状颗粒成分为主的粉细砂,与通常的圆形颗粒石英砂有一定区别,片状颗粒成分使得南京粉细砂具有各向异性的性质。通过对不同粘粒含量的南京粉细砂进行液化试验,分析其试验结果发现:对于粘粒含量ρc=5%、10%和15%三种情况,在均压固结情况下,当南京粉细砂达到初始液化时,采用变形标准和孔压标准是一致的;而偏压固结时,只能采用变形标准作为南京粉细砂达到初始液化的标准,此时振动孔压仅达到围压的50%-70%。粘粒含量对南京粉细砂的抗液化强度影响很大,随粘粒含量增加,在不同固结比时,其抗液化强度并不是单调变化,而是在粘粒含量ρc=10%左右处于一个低谷,其抗液化强度最低。  相似文献   
杜国云 《江苏地质》1996,20(1):57-58
作者在野外数学中发现,棒锤山人工露头上存在一条重要的纵向断层,经研究认为、棒锤山纵向断层反映了汤-仑推覆体在其发展中至少存在两次明显的应力释放过程,它可能与两次大的构造推覆及应力集中有关。  相似文献   
南京直立人研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许汉奎 《江苏地质》2001,25(2):82-86
简单地介绍了“南京直立人(猿人)综合研究专家组”近二年来的部份研究成果,如南京汤山葫芦洞内的地层可以分为4段;洞内的哺乳动物群可以分为时代不同的大洞动物群和小洞动物群;南京直立人的一号头骨与二号头骨层位不同,特征也不一;铀系测年也证明小洞的地层其年代在距今60万年-50万年间,大洞的地层年代在距今24万年-10万年间,大洞被堆石堆砾石层封闭的时间应在13万年-10万年间。从而补充和纠正了前人研究中的不足和错误。  相似文献   
长江南京段岸线资源GIS评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岸线资源是特殊的国土资源,岸线资源评价是岸线资源研究的主要工作之一。以往的研究仅从自然和经济的角度出发,对于生态条件的考虑鲜有涉及。为了达到经济和生态的双赢,根据长江南京段岸线资源的特点,综合考虑自然、经济和生态因素,构建了岸线前沿水深、岸线稳定性、岸线陆域宽度、岸线集疏运条件、水源保护区、风景名胜区六项指标组成的评价指标体系。选取合理的评价单元,运用GIS空间分析技术和ArcGISEngine开发包,在完成单项指标评价的基础上,依据建立的指标体系对研究区内的岸线资源进行综合评价,以期为长江岸线南京段的合理利用与开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   
城市建筑是城市形态的重要组成部分,而建筑高度对城市三维空间形态有重要的影响。目前,对城市二维形态的研究较为丰富,而对城市三维起伏形态特征及其空间分布格局方面研究较少,对城市上空利用程度及发展规律认识仍相对缺乏。本文以南京市老城区为例,基于城市数字高程模型数据,将城市建筑抽象为三维点要素,运用点格局分析法研究城市建筑三维宏观特征及建筑类型的空间分布规律。结果显示:(1)南京老城区建筑呈集聚分布,聚集性顺序是低层建筑>高层建筑>多层建筑>超高层建筑。除超高层建筑外,低层、多层和高层建筑的聚集程度,随着空间尺度先增后减,均在1.5 km尺度聚集性最大;显示1.5 km的街区单元应是城市规划管理的最适宜单元。(2)南京老城区建筑高度空间分布表现为“三高一低”,即3个高值区(新模范马路、新街口和珠江路区域)和1个低值区(集庆门区域),它们与不同时期城市中心具有较好的对应关系;不同类型建筑与城市基准地价的相关分析显示,建筑高度的分布与城市基准地价呈现一定相关性。结果表明,点格局分析方法能有效地分析城市建筑在平面及三维的空间格局特征,进一步深化对城市形态特征的认识。  相似文献   
In rapid socio-economic development,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously influencing the shaping and transformation of the space in metropolitan area.Survey of spatial concentration and decentralization has thus become a basic method in examining metropolitan spatial evolution.In this research,three elements were selected as the essential indicators of the process:demographic density distribu-tion,employment density distribution and business office location.Performance of these elements in Nanjing City was exam-ined historically.As Nanjing City could be regarded as a representative of metropolitan areas in China,its situation large-ly suggestes the general characteristics in similar areas of China.Hence based on the investigation of Nanjing City,four general implications were highlighted.First ,metropolitan areas in China are in a violent process and shift of spatial concentra-tion and decentralization.Second,from now to at least the near future,concentration will continue to be the central fea-ture.Third,the landscape of metropolitan areas basically exhibits a dual structure character.The gap in environmental and ecological qualities among different districts will continue for a long time.Fourth,Central Business District (CBD) is playing an important role in helping to convert the traditionally single-centered city structure into a polycentric one.  相似文献   
