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华夏古陆活动大陆边缘的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了华南中元古代晚期活动陆缘特征。根据带内前寒武纪地层分布、古地磁、侵入作用、构造变形、深部构造、中元古代晚期沉积作用及火山岩岩石化学特征,证明活动陆缘是南华洋壳向南部古大陆俯冲的产物。武陵运动是华南最重要的运动,华夏古陆与扬子地块碰撞,形成统一的“华南古大陆”。  相似文献   
费平 《地质与资源》2016,25(1):17-21
以板块构造学说为指导,以大陆动力学理论研究大陆块体离散、会聚、碰撞、造山的大陆动力学过程为主线,划分了陆块构造演化阶段.辽宁省由胶辽陆块、晋冀辽陆块2个Ⅰ级构造古地理单元组成;Ⅱ级构造古地理单元3个,即辽东陆内、燕辽裂谷、燕辽陆内;Ⅲ级构造古地理单元11个;Ⅳ级构造古地理单元14个.利用沉积岩建造组合与构造古地理单元时空结构演化关系,为研究辽宁省大地构造环境演化提供较系统的基础地质资料.  相似文献   
按照“构造控盆、盆控相、相控矿”的思路,对铅锌矿形成的沉积盆地、含矿建造、控矿构造、岩相古地理等成矿条件进行研究,分析成矿特点,总结成矿规律。灯影期在扬子西北缘川西式基底上发育北东向、北北东向同生断裂,形成近北东向次级盆地和台地,构成台-盆相间的构造格局,次级盆地为局限盆地潮下相带沉积,台地边缘斜坡出现滑塌砾屑白云岩,沿同生断裂运移的含矿热液流体在角砾状白云岩中聚集成矿。研究结果表明,灯影组铅锌矿成矿明显受盆地半活动类型基底、镁质碳酸盐岩台地中次级盆地、控制次级盆地的同生断裂等因素的控制。  相似文献   
全球早古生代造山带(Ⅲ):华南陆内造山   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
华南早古生代加里东期变形、岩浆、沉积等特征表现为陆内造山带特征。通过对加里东期角度不整合分布、褶皱、断裂逆冲极性等特征的分析,发现大明山、大瑶山地区EW轴向的寒武系褶皱不对称性和角度不整合空间上向北的拓展变新规律,指示晚寒武世—早奥陶世的由南向北推覆挤压可能是云开、滇—桂北越地块依次向北推挤的结果;从全球背景看,可能和华南陆块南部一些地块与冈瓦纳大陆北缘依次碰撞接触导致的远程陆内效应有关。然而,湘赣边境、桂北元宝山及越城岭地区的早古生代NE向褶皱不对称性指示向西拓展,这可能是由于华夏地块与扬子地块在晚奥陶世—早志留世沿郴州临武断裂陆内收缩挤压的结果,其全球背景可能和华南陆块顺时针旋转与冈瓦纳全面碰撞相关。总之,加里东期构造运动总体由南向北、由东向西渐新,变形强度由强到弱的特征,反映华南陆内碰撞造山事件的根本原因是其与冈瓦纳北缘碰撞的远程效应。450~420 Ma华南已经属于冈瓦纳北缘一部分。  相似文献   
In situ zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data, major and trace elements, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions are reported for Nanshanping alkaline rocks from the Zijingshan district in southwestern Fujian Province (the Interior or Western Cathaysia Block) of South China. The Nanshanping alkaline rocks, which consist of porphyritic quartz monzonite, porphyritic syenite, and syenite, revealed a Late Cretaceous age of 100–93 Ma. All of the rocks show high SiO2, K2O + Na2O, and LREE but low CaO, Fe2O3T, MgO, and HFSE (Nb, Ta, P, and Ti) concentrations. These rocks also exhibit uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7078 to 0.7087 and εNd(t) values of −4.1 to −7.2, thus falling within the compositional field of Cretaceous basalts and mafic dikes occurring in the Cathaysia Block. Additionally, these rocks display initial Pb isotopic compositions with a 206Pb/204Pbi ratio of 18.25 to 18.45, a 207Pb/204Pbi ratio of 15.63 to 15.67, and a 208Pb/204Pbi ratio of 38.45 to 38.88. Combined with the zircon Hf isotopic compositions (εHf(t) = −11.7 to −3.2), which are different from those of the basement rocks, we suggest that Nanshanping alkaline rocks were primarily derived from a subduction-related enriched mantle source. High Rb/Sr (0.29–0.65) and Zr/Hf (37.5–49.2) but relatively low Ba/Rb (4.4–8.1) ratios suggest that the parental magmas of these rocks were most likely formed via partial melting of a phlogopite-bearing mantle source with carbonate metasomatism. The relatively high SiO2 (62.35–70.79 wt.