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The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A structural transect in the Lower Dolpo highlights that the deformation and metamorphism of the Tibetan Zone (TZ) increase toward the bottom of the sequence. The contact with the underlying HHC is marked by a metamorphic jump from amphibolite facies in the carbonatic rocks of the upper part of the HHC to greenschist facies marbles in the TZ. Moreover, the HHC and the TZ show different metamorphic histories. The contact zone shows a strain increase accompanied by asymmetric folds with a top-to-the-northeast vergence, connected to a down-to-the-northeast tectonic transport. The contact is interpreted as an extensional shear zone, connected to the South Tibetan Detachment System. To cite this article: R. Carosi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 933–940.  相似文献   
Rainfall thresholds for landsliding in the Himalayas of Nepal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Landsliding of the hillslope regolith is an important source of sediment to the fluvial network in the unglaciated portions of the Himalayas of Nepal. These landslides can produce abrupt increases of up to three orders of magnitude in the fluvial sediment load in less than a day. An analysis of 3 years of daily sediment load and daily rainfall data defines a relationship between monsoonal rainfall and the triggering of landslides in the Annapurna region of Nepal. Two distinct rainfall thresholds, a seasonal accumulation and a daily total, must be overcome before landslides are initiated. To explore the geomorphological controls on these thresholds, we develop a slope stability model, driven by daily rainfall data, which accounts for changes in regolith moisture. The pattern of rainfall thresholds predicted by the model is similar to the field data, including the decrease in the daily rainfall threshold as the seasonal rainfall accumulation increases. Results from the model suggest that, for a given hillslope, regolith thickness determines the seasonal rainfall necessary for failure, whereas slope angle controls the daily rainfall required for failure.  相似文献   
Magnitude calibration of north Indian earthquakes   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Investigations of atmospheric composition in the Himalayas has been limited in both temporal and spatial scales, mainly due to difficult logistics. Ideal sites for monitoring atmospheric composition and its evolution should be free from local pollution and representative of the remote troposphere (HUEBERT et al., 1980). As the Himalayas are far removed from highly industrialized regions they provide suitable locations to monitor the chemistry of the remote troposphere and to study the evolu…  相似文献   
