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BV light curves of the eclipsing binary UV Leo obtained at the Kryonerion Astronomical Station of the National Observatory of Athens, Greece, are analyzed. The analysis is based on a Roche configuration with two spots on the secondary surface. The elements of the two components of the system are calculated and the spot characteristics are given.  相似文献   
Mid-ultraviolet and optical photometric analysis of helium stars are presented. A linear relation exists between the effective temperature derived from model atmospheres and (1965-V)0 index. The effective temperatures derived from (1965-V)0 index are somewhat higher than that of MK spectral type estimates especially for late B-type helium objects.  相似文献   
Magnitudes of comets P/Giacobini-Zinner (1984e), P/Halley (1982i), P/Hartley-Good (1985 1), and Thiele (1985 m) in the bandpasses of the standard IHW comet filters are presented. For comet P/Halley production rates for CN, C3, C2, and solids were derived. For the gaseous components these show a strong dependence on heliocentric distance. The dependence is less steep for the solids which may be due to relatively pronounced backscattering properties in case of comet P/Halley. During one night (1985 Dec. 22/23) intensity profiles along three sections through the coma of comet P/Halley were measured. Compared with theoretical profiles they show a global anisotropy of the coma and possibly local structure.  相似文献   
Photometric properties of deep Tautenburg Schmidt plates in the UBV system over the whole field and over a wide range of stellar magnitudes are discussed. Different reduction models based on the calibration curve alone and with additional terms containing colour and plate coordinates are considered. With the filter-emulsion combinations used the Johnson UBV system can be reproduced quite well by the Tautenburg telescope. The accuracy of photometric data can be improved if geometrical terms are taken into account. For deep plates with a significant effect of background nebulosity a supplementary term is to be included in the reduction model. The polynomial coefficients vary in dependence on spectral bands and individual properties of each plate.  相似文献   
Der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung schnell rotierender Sterne wird einer Neudiskussion unterzogen. Dafür werden filterphotometrische Helligkeiten vom Satelliten ANS herangezogen. Von schwach verfärbten B Sternen (E(B - V) 0.1 mag) wurden die Helligkeiten vom Einfluß der interstellaren Extinktion befreit. Die Verleilung der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm weist eine Streuung auf, die den Betrag der photometrischen Fehler übersteigt. Die Lage der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm befindet sich in qualitativer Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden theoretischen Resultaten. Bei der Diskussion von individuell abweichenden Verläufen der interstellaren Extinktion vom durchschnittlichen Extinktionsgesetz sollte der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung als eine mögliche Quelle für die Abweichungen in Betracht gezogen und geprüft werden.  相似文献   
CCD photometry of possible standard stars, in Cousins B, V, R and I, in a field in the region of NGC 188 is presented.  相似文献   
996 年9 月至11 月间,对HaleBopp 彗星进行了照相和光电观测.给出观测结果,包括几次爆发和可能的爆发活动  相似文献   
The scientific performance evaluation of a photon countingimaging system is presented. The detector is constituted by an ICCD camera with RbTe photocathode(optimized for UV radiation), and dedicated electronics for the acquisition and analysis ofthe events. For each photon event on the CCD, a real-time centroid calculation is performed, inorder to reach spatial resolution down to 25 m FWHM. The system has been tested usingthe 182 cm telescope of the Asiago Observatory.A standard stars field through U Johnson filter,and the Crab pulsar (PSR 0531+21) were observed. From the photometric data, relative magnitudes of the standard stars have been derived, showing a goodlinearity of the detector in the range of flux under consideration, as expected fromprevious laboratory measurements.The pulsar's data have been processed by FFT and epoch foldingtechniques to testthe detector's timing performances in the highest resolutionmode (4.512 ms).These observations show that a space resolved time analysis ofperiodic sources can be performed with 10-7 s accuracy.  相似文献   
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