%) and low Nb/Ta (10.0–15.3) ratios, positive correlation between SiO2 and (87Sr/86Sr)I, and negative correlation between SiO2 and εNd(t) of these rocks suggest that the crustal materials were also involved in formation of the Nanshanping alkaline rocks. Combined with geochemical and isotopic features, we infer magmatic processes similar to AFC (assimilation and fractional crystallization) involving early fractionation of clinopyroxene and olivine and subsequent fractionation of biotite-dominated assemblages coupled with a lesser amount of crustal contamination, thereby forming the Nanshanping alkaline rocks. The Nanshanping alkaline rocks appear to be associated with an extensional environment in the Cathaysia Block. This extensional regime could have resulted in the slab break-off and rollback of the subducting paleo-Pacific plate and the upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle, which induced partial melting of the enriched lithospheric mantle in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The provenance of the large and super-large scale bauxite deposits developed in the Wuchuan–Zheng’an–Daozhen (WZD) alumina metallogenic province in the Yangtze Block of South China is poorly understood. LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from bauxite ores and the underlying Hanjiadian Group in the WZD area provide new constrains on the provenance of the WZD bauxite and provide new insight on the bauxite ore-forming process. The ages of the detrital zircons in the bauxites and the zircons in the Hanjiadian Group are similar suggesting that the bauxites are genetically related to the Hanjiadian sediments. The detrital zircon populations of the four samples studied show four primary age peaks: 2600–2400 Ma, 1900–1700 Ma, 1300–700 Ma and 700–400 Ma. The age distribution of detrital zircons indicates that they are probably derived from various sources including Neoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic, Archean and some minor Paleozoic sources. The most abundant age population contains a continuous range of ages from 1300 to 700 Ma, ages consistent with subduction-related magmatic activities (1000–740 Ma) along the western margin of the Yangtze Block and the worldwide Grenville orogenic events (1300–1000 Ma). Thus, it is suggested