基于2009年5-10月喜马拉雅山北坡珠峰绒布冰川流域实测水文气象数据、 50 m分辨率DEM和中国第一次冰川编目资料, 在HYCYMODEL水文模型中加入冰川消融子模块, 模拟了绒布冰川流域径流过程.冰川消融子模块以海拔5 180 m基站的实测日气温、 日降水作为模型输入, 把气温、 降水插值到该流域40个高程带中, 分别计算各高程带的冰川消融和裸地蒸发, 并考虑液态降水对冰面的加热作用.野外气象观测表明: 2009年5-10月流域海拔5 180~5 750 m内, 月气温递减率在0.63~0.73 ℃·(100m)-1之间, 均值为0.70 ℃·(100m)-1; 同期降水观测显示, 海拔5 180 m以下降水梯度为-7.3 mm·(100m)-1, 该高度之上降水梯度为22 mm·(100m)-1. HYCYMODEL水文模型的敏感性检验表明, 该流域径流变化主要受气温影响, 降水变化引起的径流变化较小, 气温和降水变化对流域径流的影响是非线性的.  相似文献   
为了研究喜马拉雅山北坡冬季大气气溶胶化学组分、光学特征及来源,2017年11—12月在珠穆朗玛峰站(QOMS)共采集22个PM2.5样品.结果显示:PM2.5中包括水溶性离子(WSIs)、有机质(OM)、元素碳(EC)在内的所有检测成分,总质量浓度为(3.36±1.06)μg·m-3;有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)和水...  相似文献   
扎西康铅锌锑多金属矿床产出于特提斯喜马拉雅炭质板岩的断裂带内,是特提斯喜马拉雅铅锌锑金成矿带内典型的热液脉型矿床。由于含炭质岩石和金属硫化物都呈现出相似的低阻高极化电性特征,加之热液脉型矿床的矿体普遍较小,使得在含炭质岩石中对金属硫化物矿体进行电法勘探存在较大困难。本文通过对扎西康矿床已知矿体的音频大地电磁测深和激电中梯测量,发现矿区的炭质板岩呈现低电阻率(10-0.4~100Ω·m)和高极化率(9%~20%)特征,而矿体呈现出高电阻率(102~103Ω·m)和低极化率(1%~5%)的特征。经研究分析,认为造成这种现象的原因有两方面:(1)扎西康炭质板岩中的炭质物质量分数平均为0.79%,变质温度约在300±25℃~340±25℃,炭质物电阻率为6.1×10-5~6.8×10-4Ω·m,显示极好的导电性;此外,炭质板岩中存在大量黏土矿物,黏土矿物的吸水性促进了炭质物的连通性,因此炭质物高导电性与连通性的耦合使得炭质板岩呈现低阻高极化电性特征;(2)扎西康矿床的脉型矿体除包含金属硫化物外,还产出大量的脉石矿物,脉石矿物普遍具有高阻低极化电性特征,是造成整个矿体在炭质板岩中呈现高阻低极化异常的根本原因。据此,本文提出在炭质板岩中通过识别脉石矿物引起的高阻低极化异常带间接找矿的新思路,相应的技术方法组合为:利用激电中梯测量定位高阻低极化带的平面位置,再利用音频大地电磁测深探测其深部产状。  相似文献   
This paper presents the first glacial chronology for the Lahul Himalaya, Northern India. The oldest glaciation, the Chandra Glacial Stage, is represented by glacially eroded benches at altitudes greater than 4300 m above sea-level. This glaciation was probably of a broad valley type. The second glaciation, the Batal Glacial Stage, is represented by highly weathered and dissected lateral moraines, which are present along the Chandra valley and some of its tributaries. This was an extensive valley glaciation. The third major glaciation, the Kulti Glacial Stage, is represented by well-preserved moraines in the main tributary valleys of the Chandra valley. This represents a less extensive valley glaciation. Two minor glacial advances, the Sonapani I and II, are represented by small sharp-crested moraines, which are within a few hundred metres or few kilometres of the present-day glaciers. The change in style and extent of glaciation is attributed to an increase in aridity throughout the Quaternary, due either to global climatic change or uplift of the Pir Panjal mountains to the south of Lahul, which restricted the northward penetration of the south Asian summer monsoon. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张镱锂  吴雪  郑度 《地理学报》2020,75(5):931-948
喜马拉雅山脉中段的珠穆朗玛峰等地,海拔高差巨大、生境复杂多变、土地覆被类型多样且植被垂直带谱完整,是全球范围内研究土地覆被垂直变化的理想场所。本文基于30 m空间分辨率的土地覆被数据(2010年)和DEM数据,在ArcGIS和Matlab平台的支持下,提出并运用脊线法、样带法和扇区法3种山地南北坡划分方法,研究了喜马拉雅山土地覆被垂直分布与结构差异。结果表明:① 山地土地覆被分布具有明确的垂直地带性结构特征,喜马拉雅中部土地覆被垂直带谱为南六北四式,土地覆被垂直带谱中具有人类活动的特点。② 南北坡之间的土地覆被垂直带谱差异明显,南坡土地覆被类型完整多样,北坡相对简单;对同类型土地覆被而言,南坡较北坡分布高程低、幅度宽。③ 依据各类型分布面积比随海拔变化情况,土地覆被类型在南北坡上的垂直分布可分为4种模式:冰川雪被、稀疏植被和草地为单峰分布型,裸地为南单峰北双峰分布型。④ 3种划分方法中,南坡的土地覆被垂直带结构具有相似性,而北坡的土地覆被垂直带结构存在差异,扇区法较好地反映了土地覆被自然分布格局。  相似文献   
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