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新安江水库(千岛湖)水质时空变化特征及保护策略   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
为探索新安江水库(千岛湖)水质的变化规律及其影响因素,利用2009-2010年的逐月水质监测数据,结合文献资料,对新安江水库水质时空变化进行了综合分析.结果表明:在时间分布上,透明度、总氮、总磷及叶绿素受水文季节变化过程、浮游生物生长及人类活动等的综合影响,具有明显的季节变化特征,特别是上游街口断面各指标季节差异显著.空间分布上,上游水质明显劣于下游水质,上游水域透明度低,氮、磷及叶绿素含量高,反映出外源供给和人类活动对新安江水库水质的决定性贡献,控制外源污染是新安江水库水质提升的关键.统计分析表明,新安江水库主要感官指标透明度主要受控于藻类生物量,而藻类生物量变化与氮、磷营养盐的含量关系密切.严格控制入库营养盐通量,控制浮游植物生物量的季节性异常增殖已成为解决新安江水库水环境问题的核心.另外,新安江水库经济鱼类赋存量与捕捞量对水质有一定影响,年度捕捞量与水体透明度具有反相关关系,不能排除鱼类密度过高导致的生态系统失调的可能.因此,要进一步开展渔业养殖的水质效应研究,加强渔业管理,确定科学合理养殖模式,保证新安江水库水质的改善.  相似文献   
广东省高州水库春季蓝藻水华成因初步探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
高州水库为广东省茂名市重要的饮用水源地,2009年和2010年春季相继出现蓝藻水华,给居民饮水带来安全隐患.对高州水库2009年和2010年春季水华情况进行分析,结果表明:两年浮游藻类细胞密度最高分别达4.08×107 cel1s/L和1.47 x 108cells/L,其中蓝藻所占比例分别为98.2%和98.7%,优...  相似文献   
A modified lower trophic ecosystem model(NEMURO) is coupled with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for an application in the central Yellow Sea. The model is used to simulate the horizontal distributions and annual cycles of chlorophyll-a and nutrients with results consistent with historical observations. Generally, during the winter background and spring bloom periods, the exchange with neighboring waters constitutes the primary sources of nutrients. Howerver, during the winter background period, the input of silicate from the layer deeper than 50 m is the most important source that contributes up to 60% to the total sources. During the spring bloom period, the transport across the thermocline makes significant contribution to the input of phosphate and silicate. During the post spring bloom period, the relative contribution of relevant processes varies for different nutrients. For ammonium, atmospheric deposition, excretion of zooplankton and decomposition of particulate and dissolved nitrogen make similar contributions. For phosphate and silicate, the dominant input is the transport across the thermocline, accounting for 62% and 68% of the total sources, respectively. The N/P ratio averaged annually and over the whole southern Yellow Sea is up to 51.8, indicating the potential of P limitation in this region. The important influence of large scale sea water circulation is revealed by both the estimated fluxes and the corresponding N/P ratio of nutrients across a section linking the northeastern bank of the Changjiang River and Cheju Island. During the winter background period, the input of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and silicate by the Yellow Sea Warm Current is estimated to be 4.6×1010, 2.3×1010, 2.0×109 and 1.2×1010 mol, respectively.  相似文献   
A large-scale bloom occurred from May to June in 2011 in sea area near Qinhuangdao of the Bohai Sea, leading to huge damage of the scallop culture industry. Similar blooms have been observed in this region for three years. The causative species of the bloom, which dominated the phytoplankton community with the maximum cell density around 109 cell/L, could not be identified with morphological features due to the small cell size (~2 mm). A pigment analytical method was then adopted to analyze the pigment profile of the phytoplankton samples collected from the blooming sea area. It was found that pico-sized (<2 mm), nano-sized (2-20 mm), and bulk phytoplankton samples had similar pigment profile, representing the pigment signature of the bloom-causative species. The major pigments detected included 19-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But-fuco), fucoxanthin (Fuco), diadinoxanthin (Diad) and chlorophyll a (Chl a), and high content of But-fuco was the most significant characteristics of the phytoplankton samples. Based on the pigment composition and content, the bloom-causative species could be tentatively identified as pelagophyte, "type 8" group of haptophyte, or silicoflagellate. Some unique features of the bloom, such as the extremely high cell density, small-sized and But-fuco containing cells, occurring in early summer, and the feeding-cessation effects on scallops, suggest it be a "brown tide" event similar to those reported in the east coast of the United States of America. The recurrent "brown tide" events and their dramatic impacts on the shellfish mariculture industry in Qinhuangdao need close attention in the coming years.