that the main provenances of the WZD bauxite and the Hanjiadian Group are the Neoproterozoic igneous rocks in the western Yangtze Block and the Grenville-age igneous rocks in the southern Cathaysia Block. In addition, this work verifies that the global Grenville orogenic events and subduction-related magmatic activities associated with the Yangtze Block had a significant influence on the formation of the WZD bauxite deposits.  相似文献   
桂东南云开地区变质杂岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
对位于华夏古陆东南部的广西云开地区大面积出露的晚前寒武纪变质杂岩中的主体花岗质片麻岩、中深变质的天堂山岩群石榴辉石岩和中浅变质的云开岩群洋中脊型变质基性火山岩(斜长角闪岩)进行了高精度锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年.获得天堂山岩群石榴辉石岩的形成年龄为1894Ma±17Ma和1847Ma±59Ma,表明其时代为古元古代;云开岩群洋中脊型变质基性火山岩(斜长角闪岩)的喷发年龄为1462Ma±28Ma,证明该地区存在中(-新)元古代的古洋壳残片;获得花岗质片麻岩的侵入年龄为906Ma±24Ma,应为1000Ma前后发生的全球性Grenville期(四堡期)造山作用的产物,并获得2702Ma±13Ma的继承碎屑锆石年龄,这是云开地区乃至华夏古陆目前获得的最古老年龄,证明华夏古陆曾存在新太古代陆壳物质.  相似文献   
南平—宁化构造带沿线出露着以万全岩群和楼前组、西溪组等为代表的一系列新元古代火山-沉积岩系。系统的岩石学、年代学和地球化学研究表明,福建明溪和江西瑞金地区的楼前组浅变质英安岩和晶屑凝灰岩分别形成于(729±4)Ma和(735±6.7)Ma(LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法),SiO2含量变化在65.22%~74.54%,相对富Al2O3(11.05%~16.80%)富碱(Na2O+K2O=4.88%~10.19%)而贫CaO、MgO和FeOT,ANK值和A/CNK值分别为1.23~1.78和0.98~1.57,Nb/Ta=12.44~17.28,Nd/Th=2.07~3.51,Ti/Zr=6.08~10.37,Ti/Y=68.51~154.71,属过铝质S型火山岩;明显富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、Rb等)而亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti、P等),Zr/Nb=16.65~24.07,Th/Ta=12.94~16.93,δEu呈现明显负异常(0.33~0.62),显示岛弧岩浆岩的地球化学特征。综合区域地质资料及前人研究结果提出,南平—宁化一线在713 Ma前为活动大陆边缘环境,洋壳俯冲引发的岩浆活动形成了沿南平—宁化—瑞金一线展布的陆缘弧中酸性火山岩带,暗示此时南、北武夷之间尚未拼合形成统一的武夷地块,因而华夏地块不存在统一的前南华纪结晶基底。  相似文献   
扬子和华夏两大陆块是构成华南大陆的最基本单元, 但它们的拼合带位置(尤其是西延位置)是人们长期争论的焦点。本文以国家专项“深部探测技术与实验研究”探测得到的深反射地震剖面以及华南大陆的地质资料为约束, 对重、 磁异常作地壳构造融合解译, 追踪扬子—华夏陆块拼合带。由于华南大陆广泛发育具有剩磁多期、 多类的火山—侵入岩, 本文将磁异常换算为受剩磁影响小的解析信号作构造解译, 减小剩磁造成的地质解释偏差。研究认为, 扬子与华夏两陆块的拼合带东界为鹰潭—萍乡—衡阳—贺州—北海一线, 而西界为宜昌—张家界—铜仁—都匀—百色一线, 鹰潭以东和以北的拼合带位置因为受大规模岩浆岩的干扰而不清。  相似文献   
拉萨地块西部呈断块状沿狮泉河-申扎-嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带附近分布的念青唐古拉岩群被认为是前寒武纪变质基底。本文对念青唐古拉岩群进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、同位素年代学及构造地质学研究。研究结果表明片岩-片麻岩-变粒岩含十字石、石榴子石等特征变质矿物,遵循粒度分异规律,其原岩可能为来自冈瓦纳古陆核北缘中新元古代弧盆体系的活动大陆边缘浊积岩。斜长角闪岩具低硅、高铁镁、富钙的基性岩特征,其原岩为岛弧型基性火山岩。念青唐古拉岩群中的花岗伟晶岩锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为1150±13Ma,具过铝质S型花岗岩地球化学特征,可能为中元古代(1150±13 Ma)以前就开始沉积的念青唐古拉岩群基底岩石通过部分熔融形成。与花岗伟晶岩渐变过渡接触的二云斜长片麻岩第一组变质重结晶锆石U-Pb年龄为701±15 Ma,结合十字石特征变质矿物,暗示了该地区中温高压变质作用的峰期变质,变质程度达角闪岩相;第二组热液流体锆石UPb年龄为301±8.4 Ma,可能与冈瓦纳大陆北缘古特提斯洋演化过程中的岩浆热液作用有关。  相似文献   
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