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邱林友 《地质实验室》1992,8(5):267-268
SCN^-的测定大都采用分光光度法[1,2]。用波长色散X-射线荧光光谱测定痕量SCN^-的方法,至今尚未见报道。  相似文献   
本文利用色球Hα单色光序列照相资料,Hα光谱扫描资料,黑子精细结构照相资料和日面纵向磁场观测资料,分析了1989年1月18日WLF所在活动区NOAA/USAF:5312的磁场结构,黑子结构及该WLF的演化特征,求出了视向速度场,并以理论计算的Hα谱线轮廓作为诊断工具,探讨了该WLF可能的能量传输机制和动力学过程。  相似文献   
本文讨论了利用LAMOST作银河系研究的科学意义及可能性;并提出具体实施LAMOST/GAIAXY计划的初步方案。  相似文献   
The narrowness of the distribution of the peak energy of the vFv spectrum of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and the unification of GRB populations are great puzzles yet to be solved. We investigate the two puzzles based on the global spectral behaviors of different GRB populations, the long GRBs, the short GRBs, and the X-ray flashes (XRFs), in the HR - Ep plane (HR the spectral hardness ratio) with BATSE and HETE-2 observations. It is found that the long GRBs and the XRFs observed by HETE-2 seem to follow the same sequence in the HR-Ep plane, with the XRFs at the low end of this sequence. We fit the sequence by a universal Band function, and find that this sequence is mainly defined by the low energy index α, and is insensitive to the high energy index,β. With fixed β=-5, a best fit is given by α=-1.00 with X^2min/dof=2.2. The long and short GRBs observed by BATSE follow significantly different sequences in the HR-Ep plane, with most of the short GRBs having a larger hardness ratio than the long GRBs at a given Ep. For the long GRBs a best-fit yields α=-0.30 and β=-2.05. For the short GRBs, a best fit gives α=-0.60 with x^2min=1.1 (withβfixed at-2.0 because it is numerically unstable). The α value for the short GRBs is significantly greater than that for the long GRBs. These results indicate that the global spectral behaviors of the long GRB sample and the XRF sample are similar, while that of the short GRBs is different. The short GRBs seem to be a unique subclass of GRBs, and they are not the higher energy extension of the long GRBs.  相似文献   
近年来激光物理与应用的进展促成了激光天文动力学空间任务概念的提出。在激光天文动力学任务概念研究方面 ,必须对由远程航天器上传回的激光进行讯号的测量与处理。激光经过长距离的传输后 ,功率大幅下降 ,因此在空间任务概念的考虑上 ,弱光锁相是计划中关键性的技术。由航天器射来的激光 ,经过望远镜聚光后与本地激光进行锁相 ,由本地激光承载及传达太空激光的相位信息。实验中 ,我们使用 2支半导体激光泵浦非平面环形共振腔钇镏石激光 (Diodelaserpumpednon -planarringcavityNd :YAGlaser) ,分别代表远程的弱光及代表本地的强光 ,建立弱光锁相环路系统 (weak -lightphase -lockedloopsystem)。以中性光强度滤光器 (ND -filter;neutraldensityfilter)减弱光讯号来仿真远程激光传来的弱光。在相位探测部分使用均衡探测法 ,消除激光强度噪声 ,以提高讯噪比。同时配合适当的环路滤波器 ,控制激光频率 ,提高锁相的能力。对 2nW的弱光与 2mW的强光可长时间锁相 ,其均方根相位误差为 57mrad。 2 0 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 2 0 0mrad。 2 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间亦可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 1 60mrad。最后 ,我们对 2pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相 ,  相似文献   
SN1993J was first discovered by a Spanish amateur astronomer F. Garcia in NGC3031 (M81) on March 28, 1993. It's the closest supernova in the northern hemisphere since 1937. Because of its many special properties, it drove attentions of astronomers when it was discovered.  相似文献   
利用高光谱数据进行植被生化成分反演方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高光谱数据包含着丰富光谱信息,能够定量地分析物质成分[1]。由高光谱数据,可以运用多元逐步线性回归方法反演植被生化组分含量,从而达到监测植被生长状况的目的[2]。本文具体介绍了多元逐步线性回归方法,及其在氮、木质素和纤维素含量估算中的应用。  相似文献   
将一年中可以进行光谱观测的时间相对最多,同时太阳成像质量相对较好的月份作为光谱观测最佳时间。为此我们统计了光谱仪1976年到1987年的观测资料,初步分析得出云台凤凰山太阳光谱最佳观测时间的年分布情况,相对好一些的是9月份,其次是3~4月份。  相似文献   
The variation in the orbital period of the W UMa type contact binary V502 Oph is analyzed. The orbital period exhibits a wavelike variation with a periodicity of 23.0 years and an amplitude of △P = 1.24×10~(-6) days superimposed on secular decrease of dP/dt = 1.68×10-7 day per year. The long-term decrease may be accompanied by the contraction of the secondary at a rate of 83 m per year and a mass transfer rate from the primary to the secondary of 4.28×10~8 M per year. The short-term oscillation may be explained by the presence of a third component. Orbital elements of the third body and its possible mass are presented.  相似文献   
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