以南京市“一主三副”住宅小区为研究单元,运用GIS中的渔网(Fishnet)分析和探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)对“一主三副”住宅租金的空间分布进行模拟和估计,并利用地理探测器模型从住宅小区的区位特征、建筑特征和邻里特征3个方面探究住宅租金空间分异的影响机制。结果表明:① 南京市住宅租金总体呈上升趋势,空间上表现出主城向副城递减的中心外围模式,住宅租金空间结构逐渐由单核向双核发展,且住宅租金存在显著的空间异质性;② 住宅租金呈现出明显的空间正相关性和区域集聚性,热点区自内城核心区至副城趋于弱化,冷热点空间格局呈圈层结构;③ 交通位势和中心位势是对一主三副住宅租金解释力最大的因素,商务配套、金融设施和住宅房龄的解释力次之,特征因素对主城副城租金的影响强度各异。  相似文献   
如何确定软岩地区钻孔灌注桩的承载力是一个复杂而又亟待解决的问题。本文以南京长江三桥软岩钻孔灌注桩为例,利用数值模拟法(FLAC3D模拟分析),模拟南京长江三桥软岩钻孔灌注桩逐级加载后的受力性状,根据得到的桩周土岩的应力场、位移场及破坏区的分布和扩展,确定软岩钻孔灌注桩的极限承载力。将数值模拟结果和自平衡测试结果进行比较,笔者发现两者吻合较好。  相似文献   
Urban carbon footprint reflects the impact and pressure of human activities on urban environment. Based on city level, this paper estimated carbon emissions and carbon footprint of Nanjing city, analyzed urban carbon footprint intensity and carbon cycle pressure and discussed the influencing factors of carbon footprint through LMDI decomposition model. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The total carbon emissions of Nanjing increased rapidly since 2000, in which the carbon emission from the use of fossil energy was the largest. Meanwhile, carbon sinks of Nanjing presented a declining trend since 2000, which caused the decrease of carbon compensation rate and the increase of urban carbon cycle pressure. (2) The total carbon footprint of Nanjing increased rapidly since 2000, and the carbon deficit was more than ten times of total land areas of Nanjing in 2009, which means Nanjing confronted high carbon cycle pressure. (3) Generally, carbon footprint intensity of Nanjing was on decrease and the carbon footprint productivity was on increase. This indicated that energy utilization rate and carbon efficiency of Nanjing was improved since 2000, and the policy for energy conservation and emission reduction taken by Nanjing's government received better effects. (4) Economic development, population and industrial structure are promoting factors for the increase of carbon footprint of Nanjing, while the industrial carbon footprint intensity was inhibitory factor. (5) Several countermeasures should be taken to decrease urban carbon footprint and alleviate carbon cycle pressure, such as: improvement of the energy efficiency, industrial structure reconstruction, afforestation and environmental protection and land use control. Generally, transition to low-carbon economy is essential for Chinese cities to realize sustainable development in the future.  相似文献   
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