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms occur frequently in lakes due to eutrophication. Although a number of models have been proposed to forecast algal blooms, a good and applicable method is still lacking. This study explored a simple and effective mathematical-ecological model to evaluate the growth status and predict the population dynamics of Microcystis blooms. In this study, phytoplankton were collected and identified from 8 sampling sites in Chaohu Lake every month from July to October, 2010. The niche breadth and niche overlap of common species were calculated using standard equations, and the potential relative growth rates of Microcystis were calculated as a weighted-value of niche overlap. In July, the potential relative growth rate was 2.79 (a.u., arbitrary units) but then rapidly declined in the following months to -3.99 a.u. in September. A significant correlation (R=0.998, P<0.01) was found in the model between the net-increase in biomass of Microcystis in the field and the predicted values calculated by the niche model, we concluded that the niche model is suitable for forecasting the dynamics of Microcystis blooms. Redundancy analysis indicated that decreases in water temperature, dissolved oxygen and total dissolved phosphorus might be major factors underlying bloom decline. Based on the theory of community succession being caused by resource competition, the growth and decline of blooms can be predicted from a community structure. This may provide a basis for early warning and control of algal blooms.  相似文献   
Microcystis bloom, one of the most objectionable characteristics of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical waters, occurred in Donghu Lake (East lake) of Wuhan every summer from the 1970s up to 1984, but from 1985 up to now failed to occur there. The cause of its disappearance rema-ined in obscurity until recently. In situ enclosure experiments in the lake for three years showed that the stocking of the filter-feeding silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) and big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis ) played a decisive role in eliminating Microcystis bloom from the lake; but that recurrence of the bloom is possible under certain conditions. This paper presents the details and the results of enclosure ex-periments. The authors‘ analysis of fish biomass data obtained by echo-sounding and the fishery produc-tion of the lake over the years, revealed that the recurrence of Microcystis bloom can be prevented so long as the combined biomnss of silver carp and big-head carp remains at or exceeds 50 g per cubic meter of lakewater, as was the case in the lake‘s 1985 fish yield of 1015 t.  相似文献   
利用卫星遥感技术监测赤潮的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赤潮灾害的频繁发生,给海洋生态环境和海洋渔业经济造成了严重危害。卫星遥感技术的不断完善,为快速、有效地动态监测赤潮灾害提供了可能,通过卫星图片的校正、合成、分析、解释、判断分析,可以迅速连续地掌握赤潮的发生状况,对于研究防控和治理赤潮灾害有着十分重要的意义,本文就如何利用卫星遥感技术监测赤潮进行了探讨。  相似文献   
水网藻水华在国外出现较多,在国内鲜有报道.2013年5月对鄱阳湖进行采样时首次发现水网藻水华;结合现场观测及遥感影像确定其分布范围为老爷庙至落星墩水域,分布面积约为26 hm2,推测水网藻可能是由上游稻田等静止水体迁移至鄱阳湖,在相对静水区进行聚集生长,加上合适的理化条件(温度及营养盐),从而形成水华.在此基础上,本文进一步分析了水网藻水华对鄱阳湖水生态环境可能产生的影响.  相似文献   
厦门西港引发有害硅藻水华磷的阈值研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
林昱  林荣澄 《海洋与湖沼》1999,30(4):391-396
1995年10月,在厦门市国家海洋局第三海洋研究所的陆基水池中,应用海洋围隔生态系实验技术,研究了在无海流、盐度等因子干扰的情况下,磷的形态、分布及其与浮游植物生物量的相关性。结果表明,海水中的可溶性无机磷(DIP)随时间里指数函数减少。浮游植物生物量主要与可溶性无机磷密切相关:[Chl-a]=A×e-B[PO4],这种相关的浮游植物生物量表现2d左右的滞后现象。还探讨了限制浮游植物增殖的DIP的最低浓度为0.3-04μmol/L,从DIP表现浓度估算浮游植物可能达到的最大生物量为[Chl-a]=10mg/m3,并由此估算出引发中肋骨条藻赤潮的DIP的阈值为1.2μmol/L,作为赤潮预测预报的参考。  相似文献   
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