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对描述地理数据元数据所采用的3项主要标准进行了比较,包括元数据基本元素的比较和作者个人观点的比较,并探讨了各标准存在的不足与问题。  相似文献   
日前,中石油西南油气田天然气研究院主导编写的《天然气一甲烷值计算》国际技术报告,由国际标准化组织在瑞士日内瓦正式发布。这是我国在天然气标准化领域主导编写的首份国际技术报告。  相似文献   
随着地理信息技术及地理信息系统的发展与广泛应用,地理信息标准化工作也变得越来越重要。介绍国际及区域地理信息标准化组织开展的主要标准项目及其标准化工作现状,并结合我国的地理信息标准化现状提出一些建议。  相似文献   
High-resolution satellite-derived data and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data are used to investigate intraseasonal oscillations (ISO) over the tropical Indian Ocean.A composite evolution of the ISO life cycle is constructed,including the initiation,development,and propagation of rainfall anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean.The characteristics of ISO over the tropical Indian Ocean are profoundly different before and after the onset of the Indian summer monsoon.Positive precipitation anomalies before monsoon onset appear one phase earlier than those after monsoon onset.Before monsoon onset,precipitation anomalies associated with ISO first initiate in the western tropical Indian Ocean and then propagate eastward along the equator.After monsoon onset,convective anomalies propagate northward over the Indian summer monsoon region after an initial eastward propagation over the equatorial Indian Ocean.Surface wind convergence and air-sea interaction play critical roles in initiating each new cycle of ISO convection.  相似文献   
GB/T19000—ISO9000系列标准等同采用了国际通行的质量管理标准。贯彻该标准不仅能提高地勘单位质量管理水平、产品质量,也为地勘单位开展质量体系认证、产品质量认证提供技术依据,增强地勘单位参与国内、外市场竞争的能力。目前在贯标工作中制约因素主要有:地质成果形成特点及地质成果质量管理的特殊性、地质工作投入的减少及现有地质技术人员素质等。然而,贯标是我国经济体制改革深入的要求,是地勘队伍走出低谷、求生存和发展的基本手段。贯标和建立新的经济运行机制之间存在有相互依存、相互促进的关系。  相似文献   
2009年5月5日至12日,第25次联合国地名专家组会议在肯尼亚首都内罗毕召开,来自世界各国的145名代表出席会议。国际标准化组织(ISO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)、国际水道测量组织(IHO)等25个相关组织的观察员列席会议。  相似文献   
关于《数字地图产品模式》标准的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏山舞 《测绘科学》2006,31(1):80-81,89
基于《数字地图产品模式》(以下简称《标准》)研究成果,本文确定了《标准》的目的、编制理由和《标准》的用户;指出了《标准》在相关“参考模型”和“标准体系”中的位置;提出了《标准》的范围;分析了国内外同类标准及相关资料并介绍了其在《标准》中的应用概况;以列出修订前后标准目次和ISO19131草案目录结构对照表的方式,剖析了《标准》研究成果的结构框架;最终得出了《数字地图产品模式》标准的编制已经有了良好的开端和阶段性成果,应当抓紧时间完善成果,使研究成果尽快转化为国家标准的结论。  相似文献   
世界气象组织是国际标准化组织(ISO)指定的国际性标准化组织。天气和气候没有国界,全球范围的国际合作,以及各国气象和水文资料标准化,对于气象和水文科学的发展及应用是至关重要的。  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis I daily data from 1958 to 2002, climatic characteristics of the 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of the zonal wind (u), meridional wind (v), and geopotential height (h) over global areas and especially the ISO of v over the subtropical northern Pacific are analyzed using the space-time spectrum analysis and wavelet transform methods. The results show that the ISO of v is very different from those of u and h, with the former representing the meridional low-frequency disturbances, which are the most active in the subtropics and mid-high latitudes, but very weak in the tropics. In the subtropical Northern Hemisphere, the energies of the ISOs of u and h are both concentrated on the waves with wave number of 1 and periods of 30-60 days, while the main energy of the ISO of v is concentrated on the waves with wave numbers of 4-6 and periods of 30-60 and 70-90 days. The westward propagating energies for the 30-60-day oscillations of u, v, and h are all stronger than the eastward propagating energies in the subtropics. In addition, the ISO of v is the strongest (weakest) in summer (winter) over the subtropics of East Asia and northwestern Pacific, while the situation is reversed over the subtropical northeastern Pacific, revealing a "seesaw" of the ISO intensity with seasons over the subtropics from the northwestern to northeastern Pacific. In the subtropical northwestern Pacific, the interannual and interdecadal changes of the ISO for v at 850 hPa indicate that its activities are significantly strong during 1958 1975, while obviously weak during 1976-1990, and are the strongest during 1991-2000, and its spectral energy is obviously abnormal but ruleless during the ENSO periods. However, in the 2 7-yr bandpass filtering series, the interannual changes of the v ISO over the subtropical northwestern Pacific contain distinct ENSO signals. And in the 9-yr low-pass filtering series, the v ISO changes over the subtropical northwestern Pacific are significantly out of phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o -3.4 SST, whereas the v ISO changes in the subtropical northeastern Pacific are significantly in phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o-3.4 SST.  相似文献   
GIS标准化综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
标准是为在一定的范围内获得最佳秩序,对活动或其结果规定共同和重复使用的规则、准则或特性的文件,该文件经协商一致制定并经一个公认机构批准。标准应以科学技术和经验的综合成果为基础,以促进最佳社会效果为目的。(引自GB/T1.1-2000)  相似文献   
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